Chapter 30: The miscarriage scare Part 2

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Nora's P.O.V

From the moment Maya screams my name from the toilet, I haven't had a chance to take a breather. I am really scared for her and the baby. She was very distraught when I left her at the hospital. I didn't want to leave her alone but I have to get back and let her mother and my family know what is happening.

On the way back there's very little conversation in the car. I am surprised when Edmond breaks the silence, I didn't think he wanted to talk at all.

"So Nora, you and Maya seem to be very close. How do you know each other? Did you meet at the camp?" He asks checking his phone and typing rather quickly.

"We've known each other most of our lives. We are from the same village and we've gone to school together. I respond, not sure how much I can tell him about my past relationship with Maya.

"We haven't been friends until we got here. Our friendship was mainly fostered by our circumstances and our age. We're pretty close now. I'd do anything for her." I say rambling on. Once I look at Edmond and he is looking at me with understanding in his eyes.

"Well I'm glad you're such good friends. This place is not good for loners. Are you here with your family? If you don't mind me asking." He puts his phone away and puts all his attention on me.

"That's ok, I don't mind. I'm here with my family. Mum, grandma and my sister. We lost my dad a long time ago so it's just been us. Maya has been really good to me and I am glad that we buried our differences and moved to a much better emotional place." Edmond just nods. I suddenly realised that I've been talking about myself and yet I don't know a lot about him.

"How about you? I don't know much about you beside that you are Maya's boss who seems to wield a lot of power. Tell me about yourself. Are you a refugee as well?" I ask, even though I know the answer to the last part.

"Well, let's see, you already know my name and where I work. I am not a refugee, I am a just a local nobody who's just passionate about refugee matters." He says with a mischievous grin. I hear a scoff badly disguised as a cough from the driver. When I look at the driver, he keeps his eyes on the road as if he's concentrating but with a smile on his face. I guess he knows more than I'm being told.

"Yeah right, nobody, I saw the way people were falling over themselves trying to please you. Whoever you are, I am so glad that you were around to help my friend get into the best place and giving her and the baby a fighting chance." I thank him returning his grin.

"Do you need transport back to the hospital later on? I'll organise papers for you and Nora's mum to leave. Is anyone else going with you?" I notice that we are already pulling into the camp. Wow time really does fly. Edmond is patiently waiting for my answer.

"I'm not sure if we will need transportation. Can I let you know once I talk to Maya's mum? At the moment it's just Maya and me and maybe my boyfriend." I say looking at the watch and realising I need to rush home.

"Does your boyfriend need a pass to leave as well?" He asks, opening the car door.

"No, no, ahh he's not a refugee." I am suddenly stuttering and shy. What? Why am I shy? I'm allowed to have a non-refugee boyfriend.

"Oh, where is he from?" I've definitely shocked him as he stops in the middle of opening the door to look at me.

"He is here as part of an NGO company from South Africa. He is an engineer." I suddenly have a boost of pride as I say those words.

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