Chapter 62: In the news...

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I wake up with a jolt to a screeching phone. Knox wakes up much more gracefully than me. He gets out of bed and goes to get his phone from his pants pocket.

He sees the number and furrows his brow. I sincerely hope it's not Maxine.

He looks at me and motions that he is going to take the call in the bathroom. I let him go but I'm seething with jealous inside.

He is there for a few minutes and he is definitely having a go at whoever is on the other side. Good, I hope it's Maxine.

When he walks out, he doesn't look as relaxed as he did earlier.

"What's wrong," I ask getting anxious.

"Well I am not sure yet but my PR manager has just told me there is stuff about us in the news today. You don't need to worry about it, they will fix it." He says walking back to bed.

"Well I want to see what it is so I can make an informed decision." I say reaching for the TV remote and switching it on.

Sure enough on the entertainment program they are showing a video of us from yesterday. I have my hands to my eyes because I was being blinded by the flashes and Knox is holding me and Aiden possessively. He looks annoyed. I can't see anyone else properly. At least they have edited my Mum and brother out.

I increase the volume so I can hear what they are saying.

"...source close to the family has confirmed that bad boy Colton was recently surprised with a baby. It is not yet confirmed if it is his baby but the source told us that everyone doubts it's his, even his family. 'People with money go through this all the time.' There's always someone who thinks they can snag a billionaire if they claim he fathered their child."

Pictures of Knox I guess from a while ago flash on the screen. He is drunk on most of them and he almost always has a different girl on his arm. I feel like throwing up until I hear the next bit of news.

"Colton's long term girlfriend," they flash pictures of Knox and Maxine walking into some building, "was reportedly distraught by the news and was seen leaving the lavish wedding early. A source has confirmed that they love each other and they will work through this.

So who is this mysterious woman trying to break up a relationship? Our sources ....." The T.V suddenly switches off.

I realise Knox has switched it off from the power point.

"What are you doing? I was watching that." I say trying to get past him so I can switch it back on.

"No you're not. Now listen. I can explain all that but I want your attention please."

"What is happening here? Was that you in those other pictures? Have you slept with Maxine I saw that picture so don't lie to me?"

"I will answer everything and I won't lie."

True to his word Knox goes into how he was a rebellious son and what he did. He also tells me the reason he joined the army. He explains the picture with Maxine and I somehow believe him.

"So what happens now? What does your PR manager say to do?" I ask again.

"He says we should put out a statement about Aiden and we won't say anything about my relationship. That should appease the paps for a while."

"What about me. Everyone knows about me now. They think I'm breaking your relationship up. You know what, I will just go home and disappear. They won't find me." I say grasping at straws.

"Unfortunately they will hunt you and find you. Your house is not protected and they will harass your whole family." He says truthfully.

"But I don't want my whole history to come up. I just want to be left alone." I say tearfully.

"I am sorry Maya. I was actually going to offer this in a while but I think there is no better time than this. I would like to get a place for you and a family. A place where there is better security. I will feel good knowing that at least you're safe from harm." I know where this is going and I don't like it.

I start shaking my head but Knox continues.

"Once the world knows that I have a son, there is no telling what people think or will do. There are a number of crazy people out there who can decide to get to me or my family through Aiden. This is the only way, please. Think about it. In the meantime, I know you're going to hate it, but I will assign a body guard on you and Aiden." He says pulling me into an embrace.

"I will think about it." I say closing my eyes and smelling his unique scent.

There is a lot to think about. Do I want to live this life? Unfortunately I feel that if my son is in it, I'm going to get dragged into it whether I like it or not.

I want to see my son happy. I want to see where this thing with Knox will lead. I want to be happy and he is going out of his way to see that I am happy and protected. I guess it time I let my guard down and let someone take charge for a while.

I'm only twenty-one after all and what a journey I've had.

THE END....For now 

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Thank you xxx

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