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Tiredly, they fell onto the soft mattress. The candles were almost done burning, the bottle almost empty.

A cute giggle rolled over Seonghwa's lips as he turned on his stomach and held his torso up with his elbows. "We're going to have baad~ headaches," he blurted and tried his best to keep his eyes open. "All because of you~"

"At least we're both going to have headaches~..." Hongjoong replied and snaked his arms around the elder, holding him close to him. Seonghwa immediately melted into the gesture and rested against his husband's chest. "... our mid-thirties mhm? Ah, ~ Seongie we're getting old" he said as he stroked over the other's messy hair. "in ten years, even Jongho will want to leave home..."

"It's too late to make me cry, don't you think?" Seonghwa pouted and lifted his head. "My babies will be my babies until they are grey and old," he said.

Hongjoong chuckled and looked up to the mirror above their bed. "I just hope that they won't look back one day and damn their old man..." he sighed and got lost in thought for a moment. "That's the only thing I hope never happens... I wouldn't forgive myself if I turned out like my father"

Seonghwa rose from his spot and cupped the younger's face. "Hongjoong, I'm going to stop drinking with you. I am literally too tipsy and tired to comprehend correctly what you're saying" he admitted and looked at him with sorry eyes. "Can we please, please sleep and have this conversation tomorrow?"

Hongjoong cracked a laugh and took the elder's hand off his one cheek to kiss it. He looked at the elder's utterly sorry eyes that seemed like he was already drifting off to sleep. The younger stifled another chuckle and shook his head. "Nah, I love you just too much," he said and pinched Seonghwa's puffed cheek. "Come on, let's sleep. We can talk about my daddy issues tomorrow"

"I love you, you know, right?"

The younger pressed a kiss on his husband's forehead and made them comfortable on the bed. "I know... I love you just as much and a thousand times more"


"Ah~ Hwa, the blooming flower of my life~" Jeonghan sang as he walked up to his top-model, greeting him with a smug smile.

"I know this tone... No, I'm still not modeling lingerie" Seonghwa gave back and cracked a chuckle.

"What~? Why would you think that of me?" Jeonghan laughed and dragged his friend over to get him changed. "I would never ask that of you~"

Seonghwa shook his head. "Mhm," he hummed and rolled his eyes.

"So~ I've been up all night perfecting these for the upcoming show, and you can't say no, Sir" The elder pulled out a rail with at least ten fits that for his eye, seemed to get shorter. "Ah, you'll love this one~"

Seonghwa's eyes examined the piece and his eyes lit up brightly. "Oh my- this is my suit-" he said and dared to touch the soft fabric.

"Exactly. I have changed a couple of things here and there, designed a whole collection in that theme, and well... after five years the world is allowed to see it" he said and a proud smile spread all over his face as he watched the younger get all excited. Jeonghan found it adorable the way realization slowly and visibly spread over his friend's face. "The collection is done since last year's winter but there is no one I would let this model other than you" he explained and seated himself on the small leather couch. "That would be rude, this whole fit only exists because of you, so, Seonghwa my dear, will you take your fine ass on the catwalk for me?"


"Hwa, think about it. It's a one-time chance. You're already naturally good at it, try it"

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