Chapter 35: It's not goodbye, it's see you later.

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My days are becoming gloomier and gloomier. I put on a happy face for my friend because just like her we are both scared of what the future holds. I've come to rely so much on my friendship with Nora that thinking of her leaving is causing me distress. I know she is doing the same, she feels the same. She once confided in me that she is really scared of what life would be like in South Africa. What if Lungi's family are snobby and they don't like her. Lungi and I have been encouraging her to learn the Zulu language. That is Lungi's home language. Lungi tells us that there are eleven official languages in South Africa. However most of the languages interlace. Most words are similar so you can put words together and easily get the meaning of the other languages.

Our last Sunday together we took a walk as usual. We made sure to enjoy everything as this would most likely be the last time we ever see each other. Depending on how long I will be in this camp, I don't see Nora coming back here. It's a place full of bad memories for her. We keep promising each other however that we will keep in contact. I intend to keep my promise. I let her spend as much time with Aiden as she wants him to remember his 'coolest aunt ever', that's what she calls herself.

I am not the only one who feels sad that Nora is about to leave. Her family is trying desperately to be supportive of the move and they keep telling her they will join her soon. Her mum seems to be crying all the time, her eyes are always red, either that or she's smoking pot.

Nora's sister has her moments. I know she will miss Nora but she seems more concerned with the fact that Nora is going and she will be left to do all the housework. I know she is a teenager and that she's trying to hide her feelings behind anger, but sometimes I just want to slap some sense into her.

The night before she leaves, Aiden and I spend the night at Nora's place. He was getting a lifetime of kisses and hugs and I just wanted the moment to last a bit longer. We did not sleep until the early hours of the morning. We woke up before everyone and got ready earlier than everyone so we wouldn't have to rush. We wanted enough time to say our goodbyes.

As soon as I see the Land Cruiser from my work I know this is it. It looks like Edmond has volunteered to drive us to the airport. My mum is the first to say her goodbyes to Nora. My brother bade her farewell yesterday. He is at school today. Nora's grandmother opts to stay at home. She says she is not feeling to well. They share a teary farewell before the rest of us got into the Land Cruiser. Nora's mum and sister have decided to come to the airport with us. Her sister probably just wants an opportunity to get out of the camp. All in all there's seven people in the Land Cruiser including Aiden. Nora and Lungi do not have a lot of luggage just one luggage bag and one carryon bag each.

Nora holds onto Aiden the whole time and seems amused by the giggles she keeps getting.

"I'm so gonna miss you my little guy. Make sure you don't forget me ok. Aunty Nora, say Aunty Nora." She is determined to have the first name that Aiden says. It's funny.

When we get to the airport, I am already bawling my eyes out before I even exit the car.

"This is going to be a long goodbye isn't it?" Edmond says walking towards the airport entrance.

"You bet." Nora responds pulling me to her so we can walk in together.

"I hate goodbyes. I really will miss you. Please don't forget about us." I say in the middle of sobs and snorts.

"I hate goodbyes too, but this is not goodbye, it's see you later. I won't let you disappear and I won't forget you or this little man. Remember my family is still here so I will be in contact. I will try and get you over to South Africa as well. It would be good if we can be together again." Nora says moving so she can hug her sister as well who is now crying. She's given up the false bravado she had on earlier.

Finally Nora takes Aiden whispers to him.

"Aiden buddy, you take care of your mummy for me ok. I will see you one day. Don't grow up too fast ok. And Maya, just keep your head down and keep doing what you are doing. Good things will come your way. You deserve happiness too." I hug Nora again and this time I can be bothered wiping the tears. I let them run down, I don't care who sees me at the moment.

Nora and Lungi finally step near Edmond and they hug him and thank him profusely for everything he's done for them. He just shrugs as if it's no big deal. Finally Nora says to Edmond,

"Please look after my girl here. Help her to get out of this place." She bends to give Aiden another hug and a final goodbye. Edmond just nods.

Lungi finally gets his chance to say goodbye to us as they're announcing departure.

"Thank you Lungi. Please make her happy. Look after her and keep in touch." I say returning Lungi's hug.

"Always Maya, never doubt that." He says turning to take Nora's hand.

We keep watching as they make their way to the side entrance of the small aircraft. Nora turns to us one more time and waves and blows some kisses. We do the same and I lift Aiden's little hand so that he would say his final goodbye as well. We wait in silence until the plane takes off. I have nothing to say and neither does Edmond.

Nora's sister breaks the silence when she starts playing with Aiden. I am sad, I cannot be bothered trying to make anyone believe otherwise. I feel like crying but I can't be bothered doing that either. I am glad I am not working today. I will go home and just lie down.

Edmond drops us off and waves goodbye. He tells me it will get better and that Nora needs this. She needs a new start far from the reminders of her past life and at this time, that means even the people who remind her of who she was. She needs to rebuild herself first.

What he is saying makes sense but I still miss my friend. I don't have many people I can call friends in this camp.


A very short chapter..... A much longer one nexttime, I promise.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora