Chapter 49: The Story

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What another chapter so soon? :)

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"Oh God, oh God what am I going to do?" I chant the question all the way home.

As soon as I get home, I am shaking. I bypass the lounge room. I don't even wait for Aiden to give me a kiss, or a hello to my mum. I am in shock. This has happened way too early than I thought.

I head straight to my room and I lie face down on the bed. I am angry, I am frustrated and I think my heart is breaking again. I had managed to get Knox out of my mind for a while now and I hate that it took less than five minutes to unravel all the hard work I had done repairing my heart and my life. I refuse to cry. My tears, I refuse to shed them for him again.

"Maya, honey, can I come in." Mum softly knocks on the door.

"Sure Mum, it's open." I respond sitting up.

"Are you ok? How was your day at work?" She asks herself on the bed next to me.

"Work was good Mum and I am ok, I think." I answer, whispering the last part.

"What's wrong? You have to talk to me, darling, when you worry, I worry as well." She says rubbing my arm.

"It's just..., you wouldn't believe who I met today on my way to the train." I don't know how to start this conversation.

"Who?" Mum asks curiously.

"Knox, I saw Knox today." I look at mum and I can see the shock on her face once the name sank in.

"Knox, as in Aiden's father, that Knox?" Mum has exactly the same reaction I think I had.

"Yes." I respond.

"Oh dear, that definitely would change anyone's day. Were you happy to see him?" She probes slightly.

"I don't know Mum. At first I was shocked to see him, then I got really worried when he asked to drive me home. Mum, he could've seen Aiden. What am I going to do?" I ask starting to hyperventilate again.

"Maya, calm down. You know Knox is Aiden's father so either way, he will know about his son. You just need to be in control of how and when they meet. He deserves to know about his child Maya. Who knows maybe you meeting him today was fate. What is he doing in San Diego anyway? Does he live here? Is he still in the army?" Mum rattle all these questions and I am scrambling to answer them.

"I don't know Mum. What if he takes my son away? I couldn't live without Aiden." I can feel my eyes moistening as my greatest fear looks like it's going to come true.

"Maya, you are jumping to conclusions. He hasn't even met his son and he may not be thinking as you are. We will cross that bridge when we get there. Stop worrying about things before they happen." Mum admonishes me, rightly so.

"Anyway," I continue, "we didn't talk about many things. I was busy trying to escape. He said we will meet tomorrow so maybe I will tell him about Aiden... if the time is right." I say trying to calm myself down.

"Just remember, the quicker you discuss this the better for everyone, including Aiden. He deserves to know his father. Anyway dinner will be ready soon and Aiden is waiting to greet you." Mum says walking towards the door.

"Thanks Mum." I mumble after her.

The whole night I tossed and turned and no matter how I approached this situation, it wasn't ending well for me. I finally decided that I will just 'go with the flow' and see what tomorrow holds. We may be lucky that Knox, er.. Colton will be deployed again somewhere so we don't have that much contact with him. That will be the ideal situation.

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