I finally get my wish: Part 1 (to be edited)

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To be edited

Mum is having a hard time letting me out of her sight. I think she's afraid I may have another run in with Jason. Truth be told, I'm afraid I'll have another run in with Jason and this time the results would be much different and not in my favour either.

Buying groceries for us is becoming a challenge. I'm no longer allowed to go to the shops so I'm missing out on stalking Knox. He does come to visit every once in a while, not as much as he did soon after the attack. He is still angry about the whole Jason thing but promised not to anything until I say so.

Mum only goes to Mr Phiri's shop when she's desperate otherwise she's taken to going to the shops in the next village. She says it's hard for her to see that family and not say anything and she doesn't feel like making them any richer than they are. To get to the next village, it takes mum at least an hour and a half each way. She can take a bus when she has some money but lately we haven't had any and paying for transportation seems a waste.

As soon as mum leaves the house, I decide to venture outside with my e-reader, not very far just by the garden. I'm getting house crazy and I just need fresh air without anyone hovering. I'm not going too far, even I know the dangers lurking there, namely Jason. I know Knox has encouraged me to report him so that he is no longer a threat to me but I know what will happen. No-one will believe me and those who do, will not do so openly for fear of being marginalised. If I tell my story, most of the village will just believe that I was asking for it. The Phiri's will bribe the police and everything will be turned against me. No, I won't put myself and my family through that. I wouldn't want to fuel the rumour mill that's already in overdrive about me and Knox. I'm considered his slut and I don't think anyone will believe I haven't done anything with him... yet.

I start reading a romance book and before long I'm caught up in the story and the story is so steamy that I'm beginning to feel warm. I wonder if I'll ever get to feel that way with a man, to be fully consumed by him and actually enjoy being intimate with someone. I must have fallen asleep because the next minute I'm the one getting all hot and bothered by the handsome man I haven't seen before. After a while, the handsome man transforms into Knox and he is kissing me like I've never been kissed before. He is very good with his tongue, from my mouth to my neck, shoulder and ohhh it's good. He puts his hand on my shoulder and moves my dress strap slowly until my shoulder is exposed. He continues kissing me on my shoulder and start shaking me. That doesn't feel sexy at all.

''Wake up Maya, are you ok!? If you don't open your eyes now I will pour a bucket of water on you.''

I hear myself thinking ''Is he here? I swear he sounds so near. This dream is becoming too real.'' I think with a smile.

I crack open my eyes and see a blurry Knox strutting my way holding jug of water in his hands.

Oh my, I think I just dreamt Knox into being, he is actually here at my place.

Just before I open my mouth to tell Knox how excited I am to see him. He pours a whole jug of water on my head. I jump off my seat and hit the ground with my bottom making contact first. I splutter looking around confused as to why he just drenched me with water.

''What!?'' I scream at him.

''Oh good you're awake now. I was afraid something was wrong.'' He grins at me.

''What kind of waking me up is that? Are you trying to drown me? Look at me I'm soaked, couldn't you just wake me up like a normal person. I wasn't actually sleeping I was aware of my surroundings and I was just resting my eyes a little. You could have called my name and I'd have heard you. I'm a light sleeper you know.'' I grumble to a still grinning Knox.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Where stories live. Discover now