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"Yeh, I already have a script for the music video. I also talked with Mr. Im about it. I will bring him the stuff and then arrange it"

"Man, me and Chaewon had a bet taht you won't get it done when Seonghwa is gone..." Yonghwan said through the phone, probably massaging his temples. "You're usually procrastinating when he's not there to kick your ass..."

"Hah! I called it!" Hongjoong heard his mentor's girlfriend laugh from the distance. "You owe me fifty you bitch!"

"You two bet on us?" was Hongjoong's only question.

"Of course we do. We also had a bet on if Seonghwa and the kids go visit your in-laws without you or not... I actually won that one" Yonghwan replied unfazed. "Well, back to the topic. I looked over the files you sent me, I want to talk about the second track again I think we can work on that one a little"

Chaewon crept up to her boyfriend, poking his arm. Yonghwan turned to her and made a confused face. The woman made head and hand gestures, begging him to ask Hongjoong something. When the older finally understood he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Oh lord, just say it! Uhg, Chaewon's asking if she could come by too to spent a little time with the kids because she thinks they are adorable" Yonghwan then said boldly, earning a hit on the shoulder. "Ah! That hurt!"

Hongjoong liestend to the couple argue for a moment, then chuckled. "Of course, no problem, it's fine. I think they are getting bored with me" he said and laughed lightly.

"See? You could have just asked" Yonghwan told his girlfriend, earning another light hit. He rubbed his arm and sighed. "We will be there around noon. See you then"

"Yeah, till later" Hongjoong replied and put his phone to the side. He took a deep breath and rose from his seat and left his office, going to check if the living room still looked like he had left it. It was suspiciously peaceful, the past two days hell was down in the house but today was really quiet. It worried Hongjoong that no screams that indicated some type of war in the living room were echoing through the house. He peeked throu the door frame, checking up on his kids. On the back left corner Wooyoung, Jongho and San were peacefully playing with Jongho's blocks and little animals, building houses and shelters. On the couch Yunho read his comics out loud, Mingi next to him listening excitedly. And then there was Yeosang, he could hear him how he was practicing his cello up in his room. There was no fighting, no violent playing. Just a peaceful be-together.

Hongjoong didn't dare to say something, he didn't want to interrupt that rare moment of peace and just silently went back to his office.

When the parent was gone, San perked up his head. "Should we tell him that Yeosang accidently glued his hand to his bow and that's why he's been playing cello for three hours?"

"Mhm... Maybe we should..." Yunho thought out loud and closed his comic.

"Or-or we could just continue and let Yeosang decide if he wants to tell Daddy" Mingi said "And you can read me the next chapter!"

"Yup, I agree with Mingi... Yeosang should tell Daddy" Wooyoung added and continued building his tower.

Yunho and San looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders. It made sense for them that Yeosang should tell their father. It was his bow and his hand glued to it, meaning it was his business what to do with it. So, the two too turned back to what they were doing, listening to Yeosang practice Canon in D in loop.


Hongjoong knocked at the door to San and Yeosang's room. For a moment, the playing stopped. He heard Yeosang putting away his Cello, then small feet approached the door. It opened just a little, only allowing to see Yeosang's face. "Ah, uncle Yonghwan and his girlfriend are coming in a couple minutes. How about we catch a snack? The others are waiting" he said and tried to open the door just a little more so he could see his son better.

Yeosang pressed against it with all his strength. "Uh... I can't! I need to practice more!" he said and hid his glued hand behind himself.

"You've been playing all day! Come, take a break. Maybe you could play for them later, mhm? But let's eat first" Hongjoong insisted and rose his brow at Yeosang's behavior. He lightly pushed the door again, just to see if he was purposely pressing aagjnsf it. And he was. The boy's face turned red, his ears glowing. "... Hey, what's wrong?" Hongjoong asked carefully and eyed his boy. Yeosang and shook his head rapidly. But that wasn't enough to convince Hongjoong. Oh he should have known better. There was no day in peace. "It's fine, Yeosang. You can tell me, I'm not going to be mad" Hongjoong said and pushed the door just a little harder.

"no-nothing! Everything glued- good!"

"what's glued?"

"I meant good!"

"... Yeosang what's glued?"

"... Maybe my hand to my bow... The whole day..."


"So your father is going to the hospital because Yeosang did what?" Yonghwan laughed as his nephews told him the earlier events.

"Yeosangie and I were tinkering and then er found this yellow glue in the drawer in the kitchen..." Mingi told and scratched his head. "He said he would hold it and I should put the glue on it... The bow was laying on the ground and he wanted to put it away and then... Yeah"

Yonghwan didn't even bother hiding his laughing. "and he practiced cello the whole day and he didn't suspect anything?"

"Nope" San gave back and tipped his nose.

Yonghwan looked over to his girlfriend giving him judging looks. "What ? You can't tell me it's hilarious. It's going to be much better when Seonghwa finds out!"

"Maybe you shouldn't be laughing about a child whose fingertip-skin is going to be cut off a bow-"


Hongjoong who thought his family could do normal for a day: 🤡🤡

Seonghwa that night:🙂🔪

I have such a headache again and a stomachache omg whyyyy I don't even know how I wrote thissss

Imma go get a painkiller man that shit hurtss

Please stay healthy and headache free holy shit


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