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Seonghwa gathered his breath and opened the door, stepping into the room. It was an autorium, the lights on and pointing to the stage, three people sitting in the first row. He pursed his lips and walked the few stairs up to the stage.

"Kim Seonghwa, we're honored you accepted our invite," one of the three said and smiled at him.

"We would like to ask you to act this specific scene from the script" the woman in the middle said and extended the script to him. Seonghwa gladly took it and read over the scene cautiously. "Hyungsik's, the misunderstood villain, last scene before he choses to kill their most loved one to finally devote himself to eliminating the hero... Start whenever you're ready"

Seonghwa's eyebrow rose a little as he took a sharp breath. It made sense; this was probably the toughest part of the character they saw him in. He swallowed and put the script next to him on the ground and looked at his small audience. There was a spark of anxiety in his stomach but he wouldn't let it become the best of him. "come on, you've acted like your mother-in-law was a good person for ten years, this should be nothing-" he whispered to himself. If being watched made him nervous, then he could just turn away. No-one said that was not allowed. So he did; he turned and strolled a little, gathered his thoughts and set himself in the scene.

Maybe at the top of a skyscraper, under the never-ending black of the night. It would be cold, and wind would mess up his hair.

And there his most loved one would be, maybe on their knees, maybe even crying.

His scene was set, so he turned back around to face the small audience which forged into his set. There was a wave of confidence that he welcomed with open arms.

"Look at me!" he yelled out, throwing his arms up to the sides, huffing desperatly. "Look at you! Look at us! I'm not the noble man you try to make me be! I never was and I never will be..." he turned and let out a dry, psychotic chuckle. "you know exactly who I am, you knew from the beginning... And yet you still tried... Look where we are now, love! Can you see it? The end? This is where you have driven me!" he swung around and looked the three dead in the eye as he tilted his head, lifting his hand as if he was holding a gun."From here there is only one way for you... You should have chosen me when you had the chance to..." a single tear rolled down his cheek "... If you ever really loved me, you would have..." another psychotic laugh rolled over this lips and he rolled his head to the other side. "greet the devil for me, 'love'"

And then, he 'pulled' the trigger.


Hongjoong grinned all over his face as he watched Seonghwa get all flustered while watching himself on the screen. "Aw~ Seongie come on! You promised we're going to binge watch it together! This is only the second episode!"

"this is too much for me- no- ihg- do I really look like that?" Seonghwa squealed and pulled the blanket over his face, embarrassed to the bone.

Hongjoong looked back at the screen showing 'Hyungsik' wash off blood under the shower. "Tsk, the other half of that is... more massive than that-"

"Hongjoong-!" Seonghwa kicked his husband off the bed all red and flushed.

"I'm not wrong-"

"Shut up!"


Seonghwa curved his lips in a warm smile and nodded at Jeonghan. "I'd love to walk for you this season too"

The elder beamed all over his face. "Ah yes! Now now, let's get some of the previews done!" he rushed and tugged his friend to his assistants to get him ready already.


"How was the shooting?" Hongjoong asked as he heard Seonghwa enter their home. He stood up to greet him at the door, pressed a small peck on his cheek.

"Ah just as always" Seonghwa gave back and took off his coat. "Have you eaten yet? Did they finish their homework?" he asked instead and slipped into his house slippers.

Hongjoong grinned proudly. "All the homework is done, we did the laundry and dinner is also made and warm for you. San and Yeosang brought their math tests home, we corrected it and revised the issues" he told tugging the elder to the dinning room where two plates were set. "Also, Chaewon called earlier because she couldn't reach your phone"

"ah, right. I'm battery died" Seonghwa marked by and set down, let the younger serve the food. "why didn't you eat with the kids?"

"Can't I have dinner with my husband?"

Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong for a moment. "... Tell me, what happened?"

"What do you mean? Everything is fine!"

"i know that tone. What happened?"

Hongjoong pursed his lips for a moment and looked at Seonghwa. Lying wasn't his specialty, the elder always noticed somehow. "promise me you won't be mad"

"Hongjoong what did you do?"

"Mhm! You need to promise me first! You can't get mad, it's not good for your health"

Seonghwa took a deep breath and turned his face to his plate for a silent second. "Promise, I won't be mad" he complied and drifted his eyes back to his husband who was fidgeting his sleeves. "Now tell me, what happend?"

Hongjoong bit his lip, then took a sharp breath. "we may or may not need to renovate the second bathroom-"

"Hongjoong what in the world-"

"I broke the washing machine and it flooded and- and now the whole floor is coming off-"

Heyaa! How are you today?

I hope you're doing well. It's around the end of the first semester for most people, I hope your last exams are going well

Oh man, today's chapter was rather short, but I hope you still enjoyed it!




The scene I used above for the audition thing-

What if I made something like this as a story-👀👀

Like I already have the whole storyline-👀👀

Lemme know if you're interested in Misunderstood villain Seonghwa-👀👀

Stay healthy and safe


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