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The days passed, Seonghwa and Hongjoong still weren't seriously talking to each other. Needless to say here, that the kids felt the thickening tension between their parents. Oh, and how they did. Hongjoong went silent, he barely opened his mouth when his husband was with him in the same room, which too rarely happened. If he was in the living room, Seonghwa would either start rearranging his kitchen supplies for the nth time that week or be with little Yeosang and watch him sleep and rest, or helpt Yunho and San with their homework. Seonghwa started to sleep in much longer, woke up every morning with a severe headache, and the need to just throw up, which explained his attitude in the morning but Hongjoong didn't know that. Because he never told anyone. 

A monochrome rhythm had made its place into the usually colorful and oh so joyful household of the Kims. For the rest of the week, it would be Hongjoong taking over the morning routines like preparing the kids and taking them to school, and Seonghwa would tuck them into bed and go to sleep right after too. Of course, he wouldn't be sleeping, he would wait until Hongjoong entered the room too a couple of hours later. No matter how much he didn't want to talk to him, there were habits of his that wouldn't allow him to completely shut him out. It had become a bad habit, they couldn't sleep before talking to each other. So, Hongjoong would always whisper quiet words thinking Seonghwa was sleeping and then force himself into sleep afterwards. And his husband would answer him when he was deeply asleep already. They stopped facing each other while sleeping but both had one hand extended towards the other's direction, havig small hopes they would get to feel the other's pressence on themselves. And whenever their pinky finger unintentionally touched, they would cling onto each other, not breaking the sleeping-act. 


"Okay, we need to do something" Yunho decided as the brothers were holding a meeting in his room. Even Yeosang was there, a thick blanket wrapped around his fragile body. To not infect everyone in the room, he gladly took his place on the big comfy seat in the farthest corner, while his brothers sat in a circle on the floor. 

"Yesh" baby Jongho agreed, full motivated on helping his parents drop the oh so childish play of just not talking to each other.

"It's scarey that Daddy laughs loud and then is totally silent when Papa comes into the room..." San added, making an uncomfortable expression as he was thinking about the many times this had already happened. 

"But what can we do?... They don't even look at each ohter..." Yeosang commented from the back, holding in a cough. 

A moment of silence was brought into the room as everyone was trying hard to think of a way to make their fathers talk to each other, if they wanted or not. "What if... what if we lock them in their room?" Mingi suggested.

"We can't just lock them up!" 

"But otherwise they won't stay in one room!" 

"I think Mingi is right... That's our plan" Yunho agreed. "But how do we get them to go in there together in the first place?"

"Hm... Papa takes a shower after dinner... then we have to make Dad go in there while he is in the shower" San said

"Jongie can ask Daddy to bring Bunbun to him, and then someone locks the door!" Wooyoung added, proud of his idea to trick their father. "Jongie ask cutely, ah?"


"But can we lock the door so fast?"

"Mhmm... And what if I hide the plushie before Dad comes up? While he searches for it Yunho can lock the door" Yeosang recommended.

"Perfect, that's the plan!" Yunho cheered, starting another conversation about who would inform who in the most undercover way so that their little masterplan wouldn't flop.


Seonghwa put the last plates and cups in the dishwasher, closed it and turned it on. He cleaned up the little mess on the kitchen counter and left to go into his bedroom, but not before checking on the kids in the livingroom. They had built a pillowfort and were watching a movie just like every Friday night. Then he proceeded on his way upstairs, checked on Yeosang who seemed to be sleeping, and lastly made it to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He put out new underwear and pajamas to wear after his planned shower, and placed them neatly on his bed. Seonghwa got rid of his clothes, threw them in the laundry basket and made his way into the bathroom attached to the big bedroom. He felt like throwing up again, his head felt so heavy. he had just eaten but it seemed like he shouldn't have, the food was now giving him a bad stomachache. With effort he made it into the shower, hoping a long and relaxing one would help his sickness as somehow nothing seemed to help. First he thought Yeosang had finally infected him too but that wasn't it. He could breathe through his nose perfectly, his throat wasn't dry or raspy and his limbs just occasionally hurt. Instead somehing was giving him constant migrene, the need to vomit and bad mood swings on such a level that he himself noticed. 

While showering he heard the door, which he had closed behind him, open by the cracking sound it made if you pushed it open slowly. Not minding it a big thought as it was probably just Hongjoong getting something, he continued his shower. But something just stuck in his head and it was the fact that the door didn't close afterwards. Maybe about ten minutes later he heard heavier footsteps enter the room and then the door was smashed closed. He flinched for a moment, turned off the continuously raining water and stepped out of the shower to get his robe.

"Hey, boys, look that's really not funny. Come on, open the door" Hongjoong hammered against the thick bedroom door, pulling at the doorhandle. "Yah!" he exclaimed defeated and sighed as he slid down the locked door. He had Jongho's little bunny plushie in his hands, he was seriously tricked by a bunch of little kids and a toddler. A door did open, unfortunately not the one in his back but the one to the attached bathroom. Seonghwa stepped out with a expressionles face as he saw his husband sitting on the floor with their youngest's favourite toy in his hands. "We're... We're locked up" 


Hello! How are you?

Ahh, y'all... all i can add to this is... uffff get yo emotinal support at reach cause I'm crying while writing

well that could be just me being the too emotinal hoe I am tho but I've warned you beforehand


Please stay healthy and safe


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