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"And then- and then Jongho destroyed Uncle's vinyls!"

"He ate it"

"Yup. He nibbled on them"

With shocked eyes Seonghwa looked at Jongho, who was innocently sitting in his lap and played with his bunny plushy. "Jongho!" he scolded, disappointment clearly dominating his voice. But the baby didn't even care a little bit, continued twisting his bunny's ears around his little fingers.

"And then Uncle said that Jongho better becomes a singer after eating his expensive vinyls!" Yunho added, imitated a microphone with his hands. Mingi grabbed Yunho's microphone and held it in front of him, singing as high as he could.

"Yonghwan is going to beat my butt for this..." Hongjoong sighed on the side. "Your singing is beautiful, Mingi. Your high notes - perfect"

"Yes? I want to be a singer one day too! Just like you, dad!" Mingi confessed, looking up at Hongjoong in admiration. His father was indeed his role model. Mingi wanted to become just what his father was, he wanted to be like him so bad. It was his dream.

"Yes! I want to too!" San agreed with his eyes glowing. "Daddy is my hero too!"

Hongjoong smiled a little hearing that, ruffled the hair of Mingi and San. "Ah is that so?" he sat on the couch, pinching Jongho's cheek. "No eating vinyls, Jongie! Daddy can't afford to get to Uncle Yonghwan's bad side, ah?"

"Papa, can we have soft tofu stew tonight? Daddy can't cook well" Yeosang asked, smiling cutely at his father. Hongjoong huffed attacked but knew he wasn't wrong. "He tried making pancakes the other day. One was burned and one rare... I don't want to eat Daddy's food anymore..."

Seonghwa laughed amused, jokingly smacking Hongjoong's shoulder. "Pancakes, Joong"

"What? Not my fault when the stove doesn't do what I want it to do..." he sulked, cracking a guilty smile right after. "Ahhh, we need your cooking. I can't have dinosaur nuggets for another dinner"

"Even the nuggets weren't really do-"

"Ahaha, Yeosang! What about you check on Wooyoung, ah?" Hongjoong interrupted him before he could spill more of his bad skills in the kitchen.

"Wooyoung is just there in the cor-"

"Look what he's doing, ah?"


It was late noon, the time where Seonghwa usually took a little time to paint with Yeosang on the terrace. He found it important to let his kids do what they wanted to and at the same time show them that they cared about what they did. All of his kids had their special little time. Seonghwa liked to watch them do their thing. It made him so proud to see they weren't shy showing it.

"I missed you a lot..." the boy mumbled while he dipped his brush in black paint.

"I missed you and your brothers a lot too, baby" Seonghwa responded, closely watching what Yeosang was drawing on the large paper.

"I think Daddy is sad sometimes" he confessed, his eyes never leaving his paper. He drew lines with no system.

Seonghwa's breath hitched for a moment. "Why do you think that?"

"I think I heard Dad cry when you were gone" he casually responded, changed his brush to use red. "Is Dad not happy that we're together?"

"nono, baby. He's so so happy that we spend more time together" he assured, pressing a soft kiss on his head. "You know, Yeosang, being all grown up is hard sometimes. Sometimes adults fall on their knees too and cry because it hurts"

"Daddy is hurt? How- I don't really understand"

"You see, baby, Daddy is hurting a little... But we can help him a lot when we show him how much we love him, ah? Daddy is trying really hard to make us happy and sometimes an adult falls while trying too much, baby... Don't worry too much, Yeosang, he's not sad because he's here with us"

Yeosamg nodded, still not looking up at his father. He was concentrated on what he was painting. The boy painted red lines just next to the black ones, making it look like a shadow. "Will Daddy be okay if he show him a lot of love?"

"I'm sure about that, baby"


"Daddy tried doing yoga with us too" Mingi said "I think he isn't that elastic" he laughed, sitting up in the warrior position.

"Ah is that so?" Seonghwa chuckled, sitting up too.

"Papa, Wooyoung and San are still doing the dog..." Yunho complained

Seonghwa looked over to the two, lost a little laugh. "ah, I think they are napping Yunho" he watched them for a second, got to see how Wooyoung fell over to the side, still remained sleeping. Shaking his head with a amused smile, Seonghwa stood up to lay his babies on the couch. They were tired already. Wooyoung hadn't taken his midday nap and San, well San liked to sleep.

The whole yoga thing with his kids had started back then with Seonghwa's first pregnancy. The poor man didn't know what to do at home. His doctor had said a little easy yoga at times would be good for him so he started alone. Then after Yunho's birth he had kept that routine, as he couldn't go to work anyway. First Yunho just imitated what Seonghwa did, then the twins came and from there it repeated itself. At some point it became an important part of Seonghwa's morning and late noon routine, and here he was now, eight years later with the same system. The only odd one in the family was Hongjoong, who had found it more funny than helpful from the beginning on. Hence, he rarely took part in his husband's yoga sessions. Had Seonghwa scolded him for not believing it was actually really healthy for a person's body and spirit? Oh yes, yes he had. Now he had promised to take part in their little activities at least three times a month.

"I think Jongho is trying to do the down looking cat...?" Yunho pointed out, gesturing at his youngest brother. Indeed, Jongho was on all fours, moving his head up and down.

"Ahh... Look who's growing up..." Seonghwa commented while watching his baby. To say he got a little carried away by his emotions by seeing Jongho, would have been an underestimation.

Hey! How are you guys doing? Are you well up?

Ahh, if the pandamic didn't happen I would have done yoga in sports... And got a good grade in sports... Does it piss me off a little? OH YES. Well, you can't make it unhappen, so...

I actually do not have much to say today... That's awkward as I always have a lot to write here as a note haha

Well well buns

Oh wait I have something to tell y'all xD it's actually some random story you can skip tho

So the other day I was shopping with my cousin, she hates, HATES kpop with a passion. Well. We were in this store and I was about to pay when they played How you like that. Wow, surprise, she loved the song. Ah and then the moment came where I could shove up her nose that it was actually blackpink, a kpop girl group. Ah, that felt great

The other funny thing is, her dumb ass reason to not like kpop is because she thinks the artist are like... They act too gay.??..? When she told me that my closeted ass had to hold back a laugh. Ah yes. I guess sis gonn stay in the closet for just a while longer y'all


Please stay healthy and safe


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