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"Yeah I actually--holy fuck-" Yonghwan jerked up when he saw Hongjoong half passed out over his workplace. Sometimes he just didn't know why he needed to use his equipment, he had his own in his own house, why use his?

"Huh? Hey, you okay? What happened?" Chaewon asked through the phone, caught off guard by the sudden cursing of her partner.

"Yeh- yeah I'm fine. I'm going to call you back...don't forget to call the plumber for the sink" Yonghwan laid off and sighed. "Yah! You're drooling on my keyboard!" he yelled and kicked the seat Hongjoong was sitting in.

"What-Who-" Hongjoong jerked up and wiped his mouth. He did drool, just a little. "Huh?... What time is it?" he asked confused and rubbed his eyes.

"6pm you dumbass. Since when are you here?" Yonghwan asked and lovingly slapped the back of his colleague's head.

"Depends on what day it is today"

"It's the 12th. Holy shit since when have you been here?" he gave back and pulled open the closed curtains. It was dark in the studio, no wonder he had lost feeling of time.

Hongjoong slammed his head back onto the table and groaned. "I came yesterday around 8am?" he replied and closed his eyes for a second. "I need this to be done in two weeks and I have nothing... I accidentally deleted the patterns I already did" he whined  and was on the edge to cry from exhaustion, despair and sleep withdrawal.

"Why aren't you working from home?" the older asked while he cleaned up the take-out laying on the coffee table. "Have you talked to Seonghwa? He will beat your ass"

"He can't know about this, I want it to be a surprise... When I'm working from home he wants to help he with everything and he can't know" the younger replied and tried to stay awake. "My phone died yesterday and I didn't bring my charger... Couldn't fine one here too"

"Go home before he calls the cops that his husband is missing" his mentor gave back in a joking manner. "It's not going to be as good as you want it to be if your overwork yourself. Go home, sleep and then start with new energy. You really think working over 24 hours at once gives you good stuff?"

"ahh stop... I know I just wanted to-"

Loud banging on the door cut Hongjoong's words. "Hongjoong? Yonghwan? Hey!" they heard Seonghwa yell from the other side. Yonghwan immediately opened the door for him. "Have you heard of Hongjoong? I've been calling him and searched at the practice room-" Seonghwa's eyes fell on the figure sinking into the big seat at the desk. "Oh you little-" he cursed under his breath before storming at him and pulling him up by his ear. "I've been worried sick about you! I called you a thousand times! And you're here sleeping-" Seonghwa's face was lit red by anger and at the same time relief. He had been so worried that Hongjoong hadn't picked up the phone, and he tried to just wait but after he hadn't been home after a whole day, his feeling just got worse. So, he had called Jisoo if he wanted to earn some pocket money by watching the kids, while Seonghwa went looking where his husband was. First he had called Yongsun, Hongjoong had wanted to meet with her earlier that morning, but didn't. Then he had called his manager, he too hadn't had any clue. Yonghwan's studio had been the last stop.

Hongjoong winced at the pain in his ear. "My phone died and I fell asleep.." he gave back quietly.

The older looked over to the still turned on equipment, the sleepless eyes of his husband and the take-out in the back. Now he felt guilty for just yelling at him. Sighing, he let go of his ear and let him plump back into the seat. Seonghwa pressed his lips together and buried his hand into Hongjoong's messy hair to gesture him that he was sorry. "Let's just go home... The kids have been asking too" he then said softly and helped Hongjoong up to his feet, fixed his hair a little and held him up. Then he turned to Yonghwan watching the whole scene. "And why didn't you pick up my calls or called me back? I've called you just as much!"

Yonghwan scratched the back of his head. "Well some people have been quite busy" he said.

"The whole day? Come on! What were you doing?"

"Tsk,... Some people like several rounds man... And then the sink broke, I need to take care of that-"

"The wha- what were- no, i didn't want to know that"

"You asked!" Yonghwan defended himself and searched through his drawers. He had come here to pick up an external hard drive.

"I didn't know you- igh, I know her my god! Why would you be honest in that case?" Seonghwa made a disgusted face and shuffled Hongjoong to the exit.

Before leaving the younger let out a chuckle and turned to his mentor. "Like... How exactly did the sink break?"

"You see I found out that when you-"

"Shh! I don't want to know!" Seonghwa cut off and lightly slapped Hongjoong's shoulder. "Just because I'm sorry for earlier doesn't mean I'm not mad at all!" he scolded and slammed the door close behind them. He really didn't want to know what his former classmate and girlfriend did on a sink with Yonghwan that it had to get repaired.


"So, how did this happen?" the plumber asked Chaewon as he looked at the broken sink. There was a dent and there was no water coming out of the faucet anymore. "ah... Looks like you had a really... Big fright with your husband here, Mrs... Maybe he should get some therapy for anger issues, this looks bad..." the professional mumbled and started to dismantle the pipes.

"Oh yes... It was just a minor fight, nothing to be worried about, this doesn't happen frequently!" she replied with Bruning cheeks. On the inside she prayed the man would never notice how the dent had the same diameter as her hips.

"Hah, a funny coincidence though! My colleague had to fix a hole in the wall for someone from this apartment with the same last name!... Ah, people nowadays are crazy! To my time my father would have whipped me with his belt if I broke anything-" he tsked and went on with his work while Chaewon was burning up in embarrassment.

Heelllooo folks

So my ass is about to give you a lot of fluff✨ so be grateful, who knows when I'm going to feel like breaking yall😗✌️

Ahhh I just wanted to throw in a little bit of Yonghwan and Chaewon, I imagine that whole relationship to be hilarious in many levels for some reason, so if yall want I can write a little chap about them too.

There is actually coming a lot about the 'side' characters in this au. And a couple au au's I've been creative😌✨

Man I'm hella hungry... Though I ate a lot today but guess what, sis's gonna get herself some instant noodles😌

Please stay healthy and safe


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