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"Ah! It's nice to have you back here, Hongjoong! It's been a long time! You just recently had your comeback after a year of rest and it blew up like firework, just what is to be expected of someone as successful as you, ah?"

"Oh, oh thank you very much. It's not naturally though, a lot of people were helping me prepare and create this album and of course one of the biggest thanks goes to my fans encouraging me every day!"

"Ahh, as generous as always, Hongjoong! Now, we have asked our listeners for questions they always wanted to ask you. You have to answer honestly, no cheating, ah!" the moderator - Lee Eunwoo - explained.

"Oh no! Never. I wouldn't dare!" Hongjoong replied with a charming smile. It would depend though, but usually he was pretty free on what he was allowed to say and what not.

"Ah let's start with something easy. Can you explain what's happening on this picture?"

On the screen to Hongjoong's left a picture of their last vacation last year popped up. It showed him, with Jongho and Wooyoung in each of his arms and Seonghwa giving him his famous judging looks.
"That's not fair, you said easy!"

"we're all eager to know what the story behind this one is, Hongjoong" she laughed and leaned back in her seat.

The artist sighed and laughed embarrassed. "someone fell asleep while watching the kids and had to hunt them down on a public beach"

"Oh no you didn't-"

"For my defense-! I was really, really tired-"

"You lost your kids-"

"Look no, yes but No- I had been driving all night and this happened the day after. My husband had taken the kids to find a bathroom and wanted to get something to eat. He couldn't take Wooyoung and Jongho with him though, so I stayed back with them" he started to explain himself "you see, it was just perfectly warm and I guess it lulled me to sleep for a second! I didn't sleep for longer than two minutes and when I opened my eyes they weren't under our parasol anymore- I searched the whole beach and when I came back to our place I saw them playing were they had been before. I was about to scold them for walking away, then I noticed that Seonghwa was already back... Turns out they had changed their mind and followed Seonghwa to the bathrooms- in that picture, I am getting scolded"

"Seonghwa seems to have you on his leash" Eunwoo joked, preparing the next question.

"Sometimes he does though" slipped over Hongjoong's lips. When he realized, it was already too late. So, instead of stopping in embarrassment he decided to keep going with full confidence.

"Hongjoong! You can't-"

"Ah-ah! This in a past 11 show I can say that. You can interpret it as you wish, ah miss Lee?" he gave back grinning. Oh be was going to get his ass beat at home.

"I see you didn't come to play, Mr. Kim" the moderator added and continued. "while we're at it already, let's move on to another clip of you during your rest that went viral"

Hongjoong looked over to his left and saw an edit of that one time Seonghwa fell from his lap and hit his head on the table and floor while he was live. As soon as the clip ended, he turned his head away, giving Eunwoo a pained smile.

She just chuckled amused at the artist she had met a couple times already. "Before anything, I just want to say Seonghwa is a meme without trying though... So we know this happened in the middle of the night, but unfortunately you couldn't understand everything except the... Sound of him falling off"

"well the story behind this one is actually pretty... Old? We both have developed a habit of not being able to sleep alone. And on taht day he went to bed earlier and I forgot to mention that I planned a live... He thought I was working and then... He noticed I was not and everything else just happened accidentally" Hongjoong told, leaving out Seonghwa asking if he just could play dead.

"You look like you're used to him 'sleeping' on you while working?"

"why did you say sleeping in such a... suggesting way?" Hongjoong pointed out just to mess with the younger lady. "But yes, we are. Sometimes I work a little longer than I should and so, he doesn't wait and just sleeps on my lap... It helps with inspiration though"

"I can imagine, it's visible on your recent album" she snickered and picked the next question. "Ah, one asked... What is your greatest fear for your future?"

"That my kids do their research in a couple years and ask me who and what some of my songs are about-"

Eunwoo choked on her own spit hearing his immediate blunt answer. "No-"

"I'm not lying! The other day Yunho told me he heard upper-classmen talk about me and refer to me as... dilf and that was the day I swore to quit music if they ever ask me what that means-" both, Hongjoong and Eunwoo had lost their self-control and were laughing loud, holding their stomachs. "Imagine my face when I heard him say that-"

Eunwoo wiped off tears of laughter. "Oh lord-... Ah the next question... This had been asked so much, even over years. Hongjoong, some attentive fans have noticed something. In every album you have ever published in all these years between now and your debut, only you, EDEN and one more person have been given credit every time. Even we have done our research but we couldn't find anything to said someone. So, Hongjoong, please te us, who is MARS?" Eunwoo asked curious.

A true smile flashed over Hongjoong's lips when he heard the question. He had assumed it would remain unnoticed. Now he was asked the question and he wasn't allowed to lie. "Ah... MARS is my best friend"

Hey! How are you doing? Yall ok?

I don't know it feels so weird rn. Like everything--I feel so on edge for nothing--

Actually whenever I feel like this, shit it about to go down and that scares me lowkey💀

But there is just something wrong I just can't tell what exactly

Ahhhh yall- so I can't watch ateez fever road for whatever reason😭 I've been crying about it the whole day💀

If someone knows why please tell me like- help

Please stay healthy and safe


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