Chapter 40: Finally my situation changes for the better

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This is a long and wordy but it gives insight into the next chapter..... we're finally there...

In the past week there has been a trickle of people coming from my home country. Looking at them, I wonder if we also looked as worried, tired and like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders. There were young and old people, they looked like they hadn't slept for days. I felt for them.

This week, Edmond has requested that I help the interpreters and the people in the arrival and administration office as they are swamped with people who are all running out of Sousu.

I have been helping with interpreting and registering. It has been horrible hearing the horror stories of what my country has turned into. I am glad that my mother had the foresight to make us leave at the time we did.

According to the newest comers, the situation in the country has turned deadly and people are just killing each other. There is no law and order anymore. The Ngukus have claimed everything including industries in the city. If a Tinga has property, it now automatically belongs to the nearest Nguku. Friends have turned against each other. Some Ngukus have been caught in the crossfire as they tried to reason with their fellow tribes people. Anyone who interferes is deemed a traitor and is killed.

In the beginning, some of the Tingas were fighting back but the Ngukus just brought more numbers and killed whoever they could find. They claimed they wanted to wipe out the whole tribe. They named the process, "the cleansing". Tens of thousands of people are dead and a lot are unaccounted for. Families have been separated, other families have lost both parents. It's heartbreaking when you see children arriving on their own without a parent, just siblings and the little ones have no clue what has happened or why they have left their home.

They look so hungry, tired and traumatised. Most have been walking for days and did not have enough food or clothing to last them the journey. Some have told us that they could not use the roads for fear of being found, but also because the roads are littered with dead bodies. Many homes have been burnt down and these refugees have only escaped with what they are wearing.

As soon as the new refugees are registered they are led to get something to eat whilst their tents are getting set up. We changed the routine a little as we are aware that these people are tired and hungry.

I am not sure how to act towards some of the people who have come in as refugees who are Nguku. They are responsible for killing my people so why are they leaving the wealth that they have now accumulated. They have claimed that they are also in danger as some have been called sellouts and traitors because they did not support the craziness happening in the country. I do feel sorry for the families that are mixed tribes as they have also fled the country.

Edmond calls for a meeting almost every couple of days now to see where we are at and where more resources can be moved. So far it seems like it's all hands on deck trying to get the massive influx of the refugees settled. We are running out of almost all the resources, except tents. We don't have much at the moment and we are struggling to cope with number of people in need.

Edmond is travelling everywhere trying to get help and most of the time he just comes back more frustrated. The camp has become even more overcrowded and facilities are struggling with the sheer numbers of people trying to access them. Schools, hospitals and poor sanitation are on the agenda every day. Another issue has also surfaced in the past couple of days and that is religious fighting.

In Sousu, the northern part of the country consisted mainly of one religion and the southern part, was another religion. These two religions never mixed, however in a camp like this one, we can't separate people on such miniscule issues. Well they were miniscule until these fights started.

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