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"Ah ! You two have your project today, don't you?" Hongjoong asked while he closed the lunchboxes.

"Yes!" San confirmed, taking his box and placing it in his bag. "Can I get a present if I do well?" he asked, using his cute features to lure his father into saying yes.

"Then I want something too! I did that homework with you!" Yeosang insisted.

Seonghwa, who had joined them in the kitchen with Wooyoung and Mingi huffed to himself. "if there is someone getting a reward then it's me" he talked to himself, only Hongjoong hearing it.

At his husband's comment the man chuckled. "Okay, Sannie. If you two do well, you will get a present, is that okay?" he suggested.

The two nodded, looking forward to their presentation. "I want another doll! A friend, for shiber!" San said, excitedly continued his breakfast and finished fast and as first. He couldn't wait to get to school now that he would get rewarded afterwards.

"Everyone done? We're going to be late" Seonghwa said, rushing every one out of the house and into the van. He checked if everyone was buckled and then closed the large door of the back seats. "I will drop them off and then go shopping, be back around nine" Seonghwa said, pressed a kiss on Hongjoong's lips and got into the car himself.

"Ah! We need more water, don't forget that!" Hongjoong called "and we have no toilet paper"


"Here, I prepared lunch for you" Seonghwa set the containers on the counter next to Hongjoong. "I don't think it's enough for the day, make sure you eat!"

"I'm not a baby, I can look for myself" Hongjoong replied eyerolling.

"Of course. I know you, you don't eat outside and then come home starving. I've been cooking for you for over ten years, I sure know your eating habits" Seonghwa responded poking Hongjoong's sides. The other jumped at the tickle. Seonghwa chuckled, resting his hands on his husband's hips. "Don't overwork yourself on the first day. Take it easy, you're doing great with your own pace" he reminded the slightly younger. He did fear that Hongjoong would feel pressured by his long break. He didn't want him to think that he somehow had to work up for that time. Because then, eventually, they would be at the beginning of the whole story again.

Hongjoong, appreciating and understand Seonghwa's worry, leaned in for a hug. "I won't"


The routine in the Kim house changed once again, in a week everyone got used to the new flow in the household.

"I'm going to drop off the kids and then head to the studio right away, got a meeting" Hongjoong said as he walked into the kitchen, elegantly dressed and ready. He poured himself a cup of coffee, leaning against the counter next to Seonghwa, who was putting the used plates from breakfast away.

"Ah? Okay. But don't come late! You promised today is date night!" Seonghwa replied.

"Yes! And you promised me a new friend for shiber! Yeosang and I did well on our presentation" San added, clinging to his father's leg. "you promised"

"Ah right!" Hongjoong ruffled his son's hair. "Then I need to keep my promise" he winked, looking over to the rest. Time was running and he wanted to be punctual to his meeting. So, they left, leaving little Jongho and Seonghwa


Night had already fallen and silence was filling the young couple's house. It was already past midnight and Hongjoong still wasn't at home, making Seonghwa worry about him.

The tall young man looked around him. Dimmed light and lit candles, his husband's favorite dish and wine waiting on the table, soft music quietly playing in the background. It was a perfect dinner and the only thing missing was his husband.

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