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"You had so see their faces!" Hongjoong said, clinging to Seonghwa as he held him up. Maybe he had two or three glasses too much. "Of course they were shocked... Because I have the most beautiful man on... On universe? In universe?"

Seonghwa shook his head while he seated him in their car. His hand slid in Hongjoong's pocket, fishing out the car keys. "that much about you won't touch the alcohol" he sighed and closed the door of the passenger seat. He got in himself and firstly reached for the glove compartment. They always had water somewhere in the car. He found a bottle of water and gave it to his husband. To his favor, Hongjoong was so easy to handle when tipsy. So, he started the engine and drove out of the parking spot, focusing on the way home.

Unfortunately, he was one, quite tired and two, Hongjoong's talking kept distracting him. "Ah shi- I missed the exit-" he gave Hongjoong side glances. He took a deep breath. He couldn't turn around on the highway anyway he had to take the next exit. But what he didn't know was where the exit would lead them. Because when Seonghwa took the next exit they found themselves in the middle of nowhere. They had manages to leave the city completely, there were no houses to be seen.

"Oopsie-" Hongjoong quiecked from the side. "I think we got lost..."

"Ah don't you say?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes and parked at the side as soon as he could. Now, around them where a couple bushes, high grass, maybe a field... Sighing, Seonghwa turned to the navigation, tried to make out their position and find a route back.

They had been driving for a good long time, and the cold water had been sobering Hongjoong off well. Though, he didn't mind being stuck where they were now. He looked around bored. Then, his eyes found Seonghwa and how he was concentrated on the navigation. He had taken off the jacket and was sitting in his net and small vest. Hongjoong took off his own Jacket and threw in onto the backseat. "you know what I just noticed...?"

"Mhm? What?" Seonghwa asked, eyes still fixed on the nav.

"We've never done it in this car"


"I'm just saying... Though this one has more room than the old one... You know, this is easier" Hongjoong marked by and crawled from his seat over to Seonghwa's lap totally unbothered. "our old car was quite small. This is way easier now"

"Hongjoong get back on your seat. We're literally got lost god knows where and you're horny- even if, we're out on public what if someone comes by?" Seonghwa replied, shaking his head.

"It's half past 1 am no-one is out here at half past 1 am... " Hongjoong argued, then smirked. He leaned in, letting his charms seduce his husband. Oh Hongjoong had heard a little of the conversation Seonghwa had had with his former band members. Maybe they did have something with the Idea someone could possibly come by.

"you're so unbelievable"

"but you love that"


Seonghwa shuffled down the stairs, entered the kitchen where Hongjoong had already prepared him his morning tea. The older was still dead tired while he sipped his tea. "when are we supposed to pick the kids up?"

"mhm Seungcheol texted me that they are having breakfast right now. So in about two hours?" Hongjoong replied and followed his husband to the living room.

"Two hours?" Seonghwa set his tea on the coffee table and let himself fall on the couch "I'm going to take a nap then" he said, laid down and closed his eyes.

"You just woke up"

"Shut up you were sleeping in the car already. Guess who drove back here at an ungodly hour and carried you up the stairs. Let me have my nap" Seonghwa hissed with closed lids. He was about to dive into his sweet sleep when he felt Hongjoong squeeze himself on the couch too. "What are you doing?"

"Thought you didn't like sleeping alone?" the younger giggled and snuggled into his husband's chest. "I set an alarm, we have half an hour" he added, though his words muffled into Seonghwa's chest.

The older didn't complain further, just slung his arms around the shorter body of Hongjoong to keep him closer and safe from falling off the couch. Sleeping with company was indeed easier.


"We had barbecue for dinner yesterday!" Mingi said, jumping up and down from excitement.

"It was soo~ good!"

"vegetables on the grill are actually okay" San added, rubbing his stomach. "and after dinner we were outside playing because it wasn't too late"

Hongjoong and Seonghwa listened to all the stories their kids had to tell. It was their first time staying at a house with other children. Their eyes were literally glowing.

"sounds like you had a lot of fun yesterday" Hongjoong said, grinning wide.

"Yes !" Jongho replied "but home is bestest!" he said, running off to get his little bunny blanket.

"what did you do yesterday?" Yeosang asked as they gathered up in the kitchen where Seonghwa was prepareing everything for dinner later.

"Oh, we went to the reunion. It was fun" Seonghwa plainly told, not wanting to remember everything from last night.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "We were at such a beautiful building, and met our old friends from school again! Papa even sang with his old band" he said, telling the story a little more interesting. He pulled out his phone, opening his gallery. "And Daddy was there to record everything!" he played the video of his husband and friends performing a couple songs.

Yeosang's eyes were glowing. "Papa is so handsome!"

"Mhm! I want to see too!" Mingi shoved Yeosang to the side to see what their father was showing them on his phone. "whoa, I wanted to be there too!"

"He looks so cool" Yunho commented. As he was the tallest of his brothers he didn't have any problems with seeing the video.

Seonghwa chuckled. "see kids? I told you being in a band makes you cool" he said. "Ah, and back when I was young tsk tsk tsk... Maybe I should have become the artist of the family, huh?" he joked, poking Hongjoong with the wooden spoon in his hand.

"I never told you not to" Hongjoong responded "it was your decision!"

The video ended, making the three watching look up at their Papa. They were used to see Hongjoong on the stage, rocking it as always but seeing their other father perform and then so good, amazed them. Sometimes they really wondered why he didn't decide to be a singer, just like their dad.

"Why didn't you become a singer?"

Uhhh look, a double update;)
Yall getting spoiled every weekend

I had English exam this week, gonna have math next week and then I have one week of fall break and I hope I can give you seven days of daily updates! So I gotta hold on just five days-- gotta hold back another five days, it's getting harder and harder to not burn it all down...

Oh wait updates to how Germany is controlling Corona2. Schools ain't closing, we gotta do classes with masks on the whole time, including bathroom and break and waiting for the bus and the ride on the bus. We gotta open the windows every 10 minutes for 20 minutes and we are not allowed to wear hats for our cold ears because covering your head seems to be ✨disrespectful✨

As I student I dare to say what they plan to pull us through is fricking disrespectful. They do realize that we have -1°C outside and we will all get a cold???

Germany really said ✨let it die✨

So there was a tweet saying what about a party with your zodiac sign only.

And I'm like hun.

I'm an Aquarius. That ain't no party. That's a fricking protest--


Please stay healthy and safe


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