The truth shall set me free

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If I had any doubt of how bad I look, Knox's expression when he sees my face says it all. His face hardens and his mouth is set in a thin line. His jaw is ticking continuously and I can tell he is pissed off but trying to hold it in.

''Maya WHAT the HELL happened to you?'' he thundered.

''Who did this to you? Where did this happen? Were you in a fight with someone?'' He gives me an uncompromising look waiting for an answer.

Mum spins very suddenly to look at Knox and she gets in his space, her face is contorted with rage.

''What do you mean who did this to you? She came to see you, Yes, I know all about your little secret meetings, I know she came to see you and last time I checked, she looked fine until she came back FROM seeing you. You did this to her, YOU sorry excuse of a human being. Coming here pretending to want to protect us and yet you treat women this way. What did she say to you, ha?'' By this time she's jabbing Knox's chest and is not showing any signs of stopping. Mum is normally the perfect example of lady, she doesn't shout, she's polite and respects men. She does not look males in the eyes out of respect so her actions towards Knox are definitely a surprise.

''Mum, it's ok and it's not his fault. I just don't want to talk about it yet''. I try to calm my mum down but she's on a roll.

''It's ok Maya, you don't have to protect him. I am going to report him to anyone who will listen. Someone is bound to do something about this. Mum keeps alternating between pointing at Knox's face and jabbing his chest. Knox realises that this finger abuse is not going to stop until he physically restrains her.

As soon as she notices what Knox had done, mum raises her voice, ''Don't you dare touch me you animal, I'm ..'' she's cut-off from her rant by Knox.

''Ma'am, if you could just breath for a minute and give me a second to talk I think we may find out what happened to Maya. Just to clear the air, I did not do this to Maya, in fact, I didn't see Maya yesterday. Secondly, please do not point or jab at me with that finger. Can you also just step outside for a minute so I can talk to Maya in private? I won't take long.'' Mum looks at me as if to ask if I'm ok alone with Knox. I give her a barely imperceptible nod. She is still incensed, she closes and opens her mouth repeatedly but nothing comes out. She stalks off in a huff. Once he's done with mum, Knox turns to me and I know this will be an interrogation I may not pass.

''So Maya, what happened to you. Your mum says you came to see me. I didn't see you, so where did you go?'' As soon as he mentions yesterday, I see a flash of guilt on his face but he quickly covers it up. If I had any doubt about what Jason told me yesterday, Knox just confirmed it without me asking. I feel hurt, shattered and cheated on. I know we don't have a solid thing happening but I thought the little kisses and touches we've exchanged meant exclusivity. To think I was ready to give him my virginity yesterday.

I'm so angry and embarrassed for myself. How could I have misjudged the situation?

''Well I didn't come to find you. I was going somewhere with someone. None of your business what I do with my time, why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be having a good ol' romp with Nora? Did she wear you out already? I hear she's got the stamina of a horse.'' I know I've hit a nerve because he starts working his jaw nonstop.

''Yes I was with Nora yesterday but no....'' Well that just rips my heart out.

''Thanks Knox, so go back to her, leave me please.'' I'm so close to crying.

''Not until you tell me what happened''.

''You're not my father, leave me alone''.

''I know I'm not, but I'm just looking out for you''.

Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon