Chapter 63: Epilogue (2).

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As I am finishing up work, I feel so giddy I know I will get to spend time with my best friend Ari as well as seeing Knox in a different setting. No kids, no family around, well except Ari. It would be good to see him. My friend from work Alicia is coming as well. She's managed to bond with Ari the past couple of times they've met.

Alicia and I work in the same department and I think we bonded well because we are the only black females in the department. I am friendly with everyone else, we all catch up on Fridays for after work drinks but I clicked the most with Alicia. She is crazy and she speaks her mind. She is gorgeous and knows it. She is the only other person I've told about my relationship with Knox, besides our families and Nora. Come to think of it, I think Alicia reminds me so much of Nora that's why I am comfortable with her.

Her responds to my story and Knox's was, "Girl, you gotta write a book coz that shit doesn't happen in real life. This is a bestselling book turned into a movie right there."

She's crazy that way. She's known about Colton from the media but not the real person. She's been encouraging me to "tap that as often as possible because it's not every day you get the whole package handed to you on a platter like that."

I think she has been having an effect on me because now not one man I've seen can compare to Knox. He has seen me at one of my worst, well, not in the camp, but in the village. He has seen me fly high in my career and has supported me. I have been promoted already in the 6 months that I have been at this company. I am now a Director in my department. It started as a backfill for the director who had gone on maternity leave. Once she had a baby, she decided she wanted to be a stay at home mom until her daughter is ready for school. My appointment was confirmed three weeks ago so I am still flying on a high.


On the way to the restaurant, then bar, I keep looking at myself in the mirror, I cannot believe how much work Ari and Alicia have put into my hair, makeup and dress. I look and feel really good. I feel like I can actually be equal to Knox. This has been my downfall in the past. I always think of the gorgeous well-dressed great pedigree women that he has access to and I feel like I'm not up to par but today I am feeling it.

We arrive at the restaurant and I feel people turn to look at us. I don't feel like they are only looking at Ari or Alecia but at me as well, that's how good this is making me feel.

"Here's to Ari, happy birthday bae and may the first wrinkles not show till you're forty." Alecia toasted.

"Hear, hear." Ari and I chorus back then burst into laughter.

I pull out a present I've been working on with a bit of input from Aiden and Knox, well Knox paid for the gorgeous frame and Aiden helped me put it together. It's a picture of her and Aiden lying on the grass watching the clouds. They look so peaceful and beautiful together.

"This is from me, Aiden and Colton. Happy birthday gorgeous." I say planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Ow, thank you so much, I love it. When did you take it? Oh look at us, I love this boy. I was wondering why you were carrying such a massive handbag, now I know you were hiding my present. I'm gonna give that boy a big kiss when we get back. I guess we have to put this back in your bag ha?" She says handing the present back to me.

Alecia opens her purse and looks at me.

"Now before I give you my present, let me just get back to how Maya and her little crew just played family there. Girl you're kidding yourself thinking you're not together. You two are so together it's crazy. You can deny it all you want but it's so in your blood you'll need a transfusion to purge that guys out." She says looking at Ari to concur.

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