Chapter 38 - Like father like son

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Time really flies when you're busy. My work has been going great and I love working with numbers and helping Nancy. I am aware that Edmond will be back in a week and I will have to go back to my job. I will miss doing this. With this job, I actually had the opportunity to get home on time and enjoy spending time with my little boy. I managed to witness his first crawl and I've experienced the highs and lows of a teething baby, including being bitten when he is feeding.

I have definitely started noticing a few mannerisms that remind me of Knox. I know, at first I thought it was just me but even mum has picked on some of the things Aiden does. He is nine months old now and he is crawling everywhere. He eats anything he can pick up.

He is very stubborn and will cry until he gets what he wants. When he is relaxed, he moves his jaw around, like Knox used to do. He also loves to move one of his eyebrows up, same as what Knox does... did. I thought I was starting to get over Knox but this baby brings it all back. He looks like him, he acts like him and I am sure he will get worse as he grows.

Anyway, it's almost Christmas and we are going to have a quiet one this year. Nothing really to celebrate. I have bought my brother and Aiden a toy each and a pair of pants so they have something to wear during these holidays. Most of my money goes into buying clothes for Aiden. He is growing so fast, some of the clothes he has are almost new.

Not much has been happening in the camp. It seems to be more strict rules about who goes and comes in now. I think it's a result of what happened with Nora and Jason's goons.

Speaking of Nora, she is so happy with her life in South Africa and having her family there has just completed her happily ever after. She is trying to get me and my family to join her and I've been looking into it with the help of Edmond. So hopefully we will find something, a loop hole, which will allow me and my family to leave.


Christmas comes and goes. On our first day back at work, Edmond told me that he wanted me to keep doing the work I was doing. Apparently Nancy really liked the way I worked so much so that she has forced Edmond to keep me in that position. I am happy with that but I also don't want to take someone's job.

"Just take the job Maya, it's not anyone's. Anyway I will not be doing much of my job anymore." Edmond said.

"What? Are you quitting or something?" I question hoping that it isn't so.

"No, I'm just doing too many things that are not part of my position description and I don't think I'm being very effective. With you and Nancy doing what you've been doing, it frees me to actually do my job and look after the refugees. Who knows maybe one day I will even think about going into politics?" I don't know what to say. I just open and close my mouth a couple of times and nothing comes out.

"So, do you want it?" He asks looking at me.

"Of course, yes. I love the job. So does that make it permanent?" I ask hoping for a positive response.

"Yes, we will organise the paperwork later, right now get back to work." I start walking to my desk with a huge smile on my face. Life maybe be tough here, but I see moment of happiness.

Aiden's first birthday is very low key. Mum and I figured he's too young to remember it anyway so why waste money on a cake or little party. The highlight of the day was when his favourite aunt, Nora, called on my work mobile phone to say happy birthday. I don't know if he remembers her but he loved that someone was talking to him.

"So Maya I have some good news." Nora says a bit hesitantly.

"Mmm do tell." I respond excitedly.

"I just wanted you to be the first one, well second after Lungi, to know that I'm pregnant." She says and keeps quiet waiting for my response.

I don't know if she's happy or not about the pregnancy and I don't want to react the wrong way.

"Are you excited about it? Were you planning it at all?" I ask tentatively

"Yes I am. I watched you when you were pregnant and I most of the time I wished it was me. I'm so happy Maya." She sounds like she is happy.

"I am happy for you as well." To show my excitement I started squealing and Nora joined me and we were now in a squeal festival.

"Just don't tell anyone yet. I'm not yet at the safe mark." She sounds serious so I agree that I won't tell anyone. Who could I tell? I don't have a lot of people I talk to. She shouldn't worry about it.

"Now that is out of the way, how is Edmond? Has he been treating you well?" Nora queries and I don't think I like where this is about to go.

"Edmond has been really good. He just promoted me and I am ecstatic." I respond warily.

"I can ask this now because I am faraway and you won't kill me. Have you ever thought of dating Edmond so you can get out of that hellhole?" Nora is not laughing so I know she is serious.

"What? No! Edmond is my friend, Eww Nora. I don't think I was ever attracted to him in that way."

"Why not, he is a good looking guy, he earns enough to look after you and Aiden and he loves the little guy, why not give it a chance." Nora is persistent.

"No Nora, I don't feel anything for him and it would be so wrong for both of us." I try to make her see reason.

"Well sometimes love will grow from nothing. Just give it a chance. This could be your best way to get out of that camp. Do you want Aiden to grow up there? Think about it." I can tell Nora has been wanting to say this for a while and she sounds like she's got it off her chest.

What she said made me think twice about Edmond. Would I marry a man just so my child could be safe? I think I'd do anything for Aiden. But I don't think I'd want to be in a relationship that doesn't have any love, it's also not good for Aiden. I decide that I will shelve this for now and maybe think about it on another day.

A few weeks after his birthday, Aiden takes his first steps. I didn't witness them but mum did. He is so confident that he is happy not to just take two or three steps but he wants to toddle from one place to another. He is a kid on a mission. He makes my heart full. I'd do anything for him.

My love for my son is put to the test no too long after that.

Edmond is the first to tell me about the events happening in Sousu. He says the war has intensified and it's no longer affecting just a few people but is quickly becoming a genocide if nothing is done. He doesn't have a lot of information at the moment but he promises to tell me more once he finds out.

I think of my uncle still in Sousu and I decide that I will call him after work to see how he is fairing. He will probably be able to tell us what's happening. I need to do something.

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