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Seonghwa looked to his side and saw the next album. The cover was split in green and purple and it was thicket than Yunho's. "Ah, this one is San Yeosang's" he said.

"You see, they meant it by saying prepare for trouble and make it double..." Hongjoong put in and opened the first page, showing a picture of him with Yunho on his lap and Seonghwa under his arm, the date: November 10th, eight years ago.


"But I want to come too~" Hongjoong insisted and puffed his lips. He had already put Yunho in his stroller, ready to go.

"It's just a check-up Hongjoong, we don't have to show up there all three" Seonghwa marked "And I don't think Yunho wants to visit the oh so boring doctor, mhm?" he added and stroked back the baby's hair. "It's getting long and he's sweating so much... Baby I don't want to cut your hair but I think it's time"

Hongjoong stuck his hand in his pocket and fished out a hair tie. He started to keep one around for his own hair that he had let grow out. The father gathered Yunho's hair and tied it up in a high ponytail. "If you ask me, Yunho looks really excited for the doc, mhm ? Look at him, all done and ready" Hongjoong replied and pushed the stroller. "I'm coming with you, no buts"


"Ah-ah. No buts"


"Ah Seonghwa, good to see you" the woman, Dr. Ahn smiled as she entered her room "We haven't seen each other in a while, mhm?"

"Oh yes. I am so sorry I had to cancel the last appointment so short, it was a family emergency" Seonghwa gave back and sat on the hospital bed, it was routine.

"Ah, no problem. Some don't even call that they can't make it" the woman commented and came closer to her patient. "I see, the whole family is gathered here today. Mr. Kim, I see you never miss, huh?" the woman joked and gave the man sitting on the seat behind her.

Hongjoong was taken back for just a second but took it with a cheeky smirk. "Not once, Doc" he gave back.

Yunho, sitting on his lap, was playing with his father's hands. His ponytail that looked like a little sprout on his head, tickled Hongjoong's chin every time he moved his head to examine the rather big hands. For some reason they seemed to fascinating to him, looking at his own little chubby fingers then back to his father's strong and slim fingers.

"Mhm... They look healthy, the development is going well and at a steady rate... Ah ! See, the little hearts beating!" the woman cheered and turned the monitor to Seonghwa so he could see it himself.

But Seonghwa looked like his soukd had just left his body. "Heart's beating..."

Dr. Ahn knitted her brows. "Hearts beating..." she looked at her pale patient and his just as shocked and confused husband behind her. "Oh right..." she breathed out. "the last appointment should have been... Ohh. Woops. Uhmm..." a nervous giggle escaped her lips. "Uhm, I may annonce you're awaiting two perfectly healthy boys!"

Seonghwa stared at the screen, then Hongjoong, then back to the screen. He held up his hand, shaking my showing his two fingers. "Tw-wo?"

"Yes, Seonghwa, two"

Hongjoong stood up from the seat and went to see for himself, Yunho pressed against his chest, arms and legs dangling. "Two birds with one stone, huh?"


"Come on, Hwa, two seconds" Hongjoong begged and looked up at his husband with big eyes.

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