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"Okay you got five minutes- turbo-" Seonghwa rushed as he ran after preparing three diffrent lunches and checking his children's uniforms. At days like these his nerves, patience and multitasking skills got pushed maybe a little too hard. "Ah- Mingi put on your hat, it's still cold!" he yelled from the kitchen as he saw Mingi from the corner of his eye almost leaving without one. Getting the boxes together he rushed to the door and stuffed the lunches in the bags that were still missing one. Pressing a kiss on every single one of his son's foreheads, he hushed them out of the door, hoping dearly they would catch the bus and he wouldn't have to drive them all over the city to the schools. Traffic at this hour was something he was thankful to not be a constant part of.

As soon as they were out of the door, Seonghwa took a breath and closed the door, already tired of Monday morning. As he shuffled back further into the house, Hongjoong came down the stairs. His beloved husband still looked rather sleep-drunk and confused by just everything he seemed to encounter on his way to the kitchen. "Good morning to you too," Seonghwa chuckled and followed the younger.

Hongjoong gave a hum, signaling that he had acknowledged him. He stood at the coffee machine, his eyelids still dropping every now and then. "I feel like I just slept for two days and I could sleep for at least three more," he groaned and searched for two cups in the upper cupboard. He looked at the variety of choices, then selected the ones with sage-green floral designs. It was too early for the ones with motivational morning quotes Seonghwa had bought just to annoy him.

"Well, you slept for... Half of Saturday, full Sunday," Seonghwa replied and took a seat at the small table in their kitchen; watching Hongjoong prepare their morning coffee while still trying to really wake up looked to endearing. "I hope you know from now on I will tie you to the bed."

"Oh is that so?" Hongjoong giggled and turned around with a tired smirk, "ah, I hope you do~"

The elder rose his brow at him, clearly judging him silently. With a little sad pout Hongjoong turned back to the coffee, poured it into the cups and made sure to pour more milk and a sugar cube into Seonghwa's cup; he didn't like the bitterness of pure coffee, not even in the mornings.

"I'm being serious," Seonghwa called and went to stand behind him, "we're not that young anymore, Joong... Your body isn't made for such schedules anymore." The elder slung one arm around his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. The bright expression on his face had fallen, now full with worry. "I didn't like it back then, I still don't today. You need to take more care of yourself."

Hongjoong sighed and leaned back into the touch just a little, thoughtfully stirring his husband's coffee. "... It was the last time, I promise you," he replied and put the spoon into the sink, "I noticed that I'm not that young anymore, I guess counting the total number of naps as sleeping hours is over." Hongjoong turned around, his husband's cup in his hand, "I should ask you for a couple of old man tips-"

"We're the same age-"

"ah-ah," Hongjoong joked and gave the cup over, "we had this conversation once. I just turned thirty six, you're thirty seven next month old hag," he laughed playfully and reached for a peck on the cheek, then got his own cup and shuffled to the table. "It's yunho's birthday at the end of this month."

At the realization, Seonghwa's lips pressed in a line as he followed the younger to sit down. "Time is going faster than I want it to," be commented and tasted the warm coffee in his hands. He had never been a big fan of caffeine, he drank it for the effects. At least it was a little sweet, a little less bitter. "My baby is turning fifteen... Maybe I am getting old."

"How fast time passes..." Hongjoong looked in his cup, watched the little bit of brown foam circulate on the surface; it had the shape of an crescent. "What are we going to do for his birthday? Is he old enough to get money and buy what he wants?" Hongjoong asked, a little chuckle rolling over his lips.

"He'll think we don't care about his birthday, don't you dare," the elder replied and lifted a finger to support his words. "I'll get in his mind and see if there is something he really wants... If not, we can look for something"

Hongjoong nodded in agreement. They continued to sit in comfortable silence and drink their morning coffee; enjoying the presence of the other in silence was again something that had developed back when they had just met. To this day it reminded them of how many times they had sat like this, silently, working or studying intensely. It was comforting to have each other.


The teacher sighed as he went through the rows of students, giving out their tests. When he reached Mingi sitting in the back next to the window, he stopped.

Mingi took the test and looked over the points, dissapointed yet not very surprised. "Sir, but we didn't do this," he pointed out, "we didn't even do this as homework."

"But we did it in class," the elderly man said and sighed as be bent down in front of Mingi's table. "I know you're a good student, Mingi, I do. But your grades keep dropping and I don't know why. If this continues, I will have to notify your parents. Please pay more attention in class," he said and went on to give everyone else their papers back.

The boy sighed and put his head on the table. He had studied, so so much. But he hadn't lied, he couldn't remember doing that topic at all. It was not that he had done completely bad, he has full points on every other topic just not this one. Lifting his head, he looked back to the teacher in the front of the class - or what seemed to be him. That far away his face looked like a badly drawn stick figure.

Mingi looked down at his test again, sighed and put it in his folder while his mind was already searching for a good explanation why his grades were getting worse and how he didn't even know why. He was terrified of the idea that his teacher would call his home, yet it seemed like something he couldn't even prevent.

While in the front of his classroom the conversation about the test had shifted into something else, Mingi tried best to follow what his teacher was explaining on the board, as if it wasn't too late to safe his half year's report paper.


Heya people

How are you doing?

Tomorrow I will have my first day of German high school👁️💧👄💧👁️

I am genuinely so scared of it, you can't even imagine-

I am the only one from my old school that goes there, maybe it will even be better that way.

I'm also kind of excited for what classes I will have. I took Chinese as my foreign language and I yet have to regret it bsnejde idk I'm excited about that

And also about my main subject, it's going to be psychology and pedagogy

Though my life is falling apart from every side, I try to pull through for you guys

Sometimes I laugh at myself that one of the main reasons I want to stay is that you won't even know what happened and that makes me sad

So yes, whenever there is a chapter in this book, I hope you know that you are the reason

I hope everyone of you had a good time during this summer, I can't even wait for fall and winter, I prefer them.

Well well

Thank you for being here, for being my reason to stay. Take care and stay safe


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