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"hey! Give it back!" Wooyoung whined and jumped up to get his brother's notebook.

"Are you too short? Mhm? Come get it" the elder laughed and kept holding the book high above Wooyoung's head.

"Wooyoungie... Come, let's go home, it's fine..." Jongho tugged at his elder's uniform, tried his best to take him home.

This happened occasionally, upper class men from the middle school across the road would get bored and come terrorize the youngers. It was the third time it hit Jongho and Wooyoung while they were waiting for Yunho to come pick them up.

"You should listen to the baby, he seems to have more brain cells than you" the elder laughed degradingly.

A tall shadow cast over him, a large hand grabbing the notebook he was holding. "I'll give you five seconds" Yunho threatened, taking full advantage of his height. "Or I will hang you in the basket ball basket over there"

In a matter of seconds the bullies were gone, running off the school ground without even looking back. "Run as long as you can, losers!" Wooyoung cursed behind them, sticking his tongue out. When they were out of sight, he turned back to his brother's. "Where are Sannie and Yeosang?" he questioned as he noticed that only the eldest and Mingi were there.

"Sangie has an appointment with his teacher. San's waiting for him" Yunho explained and packed the stuff that had fallen out of Jongho's back. "We will wait for them, and then we can go" he said and put the bag back on Jongho's shoulders.

"I hate these guys. They are in my year" Mingi said and rolled his eyes. "They behave as if they own the place" he scoffed and kicked the pebble at his feet.

"Papa would have said 'dirty, rich, little bitches'" Wooyoung laughed.

Yunho knitt his brows for a second. "I don't know what makes me more uncomfortable. An eight year old saying dirty, rich, little bitches, or my father having said that"

"Wooyoungie! I'll tell Papa that you're saying bad words! He said you shouldn't say everything he says" the youngest said and crossed his arms, following the others to the other side of the road. They still had to wait for their brothers.

"But am I wrong?"

Yunho snorted "Nope" he replied and lead his siblings over the road, to the entrance of the middle school. The building was way bigger, so was the play ground in front of it. There were a couple students eating their lunch, chatting or running around; the elders had afternoon periods twice a week.

"Middle school looks like hell..." Wooyoung marked as he watched a couple 8th graders study like their life depended on it.

"Middle school is hell? According to Chan high school is worse" Yunho replied, directing to his usual spot. He sat on the table tennis table, helped Jongho up too.

"Talking of Chan, where are they?" Mingi asked and looked over the school grounds. "don't they have afternoon classes today too?"

"Yeah. They're trying to convince that all three of them need to go home because Hansol is feeling sick" Yunho laughed.

"How- huh?"

"They are trying to convince Mrs. Ahn that triplets get sick at the same time"

"But- they aren't even biological-" Wooyoung knitted his brows in utter confusion.

"Exactly" Yunho laughed and lifted his right arm when he saw his friends leave the school building. "Yah! Chan!" he called, drawing the attention to him. Three head snapped over. "And? Did you get of it?"

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