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Hongjoong kept turning and turning but he just couldn't find his sleep. He had changes his position a thousand times, turned his pillow a million times and had counted sheep a billion times.

Seonghwa, who was also still awake because of his husband's restless turning and tossing, lost his patience. "Hongjoong I swear to God if you don't go to sleep now I will kick you out as a warning-" he threatened in a low sleepy voice and sat up. The older rubbed his eyes and glared at his husband.

"I'm sorry, I really want to sleep but I can't... I'm so exhausted and tired but I can't fall asleep-" Hongjoong whined back and sat up too. Sleep was literally pooling in his red eyes. "yah! I feel so uneasy for some reason and it's making me crazy I just want to sleep I-" Hongjoong slammed his head back into his pillow face first and groaned into it.

Seonghwa watched him with exhausted eyes. Oh if someone had told him all this was waiting for him... He put himself together and placed his hand in Hongjoong strands of hair. "Is it because of tomorrow? Are you subconsciously stressing about the comeback?" he asked in a now much softer tone. "It's fine, love... You worked so hard for this one, it will be fine... Come, how about I make you some warm tea and then we try sleeping again, hm?"

Hongjoong turned his head to the side, looking up at his husband with squished cheeks and red eyes. "You would do that?"

"Of course, love. Here, just wait a couple minutes and then I will have it ready" he replied and placed a light kiss on Hongjoong's forehead before climbing out of their bed. Seonghwa walked down to the kitchen and turned on the light. First he turned on the kettle and then searched through his kitchen for lavender and chamomile. It was a recipe his mother used a lot, she tend to use cardamom too. The mixture would just knock you out and you would fall asleep without realizing it. Seonghwa used it on his own family from time to time when there was nothing giving them sleep, it worked like magic. After mixing the tea and cooling it down a little bit, he returned to the bedroom where Hongjoong was already sitting on the bed, waiting for him. "here you go" Seonghwa said as he gave the cup over to his husband and then climbed back onto the bed.

Hongjoong sniffed the steam coming from the cup. "Mhm, smells so good~ what is that?"



"sleep potion. I meant potion. It's chamomile with lavender"

Hongjoong looked at his husband in utter confusion, it was to late to process anything. He carefully drank the lukewarm liquid, then placed the empty cup on the night table next to his side of the bed. Hongjoong turned back to Seonghwa and made grabby hands with a sleepy pout. His husband, rolling his eyes amused, pulled him into his arms, laid his head just above his beating heart. Just like when he put his kids to sleep when they were toddlers. Hongjoong snuggled into his side, slung his arm around his torso. Oh how comfortable it was. "Mhm... Will you sing me to sleep too?"

The chest under his ear vibrated softly as Seonghwa chuckled. "You want me to?" his hand found its way into Hongjoong's hair again. He cleared his throat and first hummed a melody before adding text. It took him three minutes to lull Hongjoong into his well-awaited sleep. For a little time he kept caressing his husband's hair and prayed that the next day just passed flawlessly. Hongjoong had worked too hard to fail this now, it would destroy him emotionally. It just had to pass fine.


"Shhh- shhh- it's starting! It's starting!"

"Papa! The show is about to start!" Yeosang yelled while he pulled Wooyoung onto his lap so everyone could fit on the couch. As usual, they left the middle free for Seonghwa and Jongho.

"Ah! Did it already start?" the parent rushed onto the couch and lifted his youngest on his lap. He counted six heads and breathed out relieved. They were complete.

"No, no but now!" Mingi responded and grabbed some apple chips from the bowl in San'a lap. A small intro played, a short introduction and then the screen went black for a moment. Hongjoong's stage began.

"It's been so long since I saw Dad on a screen" San commented while watching his father literally burn the stage with the fire effects in the background.

"Daddy look so cool..." Jongho babbled amazed by all the light effects and camera perspectives.

"And at home he isn't?" Seonghwa questioned chuckling.

"No, at home he's like one of us and you take care of him" Yunho shrugged his shoulders.

"Mhm! I think Dad is always cool!" Mingi argued.

"that's because you two are the same. You bite and want to cuddle all the time. And you put milk before cereal"

"And your love is... Aggressive"

Mingi pouted offended. "That's not true... Maybe just a little bit..."

"milk before cereal should be illegal-"

"Shhh! I want to watch-!" Wooyoung complained and kept his eyes fixed on the screen.

Seonghwa took in the performance, studied every little thing. It was massive, just everything together was just... Massive. A warm feeling spread in his stomach. He had a good feeling with this one.


Ah, a little short but you have an update this morning too so ;)

Yall. Lavender, chamomile and cardamom. Shits gonna knock you out. If you have trouble sleeping, try it will teleport you to the next day-💀

Ah I don't have much to say now, so tell me about your day, how was it? What did you do?

Please stay healthy and safe


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