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"Okay young man if I see you climb out of your bed we're going to have a big problem!"


"No! Just stay here, think about your mistake and then we will talk about it"

Hongjoong went through his hair, gripping it in distress. His husband was gone for four hours and Mingi had cut a part of his hair, Wooyoung had floated the bathroom somehow and Jongho crushed his baby walker. "You got this Hongjoong, you got this" he whispered to himself.

He had put Wooyoung on punishment, he couldn't leave his bed for now or he would get another punishment. The toddler was fake-crying after his father, Hongjoong could tell. After leaving Wooyoung alone and telling the twins and Yunho to not enter the room for a while, he made his way to Mingi. When he opened the door, he stopped for a minute to take in the view. Hair on the floor, a pair of scissors on the desk and Mingi innocently sitting on hi bed, waiting for Hongjoong. "Okay big boy, why did you do that?"

"I tried to make my hair look like Superman's hair" he replied and showed his dad one of Yunho's comics. "Do something I look ugly, Daddy!" he whined.

Hongjoong looked at his son; half of his head was nearly bald. There was no other option. "Oh Mingi... You're going to look like Saitama..." he sighed and got up to get what he needed. He brought back a vacuum cleaner and a shaver.

He sat the boy down on a chair. "Daddy is going to cut all of your hair now, okay?"

"But I want my hair back!"

"We can't get your hair back, Mingi. But we can cut it so it grows evenly. You're going to look like the big big boys in the military, ah?"

"The big strong boys?" Mingi pressed his lips together, eyes a little teary and drenched in regret. He looked at the floor, his hair was at his feet. "Can we get dinosaur nuggets later?" he quietly asked, ran his fingers through his remaining hair. He didn't want his dad to cut it too but he looked ugly with the haircut he had given himself.

"Yes, we can get dinosaur nuggets later" Hongjoong promised and stroked his boy's head before turning on the shaver. Bye bye Mingi's hair... Seonghwa is going to kill me.


"My head feels so... weird"

Hongjoong turned off the vacuum cleaner and looked over to his son, who was back sitting on his bed. His hands never left his freshly shaven head. He wasn't completely bald now, but the hair was quite short and spikey. "You're going to get used to it"

"Dad am I ugly now?" the boy asked hiding under the covers.

"Oh no. You're the most handsome boy I've seen" Hongjoong assured sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are they going to laugh at me?"

Hongjoong took a deep breath. If he said no, it would be a lie, if he said yes, it would be a lie. "You know Mingi, the opinions of others doesn't even matter" he then said. "and I think you look really cool with that haircut"

"You think so?" the boy's eyes lit up as he crawled out.

"Yes but please don't do this again. Papa is going to be mad at Daddy" Hongjoong chuckled. "Now come on, let's go downstairs, ah?"


Hongjoong carefully opened the door to Wooyoung's room. When he got a full view inside, he saw the toddler sitting in his bed, arms crossed and eyes a little glassy. Wooyoung loved attention and taking that away from him was with the worst for him. Since Hongjoong had ordered him to not leave this room until he would come to talk with him, noone had come to check up on him or anything. he loved being around people and talking. "Now tell Daddy why you did that" Hongjoong sighed taking him out of his bed an sitting down in the seat that was standing in the corner. 

The boy whined, shifted left and right. He was mad at his Dad for leaving him alone but so glad he was not alone anymore at the same time. "Daddy's mean! Uuyoung don't talk to Daddy" he pouted turning his head away. 

Two hours alone and you get all whiny? Hongjoong sighed again, taking asdeep breath right after. "Look, Daddy's not going to be mad because you have been a good lil boy and stayed here. Just tell my why you did it"

The little boy turned back to his father and looked up at him. the next second his eyes got glassy. "Uuyoung didn't want to do it!" he cried and clung onto Hongjoong. The parent harefully held him. "Uuyoung got Shiber dirty and tried to wash him. Sannie will be mad at Uuyoung too!" he confessed. The boy hid his crying face in his father's chest and just cried for a moment. San didnt let anyone touch his favourite plushy, Shiber was holy to that boy. But because Wooyoung was missing his Papa already San let him play with his doll. So, when he was let alone for a second he had accidentally gotten it dirty. Wooyoung had sat the plushy next to him while he was drawing with Yeosang's paints and had given the little dog plushy a red nose. Then he had tried to wash it off by himslef without telling anyone and had plugged the sink and hadn't turned off the water. And after a little time the bathroom was floated. 

"Oh, Woo" Hongjoong hugged his son tight after listening to the whole backstory. 

"Please don't tell Sannie!" the boy begged. 

"No, I wont tell" his father promised and wiped away Wooyoung's tears. "Come on. Show Daddy Shiber and let's clean him up properly" he offered. The little boy nodded and slid from his lap to get the plushy. Wooyoung had hidden it under the very seat his father was sitting on. He pulled ou the dog doll and gave it over to his father. It had a little red stain on the nose and was still soaked. Normally Seonghwa would know exactly what to do but he wasn't here, so Hongjoong would have to dealt with this alone. "Okay, just let me text Papa how to get rid of red paint on plushys..." Or not. 

"Shiber going to be fine?" Wooyoung asked worried.

"Of course. How about you ask Sannie to be his plushy for tonight so we can get Shiber clean without him noticing, ah?" he suggested, the boy nodding in agreement.  He smiled again, happy that he hadn't ruined his brothers favorite doll. "Okay big boy, now downstaris for dinner. Daddy's going to make dinosour nuggets and then before bed we're going to call Papa"


Hey! How are you doing?

UHM. y'all heard the preview for the album?? IT SLAPS

What is your favorite rn? 

Now something 'random'. uh, someone understood why Taemin posted two white kids in his story? xD i swear i woke up to that and i am still hella confused. I'M EXCITED FOR HIS COMEBACK TOO LIKE PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME NOW

Now another thing out of context. Y'ALL THIS BOOK HIT 1K!!! I would have never thought this strash would hit 1k so fast. THANK ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!

*psssst you can check out my other ff too if you like to! * oops.


Please stay healty and safe!


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