Chapter 29: The miscarriage scare..... Part 1

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Just as a thank you for reading and voting, here's two chapters and lots of love from me. If you find any mistakes, please let me know so I can add them to the list of changes that I'll  make once the book is finished... soon...

The stress of working full days and having to look after mum and Junior started to take its toll. Mum fell back into a depressive state. She had days that she'd be very optimistic and would claim that dad will come back and that there is a chance that he wasn't part of the group that my uncle was talking about. She'd be in that state of hopefulness and a few hours later she will start crying and would just lie in her blankets for most of the time. She would not cook, clean herself or the tent. I'd come back home from work and start on the house work. It became a very emotionally and physically draining life. My back has been hurting a lot more and the baby's movements are getting rigorous and painful. Nora comes in to help but I couldn't ask her to do more than she has been, she still has to do her chores at their place. She still comes over to make food with me. That helps a lot. On her day off, Nora has been coming to my work place and we would have lunch together. She has been helping me deal with the situation at home by just listening and being there for me.

Today is Friday and Nora is free and I know she will come by my work to have lunch as we have been doing for the past weeks. I have been taking more breaks than necessary at work. I'm glad Edmond has been very understanding about my constant need for the toilet or endless movements. He has been pestering me to put down a date that I will be taking time off to have the baby. I know that I only get 6 weeks off work once the baby is born. I won't be getting paid and if I take leave now, that will be almost 2 more months of no pay. We can't afford to go without my pay for that long especially with a baby. I have decided that I will work until 40 weeks or closer to that if I can.

When Nora arrives, I tidy my desk and pick my water to go and sit out on the veranda with her. She has brought some chapatis (flat bread also known as roti). She knows this has now become my favourite food and whenever she is not working she makes it for me. I can smell them before she even takes them out of her food basket and I'm already salivating.

"You're a pig Maya. Close that mouth." She says smiling.

"It's not me, blame this one." I say pointing to the baby.

"Yeah yeah, blame the baby. She is lying isn't she little Knoxville?" She says talking to the baby and as if the baby heard her, he started to move.

"See Maya, you can't blame the baby now, he's retaliating." She says moving her hands on my tummy.

We had a good lunch and being with Nora made me forget about the issues at home. We talked about everything and mostly about Lungi and the baby's pending arrival. On my last visit to the clinic, the nurse advised me that I will be considered full term from 36 weeks. That gives me about 2 and a half weeks more before I can expect him.

After eating 2 chapatis, I don't feel too well. My back is suddenly feeling tight and I have a bit of a tummy discomfort. This is nothing to worry about as I sometimes experience it, however never both at the same time. I decide to go to the toilet, I may just be too full.

Once I sit on the toilet seat, I notice some blood spots on my underwear, my body just goes cold from the sight. I can't be losing this baby and I don't want him to be born now.

I start screaming Nora's name, I don't really care that I'm in the toilet or that I may be disturbing others working. After about a 3rd shout, Nora bursts through the door without knocking, holding a mop.

"Where is he? Where did he go?" She says looking around the little room and poking her head out looking for someone or something.

"Who?" I ask confused looking around with her.

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