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"I'm so sorry I didn't want to- I-"

"It's okay, baby, it's okay" Seonghwa assured as he bathed Yeosang in warm water to get the vomit off of him. "it's okay" he rinsed out the shampoo and soap, wrapped Yeosang in a big fluffy towel to dry himself up until he was done getting rid of his and Yeosang's clothes. They stunk so bad, maybe he would wash them twice. He finished drying Yeosang, put him in his fresh clothes and dried up his hair too. Seonghwa carried him in his bedroom, tuck him in, packing him up in several blankets.

"Uhhg- that's way to warm" he whined, shifting in the blanket burrito.

"You have to sweat it out, baby. Just three days, then it will be over" he promised, stroked his head lovingly. "now, you need to sleep, I will excuse you for school tomorrow, sleep in, ah?" Yeosang nodded and closed his eyes after a quiet 'goodnight'. "Goodnight, baby, sleep well"

Seonghwa quietly left the room and entered the one right next to it. San and Yunho were sharing one bed, Mingi and Wooyoung cuddled up in one, Jongho rolling around on the floor. "Ah, let me get the mattress for you"
When one of them was sick, it meant that all of them would be infected too at some point. And to prevent everyone getting sick at the same time, he let the sick one sleep alone in a room for the first three to four days. They actually had a spare bedroom down the hallway but his kids liked sharing a room all together from time to time.
Seonghwa brought the big mattress into Yunho and Mingi's room, laying it in between the two beds so they could all sleep in a row. "Today is a exception, ah! You have school tomorrow, that means we're all sleeping, now!"


"No buts" he said, not changing his mind. The boys were already bed ready and changed into their pajamas, so there was one thing left to do. Seonghwa grabbed a book out of the shelf, made himself comfortable on the big seat in the corner and started reading them to sleep, which was successful in most cases. Like today. Today luck was on his side, the kids fell asleep faster than he had thought and after one chapter, he could stop. Kissing everyone on the forehead, he picked up Jongho and left, walking into his own bedroom. It was little past nine, normally Hongjoong would be back in half an hour.

He had hushed him out with much effort earlier. After Yeosang had vomited all over himself, Seonghwa and a little bit on the carpet, he was close to blowing the idea of attending the parents meeting and instead wanted to bring Yeosang to the hospital. The little boy was just sick, the flu had got him, nothing they had to visit the hospital for right now. Somehow Seonghwa had managed to kick Hongjoong out though but he spammed his phone with messages. He had it muted until now as he was busy handling the situation.

When he laid down Jongho in his bed, got changed himself and at last grabbed his phone. Seeing the amount of messages that had been sent to him, he decided to go up and call Hongjoong.

"Seonghwa? How's Yeosang?"

Seonghwa let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah, he's fine. It's just the flu, he will be fine in a couple days..."

"I hope so" Hongjoong answered "Uhm... I actually texted you this too, Yonghwan called me in for something just minutes ago. I don't really know what he wants at this hour"

"So you going over?"

"I'm on my way there already... For an hour or two. Don't wait for me if it's getting too late. I got my keys"

Seonghwa pressed his lips for a second, sighed in the next. "Okay. I'm sleeping then... Goodnight"

"Goodnight, love you"

They hung up, and Seonghwa's head hung low. "of course you do" he sighed. Oh he still had to learn how to share his husband. It wasn't like that he was jealous of Yonghwan, of course not, he was like a brotherly figure for both of them, but something just didn't want to sit with Seonghwa. Was he being selfish now? Hongjoong had been at home for longer than six months by now and he felt uncomfortable with him coming late once. Well, all in all, it wasn't the first time, oh no.

Maybe it was the thought of him getting into all of the business a little too early.

Seonghwa let himself fall on the bed, turned to his sides, his stomach, his back. Now sleep had left him too. Groaning he stood up again, stumbling downstairs. He lit up the dim light of the living room and sat down on the couch, his eyes wandering around the living room. In Jongho's corner were a couple of his toys laying around. The decorations of the lowboard the TV was standing on were a little out of place. It began to twitch in Seonghwa's hands and he sighed defeated, sometimes he hated his tic himself.

As there was nothing else to do, and he wasn't going to sleep anyway, he started to clean up the little things his eyes caught. Here and there was a missing sock, a missing shirt. That went on until he started to re-arrange the dinning room, moving the table from left to right. "Nope... It's just getting worse just go to sleep... He has keys" he sighed, laying down on the couch. He didn't have the energy to walk up the stairs again.


As quiet as possible, Hongjoong turned the key in its lock to open the entrance door to his house. He expected total darkness and silence, so he was caught off guard when he noticed the living room lights were still on and soft snoring filled the hallway.

"I said don't wait..." he sighed as he entered the living room and saw Seonghwa sleeping in the couch, all rolled up as it was cold and he didn't bother to get a blanket. Hongjoong carefully picked him up, waking Seonghwa up, he was a light sleeper.

"You home?" he mumbled, holding him by his neck. He didn't bother to open his eyes, instead just cuddled himself in his warm chest.

"Yeah... I'm sorry it took so long" Hongjoong replied, walking up the stairs. "You're freezing, why did you even sleep on the couch?"

"Couldn't sleep" he simply answered, trying to ignore the smell radiating from his husband. But it was really too much for his liking. "You smell like alcohol..."

"About that... Yong-"

"I'm to tired to care, get a shower and come sleep" Seonghwa commented, and finally snuggled in his sheets. He slid under the blanket and warmed himself up, not giving Hongjoong a glance.

Hongjoong knew well this was his way of saying I'm disappointed.

Hello! How was your day? How are you doing?

Sooo... Next update is going to be a special one ;) hopefully I'm done with it tomorrow!

Ahh, so apparently you can put on a belt the wrong way..???
I was putting on my belt and my sibling was like: tf you doing it wrong.

How do you guys put on belts? XD
I'm putting it on from left and right left and right bwahaha xD

No? Ok... :')

Well anyways,

Please stay healthy and safe!


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