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"I promise that I will succeed with this case, Mr. Kim," the lawyer said and closer her folder. "For the sake of all children and survivors, I will get their titles withdrawn"

"Thank you Mrs. Yun," Hongjoong replied and rose from his seat, extending a hand at her. He bid his goodbyes and left her office with a heavy chest. There was only this much he could do, and it felt cruel.


"Woah... So this is the school Dad went to?" San asked as Seonghwa maneuvered the car into the parking lot. "this is so big..."

"Mhm... And the building over there is the high school we then attended together," Seonghwa told and turned off the engine. The parent turned around and looked at the partly filled back seats. "This is a fresh start, okay? We will try to behave," Seonghwa eyed Yunho, "and be honest about whatever may come, right?" he asked and smiled warmly at his children. "Because whatever it is, Dad and I will always stand behind you, mhm?" with that the family got out of the car and walked through the entrance of the school.

At the gate someone was already waiting for them to arrive. A middle-aged man with a wide smile spread over his face. He respectfully greeted Seonghwa and his kids behind him. "My name is Mr. Moon, I'm responsible for our new students," he said and looked at Yunho, the twins and Mingi. "Your classes have already begun, how about we bring you there first, mhm? And then we can head to the principal, Mr. Kim?"

"Of course," Seonghwa replied and lead his kids inside the large building. They passed a couple doors until the man stopped and turned around to them.

"This is class 5c, Mingi's class," he announced and awaited for Mingi to step out. The boy looked up at his father with unsure eyes, too nervous to say anything. Seonghwa presented him a couraging, warm smile, then let him go into the classroom with Mr. Moon. The parent heard how his son got introduced to the class, how the students greeted him with rather cheerful voices. A little of the load on his chest fell. The new school had to work out, they couldn't keep changing them. Though, he would if needed. But it was not his anticipated goal. Mr. Moon left the classroom again, still the smile glued to his face. "I am sure he's going to feel welcomed, Mr. Kim! We have never had any problems in terms of bullying or... Harassment !" the man told and kept sweet-talking the school and its strict morals, how safe it was.

Seonghwa was well aware why he did it, and it did make him smirk a little. Now, after the whole scandal he had caused, they were being cautious to not say anything off. He had ruined a school once, he would do it again.

"And here we have class 8b"

Yunho sighed deeply and took a step forward. This was his destination. Yunho was not the type to be nervous but there was something tingling his stomach. He knew that this could go two ways; either noone really acknowledged him and everything went smoothly for his last year of middle school or they would know exactly who he was any why exactly he got expelled. And his gut just told him that the second option was more likely to occur.

The man stepped into the room with him and dead silence spread over the class. All eyes wandered to him and he already saw a couple of students whisper.

"Mrs. Kwan, this is our new student, he will be attending our school from now on," Mr. Moon said and looked over to Yunho, initiateing that he should introduce himself.

The teen rolled his eyes and sighed. "My name is Kim Yunho... I'm 14 and I hope we can study well together" he said, proud of himself that he did remember the exact phrase his Dad had made him learn. Other than with Mingi, there was no 'welcome' only some nods.

"Ah, Kim, how about you take the seat right there, next to Yuqi, mhm?" the teacher said and pointed at a girl sitting in the far back. Said girl rose her hand, and Yunho approached his new seat. He couldn't complain. It was far enough to the teacher, next to the window and well, his seat partner didn't look like someone that would annoy him.

On the other side of the door, Seonghwa was soothing his twins from the slight panic that crept over them. Yeosang was never much vocal about his concerns, San was more or less the voice of both of them.

"I promise you, we will change schools again if you two can't get used or if something happens... But just give it a chance, please" Seonghwa begged in a quiet voice. No-one had to hear them. "You two have a week to get used to it. And if you don't like it here, we will search another school, I promise"

Yeosang bit the insides of his mouth bloody. He would give it a chance, of course he would as he didn't want to burden his parents more. But the anxiety wouldn't go away. His knees felt like jelly as they walked a little further, searching for their classroom. And when they reached it, he felt his heart sink in his pants.

Mr. Moon knocked and entered the classroom. Just before the twins took a step inside, they turned to their father who gave his best in that one smile. "Mr. Oh, I brought you two new students!"

Eyes from left and right, his back and front locked on the two boys standing in the front of the class. No-one could convince them otherwise; seventh graders were the worst.  As everyone awaited them to introduce themselves, San took the lead as he noticed Yeosang's panicking looks. "I am Kim San and this is my twin, Kim Yeosang. I hope we can study well together!" he said and loudly, hoping that he made sure that even if Yeosang was shy, they weren't a weak link in the family.

"Wonderful, I hope so too," the teacher commented and searched for free seats. "What a coincidence. We have two free seats right there, in the front... Now, if everyone can concentrate again, we'll turn back to fraction equations"


How yall doing??

So, uhm, this one is rather boring, I know but I had to fill something before moving on.

Ah... So I hope yall are really okay?




Omg... I'm still not over fireworks🤚✨

For those who don't know, I'm a Wonderland Era enthusiast, but this might become my favorite era-👀👀👀


NOT Seomgwha holding a gun, feeding my Hwa villain agenda✨✨

What's your favorite track??
For me it's to 100% Take me home
This song-i-😳😳😳 and fireworks because damn-


The tears I cried while realizing that he's gained so much confidence tho- like in general and I'm here for all of it😌✨

Another damn-

Did yall also catch Yeosang slipping that they filmed something with all of ateez👀👀👀

How are we still alive, no for real ??? :")

Ah... What else can I rant about??

Uhg... I have my oral final tomorrow :')

Wish me luck yall-:')

Stay healthy and safe


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