Chapter 46: The initial contact

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I am so excited today, it's a Friday plus, I get to leave work early. I have already asked for a half a day off at work so I can take mum and Aiden to Sea World. Junior was furious that he doesn't get to go but he has school and we promised him we would do it all again and even more things during the school holidays.

Mel has been bragging about all the places around here and has been encouraging me to have a look. I've saved some money and I'm finally ready to do something with my little boy. I know he will love the animals.

"See you Mel, I will let you know how it all goes today." I wave goodbye to my manager Mel, feeling giddy about this afternoon,

"Make sure you take some pictures. I know you will love your time there. See you on Monday Maya." Mel shouts at my retreating back.

"Will do." I respond from the corridor.

I make my way to the resort reception where I know mum and Aiden are waiting. I just hope he has been a good boy and hasn't torn the place to shreds.


As soon as Ari and her mum arrive at the reception, Ari's mum makes a beeline for a woman and baby near the windows. The little boy looks like he doesn't want to be kept sitting. He keeps fidgeting and moving from one chair to another. He is holding a toy and some brochures in another hand. The woman with the boy seems uncomfortable sitting there and trying to detain the little squirmy child.

"Hi there, what's your name?" Ari's mum asks crouching to the boy's level.

"Thomash...." The little boy smiles looking at Ari's mum.

"Your name is Thomas... what a lovely name." Ari's mum responds.

"Thomash..." the little boy says showing Ari's mum his toy.

"Oh you mean this is Thomas. I see, hello Thomas the tank engine." She says looking at the blue train toy.

Ari's mum turns around and holds out her hand to the other woman and introduces herself.

"Hi I'm Bianca." Ari's mum says.

"I'm Janet and this little man here is Aiden." Janet says shaking Bianca's hand.

"Very nice to meet you two. Oh and over there is my daughter Ari, she'll be coming over here soon." Bianca says pointing at Ari who is engaged in a conversation with the desk clerk.

"Aiden, behave please." Janet says trying to pull Aiden back from attacking the brochures again.

"How old is your little boy?" Bianca asks looking at the little boy.

"Oh he is just over a year and half. He is actually my grandson." Janet says as Ari starts walking towards them.

"He reminds me so much of my second son when he was this age. Gosh, even his lopsided smile reminds me of him." Bianca says putting her hand to her chest.

"Mom, you say that about almost every child you see. Stop scaring the lovely lady and let's go. I am Ari by the way." Ari joins them and offers a handshake to Janet.

"Of course, Ari, this is Janet and this adorable little boy is Aiden, her grandson." Bianca says taking over the introductions.

"Share... share Thomash?" Aiden says offering the tank engine to Bianca.

"I think he wants you to have the toy Mom." Ari tells her mum who quickly receives the toy from Aiden.

"Oh he is adorable Janet." Bianca says squatting back to talk to Aiden.

She starts making choo choo train noises and soon enough Aiden joins and giggles every time Bianca pretends to be a train. Bianca beams every time Aiden laughs.

"Here you go, you can have Thomas back." Bianca offers the toy back to Aiden after a few minutes of play.

"Kank wu." Aiden smiles taking his toy back.

"Well-mannered too. A boy after my own heart. Anyway we better be going before lunch hour is finished." Says Bianca looking at her watch

At the same time Janet notices Maya coming into the front office and tries to get her attention.

"Maya, Maya, over here."

Both Bianca and Ari turn around to see who Janet is calling for.

"Glad you're here early, I was worried you'd get lost." Turning, she offers an introduction to the two strangers. "Hi, I'm Maya."

"I'm Bianca and this is my daughter Ari." Bianca re-introduces herself.

"Up up mummy, cuggles, up up." Aiden lifts his little hands up waiting to be picked up by Maya.

"This here is my little boy. I guess you've already met anyway." Maya bends and picks Aiden up and cuddles him.

"Maya, that's a very unusual name. Where are you from?" Ari enquires.

"Oh I never thought of it that way. I'm from Africa and we arrived here not long ago from Kenya. Back home, my name is very common." Maya offers an explanation and a smile to Ari.

"So which division do you work in?" Questions Ari...quizically..

"Oh I don't work here, I am here as a part of the traineeship program from West Coast Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre." Maya responds

"Well, I hope to see you at some point before you finish. It was nice meeting you Janet and little man." Ari shakes Aiden's hand and he beams at her.

Bianca says her goodbyes as well and keeps looking at Aiden and smiling.

"Bye Aiden, bye Thomas." She finally says waving and leaving Maya and her mum alone.

"Lovely people around here, Ok let's go." Janet says.

"Ayishe cweam? Aiden requests

"No ice cream today buddy." Maya admonishes.

The conversations carried on as they made their way to the Sea World.

Ari, turns to see them leave, shakes her head and mumbles "couldn't be" before rushing to catch up with her mum

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