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"Please don't forget to fill in the forms for our trip to the museum in two weeks. I need it back on Friday," Mrs. Lee said, then excused her class to the break. Mingi took all his time to finish copying what their history teacher had written on the black board, it wasn't that he had anywhere to be too soon. So, taking his precious time, he packed his stuff when he was done and strolled through the hallways to the cafeteria where he searched for his siblings.

After moving to middle school Mingi had come to the conclusion that either; he looked rude and that's why people would not respond to his tries to befriend them, or; when at least on of your parents was famous people concluded you to be some kind of snobby kid. First it bothered him, it really did. But later he came to understand his eldest brother, he understood why he had first been so angry when he had started middle school. Of course, everyone somehow had an opinion on you without even exchanging a word. It was upsetting. But why spent your nerves on something that was out of his control anyway?

It wasn't that he was alone, and even if, he didn't mind it at all. He liked to take his moment of silence, being in school surrounded by so many people that for some reason had the energy to yell around at 7am was tiring anyway.

"There you are," Yeosang called as his younger brother finally approached their table. "I saved some of Papa's omelette for you, Yunho almost ate all of it. Thank me later."

It sure had its benefits to have most of your siblings at the same school as you. There was more lunch to share and exchange. "Thank you, Yeosangie~ what would I do without you?" the younger giggled and sat next to the elder, digging into the little bit of omelette there was left.

"How many classes do you have today?" San asked as he searched in Mingi's bag for the fruits he had seen his father prepare that morning. He had only seen them being put in a lunch box; he hoped that it landed in the bag of one of them, not with Wooyoung or Jongho.

"Until four," Mingi replied, opening the zipper of the part of his bag he had out the lunch box in. "I don't have the fruits though, I ended up with the left over yesterday," he chucked, revealing the reheated piece of meat and some rice, vegetables. "I asked Papa to put them in, sorry that one is for me."

"You eat last nights dinner for lunch?" Yunho asked from the side, surprised but rather curious and confused. "isn't that just a little to heavy for lunch? At school?"

"And?" Mingi questioned back. "Let me have my meat- No-one else was going to eat it anyway," he shrugged and turned to his own lunch box after finishing the omelette.

"If you finish at four, can you three pick up Jongho and Wooyoung? I have another math class today. The exams are coming any I think my teacher realized my whole class is going to fail this exam," the eldest then said, looking mostly at the twin brothers. "You can wait for me if you want, or just go home, I'll be home an hour later."

Yeosang shrugged his shoulders, stole a vegetable from Mingi, then turned to his twin. "do you want to wait an hour? Do we have anything to keep the babies busy?"

"They are almost ten, I think they can wait an hour?" San replied, earing looks from all his siblings.

"Okay San will be listening to Wooyoung whine because he's bored every two minutes then," Mingi decided, "we'll wait for you then. I have some money left, I can get us some snacks from the store too."

"Hey you can't just load Wooyoung on me-"

"Okay let's meet at the benches on the other side of the building then," Yeosang continued, ignoring his twin. He was mean, he wouldn't lie. But his beloved Wooyoung was a nag to every nerve existing when he was broed and to their unfortunate circumstances, the younger got bored very quickly. He didn't want to deal with it. And if San thought that their little brother was mature enough to get himself together for an hour, he should be the one to deal with it.

"I'm coming there to meet you then, too," Yunho replied and started to gather his things. "I need to get going, Yuqi and I need to refresh some biology before the test," he excused and rose from his seat on the bench. Before the eldest disappeared between the students that crowded the cafeteria, he turned to Mingi one last time. "Get me some of these cookies, the ones with strawberry cream inside."

The three siblings watched their eldest brother walk out of the hall, it was not that hard; he stood out like a giraffe between the students that were mostly a head shorter than him. "I bet 30.000 won they are going to be dating at some point in high school," San called, eyeing his siblings.

"50.000 won on Chan. I'm going to be disappointed if I don't get my childhood friends to lovers storyline," Yeosang replied and shook his twin's hand.

Mingi looked between both his siblings. "... Tsk, I bet it's both. 70.000 won you idiots."


"You're late, dumbass," Yuqi called as she saw Yunho come down the hall, strolling as if he had all the time of the world. "She's going to be here in three minutes-" Around her were cheat sheets he had written with Yunho the last time they had studied together.

While Yuqi was determined to come out of this test with the highest points, Yunho took his uncle Yonghwan's saying close; a good horse only jumps as high as it needs. He only needed to pass, he would pass, somehow. No need for any stress. "It's not like she's a good person and gives out a test that's do-able in the time we have, there is no use in stressing over something that's impossible." Yunho shrugged his shoulders and sat on the floor next to his friend, taking a random sheet and reading over it.

"Sometimes I which your parents were mine-"

A chuckle rolled over Yunho's lips. "I get to hear that a lot..."

Heyaaa peopleee

How are you doing?

I hope you're doing fine?

Ahh I've written this chapter four times and somehow that's the best I could come up with👁️👄👁️

Well well, my make-shift-corona-victim-prom is in two weeks and I'm still at the edge of crying. Like bro, thanks for nothing🥰😍✨

... I'm about it go and change the titles of the chapters because I can't live with the thought this will end with 199 chaps and not 200... Do I need to reach out to professionals or does that bother you too?? Is it just me?? Bdbdbdbd


Stay safe and healthy!


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