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"There you two are!" Wooyoung called and pointed to his twin brothers that were finally leaving the building. "It's been hundred years!" he added and jumped off the table, shouldering his backpack.

Yunho turned his head to the two youngers that slowly approached them. San was helping Yeosang walk, had his arm protectively around him. The other was slightly limping, had his jacket bound around his waist and held onto San for dear life. "Yah, what took you two so long? What happened to your leg?" he asked sternly, taking off his own jacket. "Here, put this on. Papa will kill me if I let you go home without a jacket" he demanded and forcefully put the jacket on the younger. It was quite big for him, reached his mid-thighs.

"He had an accident during PE" San explained and stood straight for a second. Helping the twin limp out of the building was strenuous. "Ugh, that stupid teacher, I swear to god- he does that every time! We told him many times that he can't just call us in like that" he scoffed.

Yunho was about to turn to Yeosang as his phone ringed. He looked at the caller, sighing when he saw his father's name. "Uhm yeah ?"

"Yunho where are you? It's so late already"

Yunho looked at the twins, saw Yeosang shake his head lightly. "I had a fight with these guys from 8th grade. Got called to the office"

"and your brothers? Where did you leave them at?" Seonghwa asked worriedly.

"with me. Waited outside the office for me. Look, here is Jongho"

"Hello Papa~" called into the phone.

"Hey bunny" the father replied and sighed "come home now, it's getting late. I don't want you walking outside at dusk"

"on our way. I'll stop by a store, Wooyoung is still hungry after downing my lunch" he chuckled, getting a light hit by said younger.

"Don't waste too much time please. Love you"

"mhm, me too" Yunho replied, rolling his eyes. He hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket, then turned to pack his stuff together. Jongho and Wooyoung had gotten bored and had raided his notebooks to draw little figures on it. The elder then turned to Yeosang, knelled and motioned to his back. "Up" he said "We'll be faster like that" he added and waited for the younger to finally hop on.

Yeosang hesitantly let go of San, carefully climbed on Yunho's back and clinged to him like a koala. "Thank you"

It was the first thing Yunho had heard him say, and he sure caught the light shake in his voice. But he didn't dig further, he had to get them home first. "San, can you carry my bag too?" he asked the other twin, slowly stood up with Yeosang on his back. He felt his brother's grip tighten. "Too high?" he chuckled and quickly adjusted him on his back. "I've never dropped you, an additional half meter doesn't make a difference in that" he assured.

A light giggled rolled over Yeosang's lips. "You dropped me once, in fourth grade, into the stinging nettle bush"

"Oh right... Well, that was once in a hundred times" the eldest gave back "You can always count on me, ah? You know that?" he said and sighed, leading the little group on the street. "San take Jongho and Wooyoung on the hand-"

"Tsk, I'm not a little baby-" Wooyoung first protested, crossing his arms. But when he saw the little hand San was offering him, he tipped his lips and still complied. Jongho skipped to the front, holding onto Mingi's arm instead.

And so, Yunho guided them to the next store to get snacks for his brothers. "Watch out for your head Sangie" he told before they entered a small shop at the corner. It was a private shop run by an old lady that sometimes gave Yunho free candy when he came to buy something for his big lunch break. "You can get what you want. Not too expensive, my money is short" he said and let his brothers choose what they want. "Mhm, what should we get, Yeosang?"

"mhm... Ah~ can we get these cookies?" Yeosang shyly asked and pointed on a pack of cookies on the shelf next to them.

"Yeah, yeah I want cookies too" Yunho said and grabbed two packs putting them on the counter. His brothers followed soon with drinks and more snacks so that he could pay.

"Ah Yunho, are these your brothers?" the old lady asked and cooed at the little group getting spoiled with sweets. "Aw they are so adorable"

Yunho, knowing the struggle with them, just chuckled dryly. "Adorable angels, indeed" he replied and took one hands off to reach his back pocket for his wallet. He paid quickly and said his goodbye to the lady before leaving.

"do you know her?" Wooyoung curiously asked.

"Mhm. She gives me free snacks during lunch break sometimes" the elder replied and walked down the street to the bus stop.

Mingi turned to Yunho with knitted brows. "We're not allowed to leave the school grounds during lunch break-"

"Pssht, dont tell Dad" Yunho gave back and winked. "I'll share if you keep quiet"

"Yup, he takes after Dad" San laughed and munched his chips.

"Right? Dad bribes us with food every time!" Wooyoung added laughing. "But Jongie is Mini-Papa" he stated, pointing at the littlest boy "he plays unfair"

"Who said Papa plays unfair!" Yeosang replied offended "Papa plays smart!"

"Mhm!" Jongho replied, setting up his angel face. "Papa is smart, and I am smart. Sometimes doing less is more"

Mingi snorted. "Y'all remember when Papa pressed out tears to get Dad to go find ice cream at 3am?"

"Papa plays dirty" Yunho chuckled "Jongho does too! Whenever he doesn't get what he wants he cries. Little crybaby" he laughed.

"Tsk! Not true!" the youngest protested "I'm not a crybaby!"

Yunho grinned wide and shook his head, kept watching his siblings talk, joke and laugh. It had become his duty to do this, bring them home, make sure they are okay. At some point it had become his role and he wasn't complaining at all. No matter how much they went on his nerves sometimes, he would lay both his hands in fire for them. 'Look out for your brothers' his father used to say. And that's what he did. Protect his brothers the best he could. "And, Yeosangie? Will you tell me why you're actually limping?"



2020 is ending yall.

Oh hell yeah like😗😗😗 finally

I remember, last year, I was blasting the bangers of my childhood for the whole day cause I realized I would like- grow up in the next decade and that shit gave me some panic man I can't even tell yall💀💀💀

Nope, songs of early 2000s - 2010s will always be the best, can't change my mind-✨


So... What did I do this year?

I came to terms with my sexuality actually. Now thinking back to how long it took me I laugh cause like-
Bitch you googled girls kissing one time too much when you where in sixth grade😂💀😂

I also started to give less fucks✨
And yeah, I do feel better✨

Shit went down this year man like in every aspect kind of.

But I'm thankful

For the few people that stand with me, and for you, walking with me through my writings.

Thank you for being here, and I mean every one of you. Thank you that you see these days with me. Shit comes and shit goes away, and it's okay to rest but we need to remember that we have the strength to stand  up again🖤

Sleep well tonight and wake up healthy and positive, because even if it's seems like no-one is standing with you, I am. I am and I will support whatever you take in front of you.

Happy new year

And remember

Don't be my dumb ass
Be a smarter ass


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