My protector

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My week just went to hell..... because somebody I really didn't want to see returned, yes Jason returned and my house was his first port of call. Good for me I wasn't there. According to mum, he was a gentleman, being respectful and giving her hope about dad and telling her never to give up.


In the meantime I was having my second shortest conversation with Knox, I don't know why I went looking for him, but I just needed to talk to someone. To get a different perspective about my family. He was very good and listened for the few minutes we talked. They had a tactical meeting they had to attend so he couldn't talk for long.

When I complained about my family and missing my dad, he advised me not to dwell on it and said I need to have a hobby that'll take my mind off things. Well I do enjoy reading books, novels. I don't have a lot to choose from so I just read any genre. I really like romance though. I tell him all this and he says, ''That's a good hobby to have. Find books and read.''

''Oh I have read all the books I have and have re-read the ones I enjoyed'' I say embarrassed.

Anyway to change subject I told him about Mr Phiri's indecent proposal. He didn't say anything but just froze his face unreadable, he was trying hard to show no emotion at all. I did see a flicker of anger though before he cleared his face of any expression or emotion.

''Are you ok? What's wrong? Talk to me please'' I plead.

He seems to get out of his daze, looks at me and in a very scary and voice he says '' Maya please stay away from him. He is a dangerous man, I've seen men like him before they don't just give up and they don't take rejection and humiliation well.''

'' Ok'' I mumble.

''Promise me Maya, promise you'll avoid him at all cost,'' He's definitely getting worked up about this and he is holding my shoulders a bit too roughly that it's beginning to hurt.

'' Knox, you're hurting me. I promise I'll stay away.'' He didn't need to tell me twice.

''Sorry,'' he mumbles letting go of my shoulders.

''I'm just trying to protect you and you need to take me seriously. My sister had something similar happen to her and it messed her life up badly.'' He looks away quickly hiding his pain.

''I'm sorry, I'll be careful I promise. Is your sister ok?'' I asked really wanting him to tell me about his family.

''She's ok but it was a long arduous battle and it destroyed her inside. But that's a story for another day. I better go get ready for a meeting. Remember look out for yourself and no wandering out on your own''.

Wow he's really taking this protector thing to heart, it suits him.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Where stories live. Discover now