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"Jongho say Miiin-giii. Miiin-giii"

"No, no, say Yuuun-ho"

"You all have too long names, he can't say that. Jongie, come on, say San. Saaan"

Hongjoong had to stifle a laugh as he watched his boys trying to teach Jongho how to say their names. He leaned back in the couch, enjoying the view.

"Uh-uh! It's my turn! Jongie, I am Uuyoungie. Uuu-youun-giee"

"You can't even say your own name right" Yeosang scoffed, shoving Wooyoung to the side, he sat in front of Jongho. His finger pointed at himself "Yeosang. Yeoosang" then e turned his finger at Jongho, poking his belly lightly - his brother giggled - "Jongho. Jong-ho"

Jongho imitated just what Yeosang did. "Eo-shang. Shonggo"

"Yeo, Jongho. Yeeoo-sssang"

Jongho got unpatient, the little boy's brows knitted. "Eo-shaang!"



"Okay, that's enough practice. No need to fight" Seonghwa lifted Jongho from the floor before he could get his little little fists at Yeosang. It made him angry all the time that it was so hard to pronounce something right and trying with his brothers made him feel dumb. "My bunny's talking is the best, ah?" Seonghwa cooed, tickling his sides.

"Baba! Baba!" the little one giggled. It was the only word coming out right for now, so he kept saying that over and over again.

"Dad, what was my first word?" Yunho asked curiously, seating himself next to Hongjoong.

Hongjoong raised his brows, pressed his lips. He exchanges a look with Seonghwa who was sending him killing glances. "Oh, that's actually a pretty funny story, you see..."


"I'm back~!" Hongjoong shouted from the door as he turned to lock it.

Immediately Seonghwa's head popped out from then living rooms entrance. "You're back so early? It's five pm?" he approached his husband to give him a greeting peck on the cheek. Not a second after baby Yunho came crawling out of the living room, greeting Hongjoong with a big smile and bright giggling and babbling.

"Ah, there is my big boy" Hongjoong cooed, lifting him in his arms to smooch his cheeks. "Today is date night, I didn't forget that. And before you can argue, I already asked Yonghwan to watch Yunho for tonight!" Hongjoong announced, proceeded to walk into the apartment.

"But I have to get ready and showe-"

"Uh-uh. No buts. You smell fantastic"

"I smell like Yunho's diapers, Hongjoong. He has diarrhea I can't leave him with Yonghwan"

"Then Yunho's shit smells like lavender" Hongjoong laughed. "Come on, Hwa. We weren't on a date for so long. And Yonghwan isn't alone, the crew is over too. As if a couple men can't watch one baby for a couple hours"

Seonghwa sighed in defeat. "Okay... But if one thing goes wrong, you're done" he threatened, rushed in the bathroom right after to get ready.


"And that's his bag, there are some toys, his medicine, diapers and extra diapers. Some clothing, his blankie. He has to be in bed sleeping at eight, if he has trouble sleeping, here is his tea and-"

"Yeah yeah, Mommy, I got this" Yonghwan grabbed the big baby bag and let it fall next to the door. "Make yourself a good evening, we got this. No need to worry" he added, taking Yunho in his arms - Seonghwa let go more or less willingly. "Ah, who is Uncle Yonghwan's favorite boy?"

"We will be back at around eleven. See you then" Hongjoong said, cutting the goodbye short as he knew Seonghwa would get a twenty minute breakdown if he had a second longer to say bye.


"C'mon, he got this, stop worrying so much!" Hongjoong


"You got your paycheck today I see" Seonghwa chuckled when they sat down in a rather expensive restaurant.

"So obvious?"

"I don't know, I guess this wine gave it away. More expensive than my whole wedding was"

"You're still bitter about the DIY decorations?"



Finally, after a refreshing date, the wedded couple reached their last destination. Hongjoong rang the bell to Yonghwan's apartment or studio, the man used it as both. The door swinged open, revealing his mentor. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Ah, come inside" he said, stepping to the side to let them in.

They walked in the small apartment, soon reached the so called living room, where Yunho sat on the carpet, around him the crew of Yonghwan. It was long past Yunho's bedtime, he was still up and had turned the men into guests at his own little tea party. When the little boy noticed his parents, he brightly smiled, lifting his arms as in waving hello. And instead of his expected giggling and babbling, Yunho said his very first word. "Hoe! Yunhoe!"

The room fell dead quiet, noone dared to speak. On Seonghwa's face crept a passive aggressive expression, his brow twitched. "Gentlemen, excuse us for a moment" he said in a deep threatening voice, grabbing Hongjoong and Yonghwan by their ears and pulling them into the soundproof recording room.

"Oh I guess they fucked up..."

"Fuck!" Yunho repeated, laughing and clapping his hands.

"Stop talking, he repeats everything you say"




"Uhm hehe..." Hongjoong's little flashback ended and he turned back to Yunho. "Yes... Your first word was your name" he said, scratching the back of his head in nervousness. "Uncle Yonghwan taught you that"

"The next time you can ask him how, Yunho" Seonghwa added, still sending death glares at his husband.

"Are you still-"


Hey! How y'all doing?

Today a short update, I hope it's still readable ^^'

What was your first word? Mine was grandma in my second language. Till this day the only word I can pronounce right T.T

ahh, i really need some FF recommendations, you know some to binge? XD


Please stay healthy and safe


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