Chapter 36: Picking up the pieces

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Once Nora left life just stalled at the camp. I am just going through the motions. I check on her family at least once a day but I don't stay for long. They miss Nora as much as I do.

Once a week Nora and I have a phone conversation. It's never enough but it does appease us both, until we meet. She is loving her new city. They are located in Pretoria where Lungi works. She is looking to start studying at a nearby college and she seems to be organising her life. She says learning another language is very hard and most of the time people assume she can speak Zulu.

I am glad for the most part that Lungi's family has taken Nora in as their own. She talks of her relationship with Lungi's parents as if they were her own. Lungi's sister has been helping Nora acculturate in all things South African.

I have only received one letter from Nora and I have responded to it already. She has been praising the work Edmond is still doing in trying to get her family over to South Africa. She keeps hinting that maybe I should apply to go to South Africa as well but If I can't have my family it gets difficult, plus It's not just me anymore, I have Aiden.

It took just over two months since Nora left for her family's visas to be approved. I am excited for them but I am further saddened that they are living as well. To be honest, I am jealous that they are living and I am stuck in this place and I can't seem to find a way out. This month also marks our one year anniversary in the camp.

I once had a thought, not a good one, but it could have worked. What if I started dating a foreigner as well? I mean, I meet all these foreigners and I get to travel and interpret for them. I could date one, get married like Nora did and leave this run down place for ever. The only reason I decided not to pursue that thought is because if I left this place, I wouldn't want my family to remain, not even for one day. Also I would want to marry someone for love, not a visa. That put that thought to rest.

Nora's family leave the day before my brother's eighth birthday. I decided not to take them to the airport as I am working. I did however see them before I left for work to say goodbye. They have been very generous to us. They most of their goods that they could not take with them. We now have extra blankets, pots, plates and other stuff. They left their tent empty and I am left wondering who our next neighbour will be.

My brother's birthday this year is low key. No overdoing it like we did last year. Just a little cake and a few drinks. He however had a surprise call from my uncle and that made his day.

Aiden is six months old and he is definitely growing. He is getting chubby and very vocal. He loves attention from anyone who will give him. Nowadays when we put him on the ground, he rolls around. He is already trying to crawl. Changing his nappy has now become a hard chore as he rolls around and wriggles. He is a joy to be around though.

A few weeks later, Edmond requests a meeting with me. I always get worried when he formally requests things from me. We are friends so most of the time he will just come by my desk and tell me what he needs done. So this request worries me. I hope he is not about to give me bad news.

"Maya, thanks for making the time to meet with me." he says formally

"Ah, sure, no problem... sir." I don't know whether to be formal or not.

"You don't have to call me sir, I just need this meeting to be official. We will wait for Nancy to come in before I tell you why I called the meeting." He looks at the door checking for Nancy.

Nancy is one of the UNHCR workers. She is probably the same age as my mother and her role seems to be between accounts, being Edmond's personal Assistant and some human resources duties. She works with Edmond a lot. Once I hear Nancy is coming I worry even more as I have no idea what I have done. I know that since I came back from having a baby, I haven't been rostered to travel as much. I have been doing some office work mostly and one or twice a week I'd go and get our visitors from the airport. Everyone seemed ok with it but now I am wondering if it was a setup.

Nancy comes in with a glass of water and a notebook. Oh gosh, this sh*t just got real.

"What's going on?" I ask nervously.

"We will start now, ok?" Edmond looks at me and nods.

"Ok." I say nodding as well.

Edmond tells us that since he is the United Nations Resident Coordinator, he will be away for the next three months to do some United Nations work, attend the Geneva conferences and visit other refugee camps around Kenya and bordering countries. He therefore needed to just shift some roles around.

Nancy and I will share parts of Edmond's job while he is away.

"Maya, I will need you to oversee and coordinate all our visitors. I also need you to learn and help Nancy with her work, in accounts and organising paperwork for NGO's that may arrive when I am not here. Again, check with Nancy." He says looking at Nancy who just nods.

"Your duties with interpreting will be given to someone else on a part time basis. If you are desperately needed then you will be asked to help otherwise, all this work should keep you occupied. Your salary will now be 10, 600 Kenyan Schillings (approx. USD$105). Do you have any questions?" He looks at me and at Nancy

"What?.. Really... Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Wow I can't believe it." I am gobsmacked. I think my pay almost doubled. This is really good.

"Good, Nancy will make this official and will give you a form to sign. Congratulations Maya, you work very hard and we are glad to offer you this opportunity." He says stretching his arm to me. I smile and shake his hand.

"Now Nancy, you will be doing the bulk of my work. You know most of the projects that I have on...." Edmond goes on and I switch off.

I am too excited and relieved that I now have extra money. I can feed an extra mouth. Aiden has taken to solids like fish to water. He loves his food and the little rolls on his body are a testament of how much food he eats.

Nancy doesn't waste time with me. As soon as we return to our respective desks, she asks me to go over to her desk and tells me to bring a pen and notebook. By the end of the day she has taught me so much. Some of the things are easier to understand, most just went over my head. Just way too many processes and steps I need to remember. When I leave work, I have a raging headache and my hope is that tomorrow will be a better day.

I've also decided I should make an effort to make friends at work. We don't necessarily need to be best friend but just people to talk to and have lunch with.

When Nancy was completing my employment form, she noticed that my birthday is coming up very soon and wanted to know what I am doing for my birthday. I hadn't thought about it at all so I just shrugged and said "nothing really. It's not that important."

Nancy seemed to take offence to that and she gave me a good five minute lecture.

"Life is too short not to enjoy the little milestones. You will only be twenty once. Enjoy it while you can. Leave it to me. I will see what I can do."

That is how I come to be sitting in our office with five other workmates, sharing a chocolate forest cake and orange juice. I don't know how or where she got the money from but I am actually happy she did. I get a chance to talk to my workmates. Some I've only passed by and said hello and that was the end of the conversation but today I'm learning about their families and likes.


A/N... and here it is Ladies and Gentleman.... (Drum roll please).....

Knox's point of view – next

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