Chapter 57: The rehearsal dinner

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Knox's POV

I knew this was going to be a hard night leaving Maya and her family alone in the hotel. I have to admit Maxine makes me dread tonight. I talked to Jordan and he said he'd let Steph know.

I already know that she was told about Aiden and that she's itching to talk about it. I just don't have the time for her antics.

I am hoping the dinner doesn't take long. By the time I get to the venue, I see again that my mother has outdone herself. She has organised a garden party and our gardens have never looked this beautiful.

As soon as I walk in, I see Maxine making a beeline for me and I immediately turn to look for my sister. Not so lucky, Maxine catches up with me before I even locate Ari.

"Hey Colt, we were worried you wouldn't make it on time." She says trailing her fingers on my arms.

"I made it so it's all good." I try and be short with her so she can leave.

"Well, it's now much more fun, now that you're here." She says tucking her arm into mine.

"Thanks, excuse me, I need to see my sister. I have important things to discuss." I say extracting my arm from hers.

I walk away so quickly like my shoes are on fire. I find my sister talking to Mom and I finally relax.

Once everyone is ready, we were asked to take our seats and wait for the food. I find myself seating between Maxine and Ari. I have a feeling Maxie switched places and took my cousin's seat.

"So, a little birdy told me some really interesting news." She says whispering in my ear.

"Ok, that's good." I respond trying not to encourage her

"Is it true? Is it true that some chick just came from nowhere and claimed you are the father of her child? That is so lame and desperate." She says putting her hand on my arm again.

To anyone looking from afar, it would look very intimate the way she was doing it but I am fuming inside and I'm afraid if she keeps it up, I will ruin everyone's dinner.

"You know, I think she is lying and she just wants to get to your money. She knows you'll never abandon your child so she's trying to get to you that way. It's so cliché with these girls." She huffs.

"Do I actually look stupid to you? What would make you think I'd fall for it if it wasn't true?" I question her.

"I know you're not stupid, I just wanted to advise you to get a paternity test before you start paying some of these gold digging sluts." She continues.

I move my chair loudly and leave the table. Suddenly I'm no longer hungry. I need fresh air and I need time away from Maxine. I've had enough of her. My sister keeps telling me after today I don't have to see her again. That's the only thing that keeping me sane right now.

I manage to avoid Maxine the whole night and though the night ends up being quite enjoyable. I tell my sister about Maxine and she feels bad for Maya. She promises to look after Maya during the wedding ceremony and I feel a little better knowing she will be in good hands.


The morning of the wedding I go and check on Maya and her family. I take them down to the hotel restaurant so they can have breakfast. I know Maya is not expecting me but I want to always be in the back of her mind. Wondering what I will do next. Flowers were a good start but I need to raise the game. She didn't seem to react to the flowers so I may have to look for something else.

Maya and her Mom are definitely surprised that I am there.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the groom's place getting ready?" she asks.

"Of course but I wasn't going to start the day without seeing how my little man went, and my favourite woman." I look at Maya and I am sure she is trying hard not to blush.

"Sure." She says coyly.

We collect the rest of the family and make our way to the restaurant. I can see the patrons looking at me and the employees are not sure what to make of our party. We look so different to everyone else.

I pull out Maya's chair and rush to do the same for Janet who thanks me and keeps looking between me and Maya.

I tell them to order what they want and that the charges will be on my tab. Aiden refuses to sit on his chair and sat on my lap the whole time.

Once breakfast is done I tell the ladies that Ari will be around so she can help them with their pampering for the day. I know that they will enjoy their day with Ari. I also take Aiden and Mathias with me so we could get ready with the other men. Mathias enjoys being treated like a grown up and he revels in praises. I have also noticed that he is very good with Aiden.

"So Aiden's dad, does this mean you will be taking Aiden away from us?" Mathias asks me as soon as we are in the car.

"What? No. Why would I do that? Don't you want Aiden around anymore?" I ask wondering where this is coming from.

"I like Aiden. I don't want him to go away. I promised Mum and Maya that I will look after them and Aiden because our dad isn't coming back. It is now my job to look after them." He says with determination.

"You can still do that. I am here to help you look after them. I won't take anyone away. I however think you need to think about school and go to college, get a good job then look after the family. In the meantime do you think I could do that for you? Once you are ready, I will let you look after them. If I do a bad job, you can always tell me. How's that?" I ask, feeling the pain for this kid.

"That's alright. You can help me look after them because I know what they want." He says.

"Oh good, I really appreciate that. What do they want? Let's start with want?" I try and be sneaky.

"I think she wants to go to college and work. She likes books and earrings, she's always looking at them when we go shopping. Oh and she always says she wishes she could capture Aiden's big moments but she doesn't have a camera. She doesn't do a lot of fun things." He responds giving me more information than I thought I'd get from him.

I love this kid.

"Thanks kiddo, what about you, and what do you want?" I ask

"I like to play at school but the other children are involved in a lot of ball sports but I don't know how to play them. I also like swimming, but no one has taught me before. I am scared of drowning." He confesses.

"I will see what I can do. Maybe you and Aiden can have some swimming lessons, we can start there and see later about ball sports." I say pulling into our driveway.

Today is the wedding day. I am hoping the overall romantic feel of a wedding will soften Maya's heart a little towards me.


A short one this time.

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