Chapter 50: The Talk Part 1

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Knox's POV.

I can see what she is trying to do. Why does she not mention the little boy at home? I decide I have given her enough chances to tell me on her own so I will just ask.

"Are you married now, kids, pets?" I ask directly.

"Why do you want to know?" she asks shocked at my line of questioning.

"You know just for conversation's sake. Would you rather we sit here and I just look at you? I am ok doing that too." I challenge her.

Maya pales.

"Umm, right, ok, never married, erm, no pets." She says picking her glass of water and almost downing it.

"I'm so thirsty. I think I'm coming down with something. Oh look at the time. I should start making my way to work. I don't want to be late." I smile knowing she is definitely trying to get out of the question.

"It's only twelve-eighteen Maya. And here's our food." I say pointing to the waiter bringing our food.

"Oh of course." She fidgets in her chair a couple of times before she looks back up at me.

"So children?" I push my agenda.

"Um yes, one, a boy." She says pushing her food in her plate.

"That's fantastic, congratulations. How old is he, your boy?" I say looking back at her.

"He's err almost 19 months. Anyway how about you? Wife, kids and everything in-between?" She asks trying to divert the questions again.

"No. No and no. So is the father still in Sousu or Kenya. Or is he resettled somewhere else?" I can see she doesn't want to answer this question because she chokes on her food and starts coughing violently.

I assume it must be Jason's kid from the way she pales and she looks like she is traumatised. She is almost shaking. I curse the day that man was born. It's also hard to see the Maya that I know so out of herself. She doesn't even look sure of herself at this moment. I give her time to recover and at the same time berating myself for asking and pushing the question. There is a reason she didn't want to mention him in the first place. I am so insensitive sometimes.

We are both quiet for a little while and there silence is uncomfortable. I'm just trying to think of something else to say to her that won't traumatise her or choke her to near death again.

Before I manage to say anything, Maya shows some resolve on her face and she looks at me as if in in defiance. It's a bit unnerving to tell the truth.

"Actually Knox...err Colton," she sounds frustrated at my sudden name change, "the father is here in America."

"Look, feel free to call me Knox if that is easier. I don't mind, I answer to both names. So the father has also relocated to America and you're not together?" I ask my heart sinking a little.

Maya takes a loud, big sigh to show her exasperation either at my line of questioning or she really wants to go.

Her next statement turns my world upside-down.


"Geez, you don't get it do you? You are Aiden's father." I just blink at her like an idiot. "What?"

"Yes, when you left I was pregnant. I just didn't know it then. He is yours." She explains.

How? What. What's going on? I don't know what I am feeling, I think I will pass out for real this time.

This now makes sense. Mom and Ari saw Aiden and Mom was adamant the kid reminded her of me. My goodness, I have a child. A son. What do I do with a child? I can feel blood draining from my face.

"Look I know this is a surprise but don't worry about it. You don't have to be involved in his life if this is hard. We don't require child support so we are ok, we won't come looking for you." She says in all seriousness.

"Are you for real? Of course I'd want to see my son and also support him." I lowered my voice and growled at her. I don't mean to scare her but what the heck is she on about.

"I just mean, this is a surprise and you need time to adjust. We are ok financially we don't need to put you out of budget. That's all I mean. You can meet him. I won't stop you from that." She says waiting for a reaction from me.

I laugh, I laugh really loud. She looks around the café in embarrassment.

"What's funny?" She enquires getting angry.

"You.... you think you're helping me financially don't you? Maya I have more money than I could wish for. Don't worry about the money on my behalf." I say signing the bill the waiter hands me.

"Did you just pay for my lunch? What do you mean you have money?" I can see she is affronted by my paying for her lunch. A girl after my own heart.

"Yes, I paid because I forced you to come to lunch with me. It's only right that I pay for it. As for the other question, I will answer it later. When can I meet Aiden?" I say looking at my watch.

"Oh no, I'm going to be late." Maya says picking her bag and walking for the door. She seems to remember something, she turns around and says "Thanks for lunch by the way".

"You're welcome. When shall we meet again and discuss meeting with Aiden." I ask her again. She is frustrated at me, I can tell.

"Look give me your number, I will call you and we can make a time."

"How about tomorrow, same place, same time."

"I have to work." She says with finality.

"That's ok, I'm the boss, and you can have a longer lunch tomorrow. Tell that to Melanie please." I say forcing my hand on the issue again.

"How do you know Melanie?"

"I just said I am the boss, didn't I? I own the resort." I watch her reaction change as it starts to dawn on her.

"No. No. No, this cannot be." She says putting her hands in her hair.

I know she is in shock, she wasn't expecting to see me here and worse, she didn't know I am her boss, for now. However if we were to compare shocks, mine was the biggest. Finding out I'm a father from out of the blue is the biggest shock any man can have.


My day at work did not improve. All my thoughts are centred on what Maya just told me. I have a child.

I know I should be terrified at the prospect of being a father but, I'm not. I am in a bit of a shock that I'm suddenly a father, but I am actually happy about having a son. Maya said he was almost nineteen months, I wonder what they do at that age. Mom said he can talk and walk. I missed all that. Does he ever wonder where his dad is?

If Aiden was conceived when I was in Sousu, then he was born maybe seven months after that. I start doing the maths in my head. That would mean..... Oh my God, my son was born in a refugee camp. Here I am with all this money and my child was born in the worst place ever. I need to make it up to him. I can only imagine what Maya would have been going through.

The guilt washes over me and I am determined to make it right.

I have to see my son. I know Maya said she needs to talk to him but I can't wait that long. Who knows what conditions he's living under right now? I need to give him everything he can have. This weekend I need to see him. Maya has until Friday to tell him.

I will then figure out how to tell my family. Mom will be over the moon. Maybe there was a reason she connected so well with Aiden. Maternal instinct maybe...?

With that thought I close my eyes fall asleep.


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