When it rains, it pours.

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Knox's POV

When I got Maya to her house, her mother was waiting for her outside. She was not happy, I am sure Maya got into more trouble once I left. Her mom did not hide the fact that she was not happy with me hanging with her daughter and mostly being intimate with her.

She's voiced her concerns about Maya and I having sex, we couldn't deny it, she wasn't asking but telling me and basically calling me irresponsible. Maybe Maya told her that when we had sex I didn't use any protection. I've never jumped into bed with anyone without my armour on, I'd say the first time was a mistake but doing it twice is asking for trouble. I just don't know what happens to my wits when she's around. I seem to lose all reasoning around her and I just want to be inside her and cannot seem to wait. I feel almost whole when I'm holding her, when she folds herself into me like I'm the only one she cares for, the only one who can safeguard her. The sex is better than any I've had, and I've had a lot. She's so snug, warm, velvety, and I feel at home.

I sincerely hope that Maya had the sense to go on the pill, we can't keep testing fate like this and I know I haven't experienced the last of her. Every time I see her I want to jump her, I plan on taking her to a nice place next week. We can sneak away when her mother goes to church.

When I reached the camp, I only had a few minutes to take a shower before I was asked to report to our platoon leader's office. Apparently today's incident with Jason did not go unnoticed by my leader, well it did but the UN Liaison Officer saw the whole thing and also hung around to hear what Jason and his supporters were planning and it didn't look good, so here I am now waiting with the Platoon leader and the Liaison Officer waiting for the Major to get off the phone with the Brigade Headquarters.

After the phone call the Major looks at me and the Liaison Officer and delivers the news that just ruined my already shity day. I knew they called me in because of what happened with Jason. I didn't do anything wrong, I was trying to protect Maya, he was abusing her in broad daylight and no one was willing to step in and stop him. I didn't punch him, I only slapped him so that shouldn't be too bad (right?).

I was in control of my emotions the whole time and I figured I'm protecting an innocent. That's my job, I'm conditioned to protect the weak. Any soldier would understand this.

"It doesn't look good Knox, You haven't done anything wrong per se but you've been involved in an altercation with a civilian. In normal circumstances this would be considered brave, defending the girl, but this is a war zone and emotions are frayed. People are looking for any excuse to fight. We can see where you're coming from wanting to protect the girl, but the fact that you are involved with her can be seen as clouding your judgement. Unfortunately it has to be this way.'' The Major says shuffling papers around his desk.

I know I can't say anything until I'm given permission to speak but I'm boiling inside. They should be on my side, the good side protecting Maya. They don't know what that Jason has done to her in the past. Will they act when he actually murders her?

The Liaison Officer interjected, "between you and me and maybe half or all the people that witnessed what you did, we were inwardly happy that someone was able to take Jason down a peg. The slap was a cherry to top it up. However in a culture like this, slapping a grown man is the worst form of disrespect and Jason and his family will not lie down and just take it. You have humiliated their son in front of a crowd and they will want to retaliate."

"It's not safe for you to be here and the team is in more danger if you're around. This could cause the volatile peace talks to crumble and all our work here will be for nothing. We have agreed that since you have not committed a crime, nothing will come to you but we need to move you out of this place today and you will head back to the United States where you'll finish off your tour at a desk. We think that will appease the family and keep our relationship with the community intact. They need to see that we take responsibility for our people's wrongdoings. So go get ready you're out of here at eighteen hundred hours. Don't leave the camp before then. Dismissed!!"

And that was it. When the day started, I didn't think it would end with me leaving this place. I would have been happy leaving after the tour but leaving without even saying goodbye to Maya is hard. I know she will be heartbroken but I hope she'll one day get over me and find a better man than me, definitely better than that shit bag Jason. I hate leaving her to the wolves like this. This village will chew her up and spit her out. I just hope she can move away to a better place, another village perhaps.

I start packing my few belongings at the same time trying to figure out how I can get a message to Maya. If I don't let her know I've left, she'll be pissed off. It will be hard for the guys to pass on the message but I think they can if they see her around.

I finish my packing at around five o'clock, I started saying my goodbyes to the guys. Most of them are puzzled as to why I'm suddenly taking off. Only a few of my select friends know the reason. I did talk to them after I returned from Maya's house. I know by tomorrow the whole camp will be buzzing with the news of my departure. Hopefully Maya gets the message I left with John before the rumours get to her.

I'm angry at how unfair this whole situation is. This just solidifies my decision to get out of the army as soon as this tour is over. I'll go home and work with my family. After seeing the devastation the war has on families, especially with Maya and her missing father, I soon realise my family is not bad and we can all work together and improve our relationships. Life is not all about money, but about the people you share it with.

As the plane takes off, my heart feels heavier with the distance and I feel angrier by the injustice of it all. I get kicked off, Jason gets away with it, again. I've always wondered how he does it. All other boys and men his age are forced into the army, on either side and yet he and his select friends seem to be missed by this horrendous process. How does he do it? I know deep down my anger is not only about Jason's lucky ways, or the army's handling of the situation but it's because of Maya. I can pretend all I want but she has definitely wormed her little ass into my heart and I do care for her, that's why leaving her at such a time when she needs me is frustrating me. Well the sex is to die for. I wonder if I'll ever get the same when I get home.

Sex with Maya is uncalculated and very spontaneous on her behalf. In her inexperience she's managed to bring me to my knees the times we've had sex. It's going to be a long thirteen and a half hours.

I slowly fall asleep and in my dreams it's all about Maya, the way she smiles, the way she looks when I've made her come and the surprise on her face when she makes me climax. She's definitely a gem in the rough.

I wake up and get angry as soon reality sets in.

I know you didn't want this to happen but there is a lot more in store for Maya. Remember this book is part fact and part fiction xxx. Keep reading to find out what happens next.

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