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"We'll be visiting the historical museum in two weeks with my other class of your year. Please bring back these letters with your parents's signature next class."

San nudged his twin with a small smirk. "Mrs. Yoon's second history class is our c-class."

"Thank you, I am fully aware," Yeosang hissed back and put away his things in his bag. "I don't know what you want to tell me with this conclusion."

The other just hummed and shrugged his shoulders, leaning back in his seat. "I don't know... I just think it would be cool to spent more time with people outside of our class... Like Eun Dal"

Yeosang halted in his motion, took a deep breath and then turned to his annoying and nagging twin. "Great, time that you make other friends than me, it was sad to watch."


"Shh, we have politics now."


"Okay just gather for a moment," the elder lady called and sat on the middle of the practice room with papers flying around her. "Looks like we're having a show at the spring festival, I'm taking suggestions."

Yunho tipped his lips as he sat somewhere around her like the rest of his fellow trainees. He looked around a little to find Jimin; the elder hadn't been there. Though this time Yunho was early, yet he had thought he would be there already.

"Are we supposed to do a show in smaller groups or all together?" one of the girls he had never had the courage to talk to, asked from the other side.

"We could do smaller groups and every group practices a small performance in the styles we have learned," Yunho said and looked around the group for disagreement. Some didn't react in any way, some nodded to themselves.

The boy next to him rose his hand before he spoke. "Is there supposed to be a vocal performance too? Do we have total freedom of what we do?" he asked and took a pause to wait for their instructor's response. The woman just nodded away and let him speak his mind, taking notes of what her trainees suggested here and there. "We are around twenty five trainees that do not have a debut date, about 30 all together. We should include vocal performances for those that are specifically training in that sector..."

As Yunho listened to suggestions thrown from each side of the room, he thought about an idea himself. There was so much freedom to use, to take advantage of. Sometimes he wondered if it was good that their company offered this freedom to not only the artists but trainees. He doubted one learned much by doing just what they feel is right. But he could remember his father chuckling as he had asked him just that; his response was, that there is rarely a wrong in art.

"We could also include the trainees under our producers and ask them to make us a short track that covers our dance styles, a rap and vocal part. In that way all of the new generation of KQ would be included and represented," Yunho suggested and tipped his lips left and right, looking at the paper Moonbyul was taking the notes on. She halted a moment, the pen only hovered over the paper.

"A track covering so many aspects in just... Four weeks?" she asked and looked at the boy sitting in front of her. "We would have to have it ready in a week maximum to learn a choreography and the vocal parts... Don't you think it's too short on time?"

"But excluding the trainees in the production sector is unfair?" Yunho replied confidently. "Why would you exclude the backbone of music?"

The room went completely silent, and cold somehow. The temperature sank slowly. The instructor's eyes were locked on the boy, she looked at him commentless. Moonbyul took a clear sheet and wrote Yunho's name on it, noted the points he had suggested and gave it to him. "I agree, fully. Then I also want you to set this whole performance on its feet. Under your leadership now, Kim Yunho. I have high expectations on you."

Yunho had never known that one could really feel all his blood freezing in their veins. But when the paper landed in front of him and he read his name written on the left corner, signed with her name in the right, he felt his whole body just shut down and wished to never have spoken up.


It was quite late at night when Mingi slipped out of his bed and room to tiptoe downstairs. There was a dim light coming from the living room; his father usually sat there to read or learn one of his scripts. When he stood at the doorway into the room, he halted. Seonghwa sat there with his laptop, typing away things with a glass of wine sitting on their glass coffee table. It wasn't rare to find him awake at these hours, he usually was waiting for Hongjoong to come home form work. For a while they had had a normal schedule where their Dad would leave at seven in the morning and come back around eight in the evening, but that started to shift again too.

"Papa..." the boy called as he entered the room to catch his father's attention.

Seonghwa's head flew to the side where Mingi's voice came from. He put the laptop away and sat up straight, his face filled with concern. "Hey, baby, why are you still awake?" he asked, shifted to the side to motion his son to sit next to him. Mingi already came with open arms, pressed his face into the elder's body silently. "What's wromg, Mingi?" Seonghwa caressed the crown of the boy's head and pressed a light kiss there.

"I think I have a problem..." Mingi muffled quietly, his grip around his father tightened just a little more. His heart was heavy as he tried to pick the words he needed to tell his father what was wrong with him. But at the thought, it was everything wrong with him. So many words, so many things he wanted to say yet nothing came out the way he wanted to. And the was at the brim of just crying in frustration when his father held his sided and moved him on his lap, brushed out all the long hair from his face.

"Nothing is hopeless, Mingi, there is nothing we can't solve," Seonghwa said and held his son's face like a priceless treasure which he was. His heart stung with what he faced. It was something he couldn't prevent; that his children would have their secrets, their worries they couldn't talk about. And it pained in his chest that the time had already come. They were just children, Mingi was just out of being his little baby he had carried around with a tiara on his head all the time. He just not willing to let go of what he could control and what the downside's of puberty would do to them.

"I don't know what's wrong..." the boy choked out as his lips already started to quiver, "... there is so much wrong with me, Papa... and I... don't know what to do..."


Heyaa bishesss

How was your day? How are we feeling?

School is taking so much of my time, I barely have the strength to do anything when I come back. But it's slowly getting better now, it was worse at times.



I have Chinese classes and our teacher told us to choose a Chinese name for class

And I legit understand how all these idols with awful English names felt like ohmyfuckinggod

Idk what I'm supposed to name myself i-💀💀💀💀

I'll prolly end up with the Chinese version of Emily or Jessica I can see it coming👁️💧👄💧👁️

If anyone has suggestions PLEASE I NEED IT TILL TOMORROW

I'll never laugh about the English name of any idol.

This is karma hitting hard.


AHHHH anyway

Stay healthy and safe!


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