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"... And by Friday I want you to write the interpretation. Please don't forget to fill the letters, they are also due on Friday" the teacher spoke and returned to her desk as she finished giving out the letters. "As your class teacher, I would like to make your last year of middle school something special. In the letters all the information for this year's finals and events is listed and explained... To inform you beforehand, we will make a class trip for a week in the next semester. Please fill the forms for that already, so I can book us a trip" she explained and sat down in her seat. Her eyes roamed over the room for a last time. "Class dismissed, have a great day"

Yunho hung his head and packed his stuff together. A sigh rolled over his lips as he thought about his teacher's words. Indeed, it was his last year of middle school, in a matter of months he would be in high school then, on the other side of the building. He felt somewhat scared of that thought of visiting the upper-class now. It wasn't because he was afraid of the elders or anything like that. The thought of growing up made him anxious. He would prepare for his future life in these few years and depending on how well he managed school, freetime, family and growing up, his future life would be easy. It depended on so many factors, only thinking about it made his head hurt.

As he was about to leave the room, his teacher called him back. "Yunho, would you stay for a minute, please?" she asked politely, she didn't want to scare him off. And the student complied. As soon as everyone had left the classroom to go home, Mrs Cha turned to her student. "I've noticed that you're absent in my class, Yunho. Is there something you would like to tell me?"

The teenager tipped his lips. "N-no, madam" he replied and held his head low. "I am deeply sorry for my behavior, I will do my best to engage more in class"

Over the elderly woman's lips rolled a chuckle. "You have such good manners, Yunho. You will make it far in life if you use them right" she commented and then tried her actual goal again. "It's fine, actually. Right now must be a quite rushing time for you. School and growing up can be stressful, and of course you have a home-life and friends. Sometimes it can be hard to handle on your own" she said and smiled at her student warmly. "I want you to know that if something is on your mind and you can't handle it yourself, that I am here to help you as your guide, Yunho. It's my job to help you on your way of adolescent" she added and stood up from her seat. "if something is on your mind, you can come to me whenever you want"

Yunho bit the insides of his cheeks and nodded hastily. "Thank you, madam. I will remember that when I need it"


"Yah! Yunho! What took you so long?" Chan asked as he spotted his friend at the exit of his school. "We're going to be late for practice again because of you"

"Sorry, Mrs Cha wanted to talk to me" he said and strolled across the school ground to his brothers waiting for him. "I'll bring them home and then come meet you at the studio"

Chan knitted his brows and followed the younger. "Why?"

Yunho shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, really" he replied and gathered his siblings. "Up, we're going to miss the bus"

"Finally, grandpa made it" Wooyoung sighed and packed his lunch back into his bag.

"What took you so long? We missed the first bus" San commented and grabbed Jongho by his hand.

"I made it now, didn't I?" the eldest gave back and shrugged his shoulders. "Papa is going to be worried again, come on" he rushed them out of the gate, Chan following closely.

Their ways parted soon when the elder had to turn right to reach the dance club they were attending. "I'll tell them that you'll be coming later on. Get home safely!" he said his goodbyes and went on with his path.

"Yuyu~!" Jongho cheered as he skipped to his eldest brother and clung to his side. "We had math today! I learned the full multiplication table today!" he told excitedly and gave his brother his loved gummy smile. "I'm smart, you know?"

A chuckle rolled over the elder's lips. "Of course, the smartest!" he replied and patted he younger's head sweetly.


Mingi observed his father closely. Something felt off today, but he just couldn't grasp what it was. His first guess was, that his parents had a fight the night before. But that couldn't be, they had visitors and everything was just okay. Curiously, he poked San's side. "Sannie I think something is wrong"

San knitted his brows and closed his phone, looked to his brother. "What do you mean? Everything is just fine?"

"No..." he said and gestured to his parents sitting at the dining table. "Dad hasn't moved from that spot since we ate after school and he's so quiet" he whispered. "He hasn't tried to eat Jongho's face either..."

San got curious himself and glanced over to the dining room, you could catch a glimpse of it from the couch. His parents were sitting there in silence, his Papa sank in his laptop, tying things, and his Dad, next to him, reading papers in complete silence. Mingi had a point. Their father would usually work in his office as working at one table with their Papa usually resulted in distraction. "Why is he sitting so weird..."

Yeosang, who was laying on the other couch, distracting himself with his phone and a couple games, couldn't but listen to the two talk. Internally, he hit himself on the forehead first, then his siblings' heads. "I think Dad loud enough yesterday" he commented and took a deep breath, praising the person who had invented earphones. "God get me out of here..."


Sweat was dripping down his forehead as he watched himself in the mirror. The room was empty already, he was the last left. "No, again" he told himself and went to the music player and reset the song. Music started to play again and he followed the rhythm and routine as he had previously practiced. And it went smoothly, every movement flew so smoothly that pride bloomed in his chest. The stress of the whole day left his body every time he found himself in this room, dancing. This was it, Yunho knew. This is what he never wanted to stop doing.


"Hey big boy" Hongjoong greeted Yunho as he got into the car. It was dark outside already, a light rain had started, suiting to the fall weather. "How was practice?" he asked and put his son's bag on the back seat.

Yunho nodded quietly and buckled himself into the seat. "It's fine..." he replied then and his father started the engine. They drove in silence for the most part. Yunho's thoughts were circling never-endingly that he started to knead his hands without noticing.

"Is everything really fine, Yunho?" Hongjoong asked again as he drove their way home. "You look nervous"

And the boy was. "Dad, I need to tell you something" he started, and there would be no stopping now. Guilt washed over him now in that moment. He would have loved to be the son his parents deserved, you know, an eldest son who becomes a lawyer, a doctor, something good. But there he was now. Yunho swallowed down the knot in his throat and took a breath. "Dad, I think... I want to dance... As in professionally"

Heey! How are you today?

I'm in a surprisingly good mood today! I was feeling a little sad, but I'm much much better now!

The wonders music can make:)

I was listening to Thank u a lot today, I hope it can cheer you up as much as it did cheer me up!

Thank u by the way;)

Stay healthy and safe


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