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"Hwa... Seonghwa..."
"Please wake up... Hwa..."

Soft rocking and a breath tickling his neck woke up the elder from a deep sleep. A bath always tired him out well, the sleep afterwards was always deep and resting. The more disoriented he was when he awakened from his slumber "Wha- what's going on-" he mumbled and blinked into the darkness, trying to make out his position.

Small hands slung around his torso, that's when he realized where he was. He remembered falling asleep on Hongjoong's chest; they must have moved while sleeping. While laying on his side now, his husband clung to his back tightly. "I can't sleep~" he muffled between the elder's shoulder blades and intertwined his fingers on Seonghwa's tummy. "It's storming outside... It's too loud to sleep..."

Seonghwa wouldn't lie, the urge to say that he was sleeping just fine was there, but he could hold it back. He put his hand above the smaller ones around his stomach and sighed tiredly. They were cold, sweaty, maybe even a little shaky but he couldn't trust all his senses while still half asleep. So he gave his best in staying awake for as long as he could, listening to Hongjoong breathe into his neck rather fast; it evened out at some point later. "Did you have a nightmare?"

The younger shook his head. "Just can't sleep... How can you sleep in this noise?"

"I was asleep before it started, maybe it's that," Seonghwa gave back and shrugged his shoulder, turning in Hongjoong's arms. Not that he could see in the complete darkness, it was solely for symbolic matters. He wanted him to know he saw. No matter how dark it would get, he would see him the same.

"I hate the rain"

"Rain?... I think it's really pretty to listen to."


"Seonghwa! Come back! Young man I dare you-"

The door fell into its lock and shut all the noise from the other side. As he ran down the stairs of the large apartment building, his breath and steps echoed in the silence. He was furious, angry at his parents.

Youth was something for itself wasn't it? A rush of new hormones and the need to be filled with adrenaline, life was a ride one should enjoy. Impulsive decisions and no deeper second thought, there is today, maybe a tomorrow. And on the rush of this ride, you collide with your parents, those who see tomorrow before today. Those who think too much and don't do anything. They don't understand youth anymore, for them it's a faint memory of bad decisions. Maybe that's what it was broken down. Regretful desicions. But for the youngs' eyes that wasn't important. There was today, and maybe tomorrow.

And one bad desicion after another he made, driven by fury and adrenaline pumping though his young veins.

It was fun living for the moment, of course it was. It tasted so sweet to scream at the world as if there was no tomorrow to worry about.

The letter crumbled in his fist, he walked down the street with heavy steps. The urge to run was high, and maybe he should because who cared? But he held it, there would be something suspicious about a teenager dressed in leather running down the street at dusk.

The people around him didn't pay him any mind, they probably didn't even acknowledged his presence in any way, judging by the way how so many bumped into him. And as the young man he was, it fuelled his mood just more. It was annoying, why now? Why just now when his nerves were already stressed?

"I won't tolerate this anymore" she had said.
"I don't care about anyone else. You will not either from now on" she had said.
"I'll send you back, see what freedom you have there then" they had said.

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