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"Papa~" Wooyoung whined as he joined his father in the living room. The parent was dusting the many frames they had hanging in the room.

Seonghwa had a thing for photography and keeping every moment a precious little memory. So, over the years he had taken pictures of every little event that had taken place. Oldest pictures hanging in the living room were two random pictures of Hongjoong and himself he had taken as soon as he had gotten himself his first camera. They were quite old, judging by the quality of the paper. The pictures also looked slightly yellow-ish. The frames had a little order, from old to recent. Meaning, the next 'section' was a picture of them in their first, freshly bought apartment, then two larger portraits from their wedding. They had the same quality as the others, showing a little history to them. Whenever Seonghwa looked at his wedding pictures he got reminded of the lack of savings. And that he should have stayed engaged for at least three years and then have the wedding of his dreams. But the one they had was lovely for itself. The day had been... adventurous. And so, the photos followed to the most recent one, a recent family picture and a couple self-made paintings of his children, among them the paper Wooyoung had painted for his birthday. It never left his eye since then, he grew to love it.

"Yes, baby?" he replied and looked over his shoulder to see the younger one clinge to his leg. He chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Ah? Do San and Yeosang don't give you enough attention?" he joked.

Wooyoung pouted, then nod his head. "Yah... But I wanted to ask something else!" he said and made grabby hands at his father.

Seonghwa knew how much his son loved to be carried still. Though, they already had had the talk about how he is a big boy now and that his Dad and Papa can't carry him everywhere. But for this once, he kept and eye closed. He put the duster to the side and lifted him up in his arm. "Now, what's wrong?" he asked tingling Wooyoungs sides a little. His giggles and laugh just made his day brighter, he never wanted them to stop.

"Ahh- that tingles- no-" he giggled and shifted in his father's arm. Seonghwa spared him for this time, letting him tell what he wanted to tell him. "Mhm... We didn't visit auntie and uncle Choi in a long time..." he started and then held his stomach "can we go eat there today? Please, please please?"

"You made such a face because of dinner tonight?" Seonghwa gave back and the let out a little laugh. "I thought you were sad because of something important-"

"Ah-ah! Food is important! And auntie Choi's spicy rice cakes are verrrrrry~ important!" Wooyoung argued and crossed his arms upset.

"Of course, what would Wooyoungie do without auntie Choi's spicy rice cakes" his father said and put on an upset act "So you don't think Papa's rice cakes are good? Ah, Wooyoungie you broke my heart!"

"No-no no!" the child put his little hands around his father's face "Your rice cakes are good! But... Auntie Choi's are better"

"Ouch" Seonghwa replied with his signature pained smile and let his little devil down. "I will talk to your Dad about it when I'm done. You can help me, ah?"

Wooyoung, traumatized from his first time helping with laundry earlier this week, shook his head rapidly. "no" he breathed out quietly.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "You all let me do everything on my own... At least send Yunho down to help me. He can reach the pictures there"

Wooyoung took off pretty fast as if he feared he would be held back for house chores. As soon as he reached Yunho and Mingi's room a devilish grin spread on his face. "Yuyu~ Papa wants you to help him downstairs~" he said innocently.

Yunho, who was reading his comics, groaned loud. But he knew he couldn't back out, everyone had their duties in the house. So he let his comic down and went downstairs, leaving Wooyoung and Mingi in his room back. Mingi, as he loved when Yunho read his comics out loud for him, picked up the book from his older brother's bed. Wooyoung got curious and climbed next to the older. Mingi was looking through the comic.

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