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Jongho linked his arm in his brother's as the two youngest siblings walked out of the school building down to the street where the bus station was. A school service bus would pick them up soon to bring them home.

It was slowly getting warmer; the school year would soon be over. The end of April was close.

"Wooyo..." Jongho hummed as the two crossed the school's playground, "... I don't want to be alone here when you move to the old people school," he said, puffing his lips.

Wooyoung gave his little brother an offended side glance. "I'm not old people! I'm nine-" he huffed and held his brother a little closer. He hadn't thought of that; Jongho would be last to finish fourth grade and then transfer to middle school where the rest of them was. Wooyoung was all too excited to finally be one of the 'big people'.

"Someone needs to make sure that everything is working alright here, Jongie~" Wooyoung replied and pinched the boy's cheek with a giggle to distract him from the fact that he would have to ride the bus alone in a couple of months. "You need to make sure these bullies pick up fights with the youngers, like I do! They need you here," he chuckled and tugged his sibling to the bus stop. "And until you're at our new school, I'm going to make sure they know that noone can mess with you!"

Jongho bit the insides of his mouth but didn't ask further into the topic. It made him sad and a little angsty to imagine that in the next year, he would be alone. It was always him and Wooyoung everywhere. He could barely remember the last year of kindergarten where he was left alone too.

Maybe it was not only that, but the general feeling that he didn't fit with the rest of his siblings.

He was the youngest; between him and his eldest brother were seven years, Yunho was almost twice his age. And he couldn't grow faster, he would eventually lose closeness with him. Because Yunho would become an idol in the next couple of years, and be busy, and never home - just like his Dad used to.

And Yeosang and San were just behind him.

And until he was 'old' enough, they all would be much older again.

It was now that he understood how aging actually worked. He would never reach his siblings' ages at the same time and do all the fun things they were doing with them.

"... I don't like being left behind..."


"The year is almost over," San commented as they packed their things, "we have about sixteen weeks of school left and a horrendous amount of exams to study for"

"ugh please don't remind me-" Yeosang puckered his mouth as he thought of all the papers he had to turn in. "This should be illegal. I have like five different projects at the same time," he whined and left the classroom with his twin right behind him.

"You're talking as if I don't have the exact same stuff to do as you-" San deadpanned and skipped next to his brother. "... I mean we could start this weekend and stop crying about it?"

The other twin tipped his lips. "or we could play the new video game this weekend because that has been waiting for weeks now too..." he suggested giving San side glances.

"We need priorities," San sighed as they tuned into the corridor where the chemistry laboratories where located in.

"Video game is for self care now, homework is self care in like twenty years..."

"I see where you're getting at, Yeo"


"Papa? What are you doing?" Mingi turned the corner to their living room, rising a brow looking at Seonghwa sitting on the floor. There were pictures and photo books all round him, here and there a stack of diaries and notebooks.

"Oh, Mingi, baby-" Seonghwa scratched the back of his head and tipped his lips, "... Just... Sorting some things here," he replied and gave a smile while organizing the pictures by who was on it. "What is it, did you need anything?" he asked back, putting three pictures of his former band mates when he was in high school on the stack of his pictures.

Mingi looked at the few stacks of pictures and spread their lips in a thin line as the distribution said a lot about who the favorite child was. "I was just bored... Do you need help or do you want to do that alone?" they asked and sat onto the couch, looking down on the mess that looked like several hours of work. "Where do these even come from? Don't you have every picture in an album already?"

"Some of there were on an old camera I found while cleaning the attic, some on a usb-stick, and some on my phone. I had some time today and printed them out..." Seonghwa explained and kept going with his plan to sort them by people rather than date. Yet. "You can help if you want."

Mingi carefully sat next to their father in the middle of the mess and took a couple pictures in their hands. "Say Papa..." they started and put almost all photographs in their hand on one stack, "do you have a favorite child?"

"Mingi what are you saying?" Seonghwa laughed and ruffled his child's hair. "I love you and your siblings all the same, what do you think of me?" he wove off and started a new stack for pictures of Hongjoong's family. He had been surprised he actually found some - other than the forced family portrait on their wedding.

"Hm, just asking," Mingi gave back and looked at the stack in front of them, "you know, because someone surely has the most pictures from when they were I think just a year old?"

Seonghwa tipped his lips and looked and what Mingi was initiating at. "You see, baby," he started laughing embarrassed, "modern technology has made it easy to take a lot of pictures and-"

Mingi just laughed and wove their father's explanation off with a head shake. "Yah sure, I see, I see"


Not yet-not yet ded behahaha

I need a new intro vwhahaha

If life didn't decide to take me like a common whore I would have updated earlier🤠👍

I find it ✨funny✨ how everytime I say it can't get worse, it indeed gets ✨worse✨

Has any of you heard of the fanfic authors with the most wtf stories?

Yeah I begin to think that the fact I write fanfics has an direct impact on how my life is going behahaha
At this point I'm only  missing an 'almost went to jail, sorry for no update' type of story💀💀

Someone remember that Namjoon stan on twt that was gone for 8 months because they did go to jail???

I'm being so random today behahaha

Question, who do you think Seonghwa's favorite child is? 😀😀😀

Stay safe and healthy, folks


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