Chapter 33: The return of an unwanted character

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Please be warned that this chapter has some violent parts..

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Nora and I spend our days as normal as we can but underneath it all, we know that these could be the last weeks that we will be together. We try not to show any weakness when we are together but when I go home, I am scared that I will be left without a close friend again. It'll be like being in the village again. I know Nora is also worried about going to a foreign country where she doesn't speak any of the languages besides English. She is also going to be meeting Lungi's family for the first time as Lungi's wife. She worries that the family may not like her, which would make her life there even more miserable. Lungi and I try to comfort her by telling her the family will like her. Lungi is confident, me, not so. I know people can be horrible. What I'm confident of, is that my best friend will make it, no matter what.

We are so engrossed in Nora's move and all the great things that are about to change for the better in her life that we are suddenly blindsided by the events that took place at the end of today.

I went to work as usual. It's a Friday and per usual, Nora comes to visit. She relieves my mum of the baby on Friday's by bringing the baby with her for his lunch time feed and our catch up. She has been really good for mum as she can get to do some of the house work and other chores without having to carry the baby on her back most of the time. Nora seems to love the time she spends with the baby anyway.

At the end of the day, I get home to my waiting little man. I feed him, bathe him and then take him to bed. Once I finish helping mum clear everything for the night, I go to Nora's place in search of her. These days we try and spend as much time as we can together before she leaves. I go to her place some nights and others, she comes over.

We know it's dangerous to walk around in the camp at night especially for females. A number of women have been raped or killed when they were found walking on their own. At times women are ambushed in their own homes. The camp may look safe in the afternoon, but at night, the bad people, the hyenas come out to play. Even though we are aware of the dangers that lie outside we are determined to spend time together. We also live next to each other so we feel that we have a chance. What we never do is go any further than our tents at night, no matter what.

Which is why today I'm most surprised when I go to Nora's house and she wasn't there. Her little sister, who's undergoing teenage mood swings, tells me begrudgingly that Nora has gone out. After a lot of prodding from me and her mum, who consequently thought Nora had come to my place, Nora's sister finally tells us what happened.

"Well, she left about 15 minutes ago to go and meet Lungi." She says looking at her nails.

"Doesn't Lungi normally come here to meet her? Why would Lungi want to see her at night? He knows it's dangerous." I ask feeling some uneasiness in my gut.

"Where did she say she was meeting Lungi?" Nora's mum questioned her daughter.

"Arrggh fine, I'll tell you. The little boy came here and was looking for Nora. I asked him what he wanted her for, and he said that her boyfriend was waiting for her at the markets, near the bicycle repair shop. I just told Nora what the boy said. I'm not my sister's keeper you know. She's an adult and she can go wherever she wants. Anyway it's not even that dark out yet. Nora's allowed out at night but I'm not even allowed to stand by the door as soon as the sun goes down. It's just not fair." She grumbles the last sentences.

Something doesn't sound right and I know Nora would not be out at this hour even if she is meeting Lungi. Maybe their visas are finally approved, but why ask her to meet her all the way there and not just come here to tell her. This doesn't make sense.

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