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"... And Kim Yunho, class 1a!" the principal said waving the little boy on the stage. Yunho was one of the best in his year and got a price for his good grades. The shy boy walked up to the principal and bowed before receiving his price. He stood next to the other students on the stage and a applause filled the hall. A muffled "Yunho!" coming from a spesific little crowd on the side. When Yunho's eyes followed the cheers, he saw his brothers waving wild at him, his parents giving him a proud smile. All happiness pooled in the boy when he looked at the camera and gave it the biggest smile he had. He felt so much better now. He wasn't afraid to be seen by so many people anymore, a couple weeks ago he wouldn't dare to stand on that stage. But now he loved it, he enjoyed the cheers and congrats. He was proud of himself.

"Yunnie is so smart!" Mingi said after his brother had finally left the stage and was now standing with his family.

"We're so proud of you, Yunho!" Seonghwa bent down to his son's level and hugged him, pecking his forehead.

Yunho's face graced pure light, pure happiness. He didn't fight back his father's kiss, instead wrapped his arms around him. "Look, Daddy! I'm much smarter than you!" he mocked Hongjoong showing him his price.

"My son is the smartest, of course!" Hongjoong ruffled his hair laughing.

"Soo... Can we go eat now?" Yeosang asked in-between the praising. He looked up, from Seonghwa to Hongjoong, back to his Papa.

San giggled. "Let me guess, chicken?"

Yeosang's cheeks caught a red tint, San was right but he wasn't going to admit that. "Spicy tteokbokki are okay too!"

"Uuyoung wants tteowwokki!" Wooyoung spat lifting his hands to be seen. He was quite short in between the others.

"It's settled then" Hongjoong said leading the way out while pushing Jongho in his stroller. The others lined up behind him in age order, young to old, Seonghwa finishing the line. It was quite a challenge to keep them all together in crowded areas. Once they had lost Wooyoung at the mall. The boy had freshly started walking and was off to adventures immediately. Seonghwa thought he was going to die due to heart failure on that day. Since then they had agreed to this lineup whenever they visited crowded places.

The parents checked a last time if everyone was buckled up properly before starting the van and driving off. They had a favorite restaurant that they visited for special occasions. The restaurant was pretty small and nothing fancy, it was run by an old couple. Hongjoong and Seonghwa stickied to that restaurant because a lot of happy memories where created there. The couple's first date for example. Or the celebration for Hongjoong's first album, his first win. They were close to the owner's too, pretty close actually. The old woman, Mrs. Choi, was the one to help deliver Yunho. A quite unforgettable story. Ah yes, it's true. Mr. and Mrs. Choi had seen them grow up and become the person they were now. It was a heartwarming thought Seonghwa had.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the kids rushed in first. They were quite familiar with that place. "Boys, slowly! We have time", Seonghwa yelled behind them as he took Jongho out of his seat. But they were already inside, getting greeted by Mrs. Choi's warm hugs. Maybe it's relevant to mention that the elderly couple never had kids and saw the six boys as their grandchildren. They did grow up in their arms at some point.

"Ah Hongjoong, Seonghwa!" Mr. Choi greeted when the couple and Jongho entered the restaurant. "It's been a while!"

"Yes, yes" Hongjoong agreed, getting involved into a small talk with the elder.

Seonghwa's eyes searched for his kids as they where nowhere to be seen. Then, Mrs. Choi came up to him with open arms. He hugged her with only one arm and a bright smile, the other arm was holding Jongho in place. "The boys are already in the back, third room" she said also smiling. Her eyes found Jongho, who was hiding his face in Seonghwa's neck. "Little Jongho is so big already!" she pinched his cheek and helped the couple to their table. She took their orders before leaving them by their selves.

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