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"Hongjoong..." the elder spoke and shook the body next to him gently. "Love, wake up," he said, brushing through the sweaty hair that stuck to his forehead. There seemed to be no use, his husband was too caught up in the nightmare that yet again haunted his night sleep. It made his heart ache, sting, and sink to just watch. From nature, Seonghwa had always had the urge to help. To understand that there were issues he couldn't solve felt like a slap in the face. The current situation also interfered with his feelings, he loved the man that suffered from his own imagination's horrific pictures.

"Hongjoong," he tried again; voice firm and yet as soft as silk. "It's just a nightmare, please," he begged and shook his arm with one hand, caressing his face with the other.

Abruptly, the younger opened his eyes with a quiet whimper, a cry so silent the elder would have overheard if the glistering tears didn't give it away. They ran down his red cheek, wetted Seonghwa's hand as he forcefully watched him break. No coherent words fell from Hongjoong's mouth; a soundless cry escaped his lips.

"It's okay," the elder whispered and grabbed his husband's hand. "It's over, it wasn't real," he added as he gently plastered kisses over it. No matter for how long they would have to go through with it, he would never toughen up against it. It would hurt to watch just as much as the first time. "I'm here, you're here; not there."

Hongjoong held onto the elder's hand as if it was the only thing connecting him with reality. Maybe it was; his thoughts still circulated with the horrific nightmare he had experienced just moments ago. Even though he was panting for air, he felt like suffocating, even though he was so cold, his body was sweating freezing sweat. When the world stopped screaming at him, his heart beat at a normal pace. His eyes finally found his husband's concerned face and with it the sorrowed eyes that looked back at him. He didn't want to talk, didn't feel like having the energy to even move his lips. Yet he was yearning to tell him that he was better now, that he shouldn't worry. Because Seonghwa too, was holding his hand as if his life depended on it. With much energy, he heaved himself onto his stomach, slung his arms around the elder's waist. His tear-stained face not hidden in the soft fabric of the pajamas, he relaxed again.

"... What's going on, Hongjoong?" Seonghwa asked as he laid back too, arms holding onto his husband dearly.

There was no verbal response, only a shoulder-shrug.

Even though not liking the answer in that Form, Seonghwa nodded accepting it nonetheless. There was no use or right to force, the time would come. "Do you want to try to sleep again?"


"Just cuddle?"

Small nod.


"Hello, Mom," Seonghwa smiled into the phone as he spoke to his mother the next morning. The happy sounds of his mother made his day better, his heart just a little lighter.

"Seonghwa! It's been so long since you last called!" she explained with a bright voice, yet there was a scolding note swinging with it.

The man laughed a little nervous. "Ah, I've been caught up in stress lately, I'm sorry," he replied and stirred his morning tea.

"Work overwork and work... Take care please, take a break whenever you need it, mhm? Leading a big family and household while working isn't easy," the elderly woman replied and genuine worry lacing her words.

"I'm not alone, Mom. I have seven little helpers, hm?"

"Hongjoong is still short isn't he?" his father yelled from the background, laughed afterwards.

A chuckle rolled over Seonghwa's lips. "I don't think a man grows after thirty, Dad," he replied, "but don't worry, I'm feeding him well, who knows? Maybe it helps, mhm?"

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