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It was the sunlight softly brushing his skin, what woke up Seonghwa from his sleep. The fourth day of his little vacation had began. He wasn't going to lie, he developed a liking to the silence in the morning. Don't get him wrong, Wooyoung's loud screaming and Jongho's crying as an alarm was indeed attractive, but so was waking up to nothing but soft light and birds' singing.

For the day he wanted to stroll around a little, do a little bit of shopping. Going around the city would give him a good time on a few levels. First, he just enjoyed strolling in general and second, he could relive some memories of his honeymoon.

And that's what he did. After a quick shower and a light breakfast he was in his way to the city. Of course, the streets were packed with a lot of people but he didn't mind at all. He still had a great time.

Walking around the area brought him peace and nostalgia. He had chosen to take the exact same route him and Hongjoong had taken all those years ago. There were a lot of places they had taken pictures and now there he was, recreating the pictures by himself to send them to his husband. Oh how much he wanted to have him with him there. But he appreciated the time.

He stopped for a second and took in the beautiful sight of the coast. Seonghwa took out his phone to take a photo, when he felt someone lightly tug his sleeve. A little girl with teary eyes and red cheeks was tugging on his sleeve. "Can- Can you bring me to my Mama?" she sobbed and wiped falling tears.

Seonghwa's heart broke the moment he saw her. "Of course, of course!" he said taking her so small hand in his. He looked around in worry, hoping to see a searching woman. "Where have you seen Mama the last time?"

"I don't know..." she cried. "Th-there was a cat and- and I followed it..."

Seonghwa bent down and lightly stroked her short hair. "Do you know your Mama's phone number? We can call her" The girl shook her head, more tears filling her big eyes. "Don't worry, don't worry, we will find Mama and then everything will be okay" he assured. "How about you show me where you came from, Mhm? Let's play a game. We have to go back the steps we took, as if we're turning back in time, ah?"

The girl wiped her runny nose. "L-Like time travelers?"

"Yes! Like time travelers!" Seonghwa stood up straight again and smiled down at her. He held her tiny hand and took the first step backwards. The little girl gained a little confidence and started walking backwards, her eyes fixed on the ground. Seonghwa had his eyes wide open and looked out for her, so that she didn't trip. So, they walked back the way the little girl came in the first place. They passed a lot of shops, people, changed a lot of directions and then, the girl stopped. She stopped and looked up, still tightly holding on to Seonghwa's hand. "Are we here? Did you see your Mama here for the last time?" he asked her in hope.

The girl shook her head but she didn't seem too sad anymore; the tears had stopped. "No. But there is the cat I was following" she said and pointed at a little black kitten. It was sitting on a low brick wall and it seemed like it was looking at them. Then, the girl giggled. "It looks like you"

For the moment, Seonghwa took his time to see the similarities. How...?

"Yuki!" a loud scream filled the ears of Seonghwa and made him jump a little. He turned to the voice, saw a young woman running towards him the girl holding his hand. The woman stopped in front of them, kneeling down to the level of the girl. She took get in her arms, hugging her tight.

Seonghwa would have let the little girl go, but something didn't fit with him. The girl didn't move at all, her grip on his hand tightened even. He stepped in the hug, pulling the woman off the little girl. "Are you the mother of this girl?" he asked, face ice cold.

The woman stood up straight. "of course, I am! Come on Yuki, let's get going Dad is waiting for you" she said and tried to pull the girl with her but she clinged to Seonghwa.

The tall male took the woman's hands off the girl, stood in between them. "I don't think she wants to go with you, madam" he said. Seonghwa turned to the kid, kneeling down to her level. He gently brushed away some strans of her hair. "Hey bunny, do you know this woman? Do you want to go with her?" the girl looked down and silently shook her head.

"You can't keep my child from me! Give her to me now!" the woman protested and tried to grab the girl roughly by her arm but again Seonghwa stepped in just in time.

"Madam, i don't think I can let her go with you. She clearly doesn't want to go with you" He towered over the woman, intimidating her with looks. Oh no, this woman wasn't the mother they were searching for. His feeling about that woman was right.

The woman loudly protested, tried to convince the people around them that Seonghwa was kidnapping her child, but the man just walked away unbothered.
"Is your name Yuki?" he asked her as they were walking.

She shook her head. "My name is Hyori" she said, looking up. "What's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Seonghwa, but call me what you want, little Hyori" he said chuckling. "Do you know that woman, Hyori?"

"Mhm..." she mumbled. "Mama told me to stay away from her. But she said she would bring me to my Dad and then she brought me here instead... Can you bring me back to my Mama, please Mr. Seonghwa?" the girl spoke and little tears formed in her eyes again.

Seonghwa stopped walking for a moment and looked at the girl, then thought about what she had told him just now. "Do you know where you are, bunny?" he asked the girl and as he had predicted, the girl shook her head. This whole thing was bigger than he thought it was. "What about we get something for you to eat and you tell me everything on how you got here and that woman, little Hyori?"


How are you guys? I hope you're doing well!

Ahh it is such a wonderful feeling to see how atinys are fighting for ateez. I feel so useless right now as I can't do much...

I hope y'all are really okay? It's really hot here and I feel like burning istg -.-.. They say we gonn see about 40 degrees.... Help

y'all please when you see something fishy happening on the streets, step in. There is so much going wrong just in front of our eyes but so many people choose to ignore it. Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's okay to ignore it.


Please stay healthy and safe!


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