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The clownery🤡 it was Seonghwa all along...


so you telling me since the very beginning they were sitting together and wrote lyrics and still do it and he records the demos for him and- this called me lonely in 6,500 languages😃💀

Thank you Hongjoong for reminding us that you hit the big price and we are all single, lonely and broke.

Never noticed that Seonghwa backwards meant Mars I-🤡🤡

Ahh... The fandom is at its peak again🤡

"you needed to do that, didn't you?" Seonghwa sighed as he gave his husband his morning coffee.

"what you mean?" he replied playing innocent as always. "come on, it's one, time that the world knows that you're just as good of a songwriter as I am, an two, entertaining to watch the chaos unfold" he laughed and nibbled at the warm coffee under his nose. The strong and bitter taste woke him up.

Though, since the more or less reveal of MARS's identity, Hongjoong's phone hasn't stopped ringing. "Don't you want to pick it up?" Seonghwa asked and eyes the ringing phone.

Groaning, Hongjoong picked up after ignoring it for two hours. "yah.."

"Ah, Hongjoong! Finally! I've been calling you since 6am!"

"exactly. That's why I was ignoring you. I don't have any appearances or any kind of schedule for today. Let me have this day with my family. Thanks-"

"ah-ah-ah! I'm not calling for you... Uhm you see... Thanks to you the media just blew up and people are asking if... You see... Uhm so I got an email from the company saying they would be flattered to have 'Mars' record his first tracks and if he minded... To-"

"Now that money is in it, isn't it? I will call you back on Monday, bye~" Hongjoong just hung up and turned back to his coffee totally unfazed.

"Why did you hung up to your manager's face? What did he say?" his husband asked curious, eyeing him with his still a little puffed eyes.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "He was talking about how they would like to ask you if you want to finally record your first tracks professionally and what not. I'm just upset that now it's considered because it would make big money..." he leaned back in his seat an looked at Seonghwa's curious face. "Of course, you can do whatever you want. I'm just mad that we had to go through so much paperwork and all to even get your name on these songs. And then when they said the lyrics were not good enough to be recorded and I should get a professional to help me or even write for me. And now this-"

Seonghwa laid his hand above his husband's and squeezed it a little. "Hey, it's fine... I'm not upset about anymore. And, this just showes how ignorant they are. Though, I would love to have something recorded. But that has still time until past the summer break, mhm? When the company has a new name" he winked and then got up. "Up, I think we need an hour of sleep more" he said as he pulled Hongjoong up out of the kitchen.

"We just woke up- how do you plan to sleep?"

"You can go to bed without sleeping too" Seonghwa chucked and pushed open their bedroom door and closed it as soon as Hongjoong was through. "Ah its 8am right now and until the kids wake up... Maybe two hours? One and a half?" he predicted and let himself fall on their bed.

"How do you know? They usually get up pretty early?" Hongjoong added and sat next to his husband's laying body.

"Ah... Yunho was reading them from his comics again. They probably took all the pillows and blankets to his room and then fell asleep on the floor" he gave back smiling as he imagined how the room must look like right now. Every now and then his kids would gather together in Yunho's room and listen to him read his comics. He had walked in to all of them except Jongho sleeping on a mountain of pillows and blankets in the middle of the room. Jongho on the other hand, had grabbed his bunny blanket and had been sleeping on Yunho's bed. "they do that all night, I don't think they will be up any time soon" Seonghwa stretched himself for a moment, then made grabby hands at his husband. He was all in for a cuddle session before the work at home began.

Chuckling and eyerolling, he gave in and lowered himself in his arms. "tsk... I had something more... Exciting in mind" he commented as he got comfortable.

"it's 8 in the morning... Don't be so dirty minded" Seonghwa gave back. It was a comfortable silence that nearly lulled him into sleep, but his husband's cold hands tracing over the bare skin of his tummy held him awake. "Ah~ cold, cold, cold!" he hissed and shifted underneath him, just entertained Hongjoong more. "Why do you always have such cold hands?"

"So I can warm them up on you, duh" he replied and slipped his hands up Seonghwa's back. "... You think the plan can work?" he then asked carefully.

"You mean the votings this fall?... If we do it right with the right timing sure" Seonghwa replied "our chances are quite high. If retract our investments, the others will too. It's simple, you're one of the biggest investors, if you back up the smaller ones will get suspicious and do so too. And just before the votings we have to increase it to the maximum we can so you have a right to compete too... " he added. "You know that, you went to school for it!"

"yeah I know... It's just... It's risky if the whole thing blows up then everything is gone and I will probably get kicked out" Hongjoong argued and buried his face further.

"Hey, look at me" Seonghwa ordered and directed Hongjoong's face to his. "We got this, okay? I have a good feeling in this, we will make it" he assured "and when it's over, you're going to get into your service and I will take care of everything here until you come back, alright? Everything is going to be alright. I promise you"

Heyaaa guess who is 'hobbylos' and has nothing to do but actually does???


I should really start studying for French next week so that's what I should do after thisss....😃

Maybe I have time to write another chap for tonight tho... Let's see😌

I have planned some... aNgSt for the future but trice as much fluff and wholesomeness so- DON'T KILL ME WHEN THE TIMES COMES💀

please stay healthy and safe


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