Chapter 58: Dressing up for the big day

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This is really a short chapter, almost a filler.

Colton has been really trying to get on my good side. He doesn't know it yet but he is already there. I am just not sure if it's the right thing for me to fully open up and let him in. I have worked so hard to be my own independent being and if I let Colton in again, I am afraid I will lose who I am.

He has sent a luxury car just for me and Mum. Ari spend the whole morning with us. We went for massages, had our nails and facials done and now I am wearing Ari's dress and shoes. They don't look like they have been worn but I can't start looking a gift horse in the mouth, can I?

I'm wearing the silver and nude dress. It's sleeveless and has a scoop neckline and looks very elegant. The back is almost backless if not for the silver and diamonde' criss-crossing straps that sit very low on my back. The dress sits tightly on my ass and hips and flows out from the knees. It's a really beautiful dress. I pair it off with the Jimmy Choo ankle strap shoes that are a little high than what I'm used to but they are comfortable so I can deal with the height.

"So what exactly is going on between you and Knox?" Mum asks. She refuses to call him Colton. She says it's too much work remembering all these names.

"Nothing. Why?" I respond not sure where mum is heading with this conversation.

"Just checking, he seems very ahhh....fond of you." She says looking away.

"I don't know Mum. I don't want to think about it right now. I just want to enjoy this wedding." I say not wanting to answer her question truthfully.

"Just know that you are also responsible for your happiness. Don't hold yourself back because you're afraid of the future. If he makes you happy then go for it. If he's not the one, then you will find your someone someday. At some point you will need to start dating my darling." She holds and rubs my hands.

"I know Mum when the time comes, I will." I close the subject.

When we get to the venue, there is security everywhere and we are driven through the back entrance to the garden. Jordan and Steph have decided that they want to have a garden ceremony in a botanic garden. I have been trying to envision how this will look like but not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the beauty and elegance of this place.

Once mum and I are seated, I start looking around for Junior. Ari notices us first and comes to our seats. She tells us that Mathias is sitting with them and invites us to sit with them in the front row but mum and I refuse. We don't want to impose. I already feel like people are looking at us and I guess they are wondering who we are. As soon as Ari returns to her seat, the music starts and the groomsmen walk in. Colton is looking around searching for something until his eyes lands on me. He gives me a panty dropping smile. This man is good looking, dangerously so.

A few moments after, Jordan, Colton and two other men I don't know stand at the front with the celebrant and wait for the bride. Once the bridal music starts, I see my little boy in a very cute little three piece suit, a bow tie and formal shoes walking down the aisle. I didn't buy those clothes for him.

He's holding hands with a really gorgeous little girl who seems to be about four years old. She seems to know what she's doing and keeps pulling Aiden to the front. Aiden looks everywhere except where he is supposed to go. He finds interesting things on the floor and seems to be ready to squat. He gets pulled as soon as he lags. It makes for a comic start to the wedding.

I am afraid seeing my son has definitely ruined my makeup. I am in tears and so is mum. Once the little girl lets go of Aiden, he runs straight to his dad. Colton bends to his height and whispers something to him. He lets him stand in front of him until the bride arrives.

I don't think I heard anything during the ceremony. I kept my eyes glued on Aiden and Knox..err Colton. Once in a while our eyes would hold each other and I'm always the first to look away.

The maid of honour seems to have the same idea as I've noticed her looking at Colton way to many times. I wonder who she is, but I decide not to dwell on who is who as I don't know most of the crowd here.

I am impressed that Aiden has been so well behaved until the ceremony finished. Once they start walking out, Colton seeks me out and gives Aiden to me. Before he can leave, he whispers in my ear that I look gorgeous today. I just couldn't help but grin.


Finding happiness (previously known as Billionaire playboy's secret past)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora