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When Hongjoong left his bathroom to finally slip between his covers, Seonghwa sitting on the bed, awake but not moving a muscle, made him jerk up. "I thought you were sleeping..." he gave back, holding his chest as his heart was still beating uneven.

"Ah you know me... I lay there awake for a couple hour anyway... And I wouldn't miss your appearances on shows"

Hongjoong stopped before climbing their bed. "You saw the live stream..?" he laughed nervously and sat on the bed.

"Of course, I did" Seonghwa replied way too content de for Hongjoong's liking. He had convinced himself to get scolded for what he had accidentally revealed about their relationship.

"And you're... Fine?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just checking..." he gave back and layed down to finally get his awaited sleep. The show had been a roller-coaster and tomorrow wouldn't be easier. "Goodnight then. Love you" he mumbled into his pillow.

"I'm totally fine with the idea that the country and the world now knows what's going on in our bedroom-" Seonghwa than said making Hongjoong's eyes snap open. "No, I'm totally fine-"

"Come on no-one took that one seriously"

"Ah?" Seonghwa pulled out his phone from underneath his pillow and shoved it under his husband's nose "you think so?"

Hongjoong read over some posts and comments his eyes could catch.


Not at Hongjoong exposing his kinks-- tell us Sir, what else is going on in there huh?👀👀

Oh NOOOOO yall we gonn traumazise the kids Yunho baby no💀

It's all child friendly in here🤗✨ We're all children of Jesus-

Wow. Thanks for telling us that MARS is your best friend. But, WHO-- there is literally no record of anyone called MARS in the industry am I the only one suspicious about that-👁️👄👁️

I love how this man has literally no filter😌✊

"Uhm... well-" Hongjoong couldn't even finish his sentence, Seonghwa had attacked him with his pillow. He rolled on his stomach to protect his face, not that it hurt as his husband was just hitting him playfully.

It was just a pure moment of Seonghwa letting out the embarrassment he felt in a child like way. He climbed on the laying man, hiding his face in his upper back after he felt like he had hit him enough. "Arg, this is so embarrassing!" he whined into his husband's neck, slinging his arms underneath him.

Hongjoong just laughed it off. "Ah, you're just over thinking this. It's not even the worst thing that slipped my lips over the years!"

Seonghwa just groaned and got comfortable on Hongjoong's back. "you're just unbelievable... What's coming next? Your preference for silk?"

"If you're fine with that why not?" the other joked and moved his head enough to get a glimpse of his husband's face. "Let's go to sleep now, ah? It's quite late and I need to be at several interviews tomorrow" he said and waited for Seonghwa to climb down his back. But he didn't as he found it just too comfortable. "Are- are you sleeping?"

"Mhm..." Seonghwa muffled into his back and sleepily pulled the covers over them. "Shhh... You should stop talking and sleep. You're the one with a busy schedule tomorrow"




The usual chaos was taking place in the Kim house, the kids had arrived from school and their father was about to leave for his work. He was getting ready up the stairs.

Meanwhile downstairs, Jongho had discovered something new. While his brothers were excitedly telling their stories about their days, the youngest one had gotten his hands on his father's phone. Of course, he knew that you could calm someone with it, see someone else and tell someone something through short letters, he had seen his parents do that. But he also knew that when you clicked on the thing looking like a camera, you could take pictures somehow. Jongho walked over to the smartphone laying on the couch table. He took it in his hands, and as soon as he touched it, the display lit up and showed an picture of his Papa sleeping on the couch while drooling.

"Don't touch it Jongie, it's Dad's" Yeosang reminded him and waved him back to the group.

But the youngest had other plans. He ignored his older brother and started to inspect the phone a little more. It felt so exciting to have it in his hands, he was so curious about what else it could do. Much to his pleasure, Hongjoong wasn't the type to use passwords or pins as there was no reason anyway. So, his phone was exposed to the curious 2-year-old. When Jongho figured out how to unlock it, he randomly clicked open apps and sites and had ended up on a blue app with a bird on the logo. Jongho scrolled for a while, not that he could read but because he was fascinated how the posts kept coming and coming. His finger slipped and ended up opening the front camera, showing the kid his own face out of nowhere. "Ah Jongie!" he giggled and tapped on the display, taking a bunch of pictures without knowing.

Mingi had noticed the youngest's giggles and turned to him. When he saw him playing around with their father's phone, his eyes widened. "No Jongie !" he warned and caught the attention of everyone else. They tried to snatch the phone out of Jongho's little hands but surprisingly failed. The little one was way faster out of their range. While running, his chubby fingers grabbed the phone, pushing a bunch of other buttons.

It ended up in him accidentally posting the blurry pictures he had taken from himself with keysmash as the caption.


"Hwa!" Hongjoong yelled from upstairs "Have you seen my phone? I can't find it anywhere"

"Your phone? Wasn't it charging on your nightstand?" Seonghwa yelled back from the washing room. "If not there check the kitchen, you had it while eating earlier!"

Hongjoong searched his nightstand for the nth time, turned around every pillow on their bed but couldn't find his phone. He was sure it had to be there somewhere.
"Where the hell is my phone?"

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