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Rain started pouring, little droplets falling down the window. Hongjoong's car was pulled to the side on the Mapo-Bridge, while he was standing in the falling rain. His hands gripped the railing so firmly, that his knuckles turned white. He was thankful for the rain, it covered his tear drenched face. Hongjoong's eyes never left the flowing river beneath the bridge, it seemed black and endless in the darkness of the deep night. His heart ached, his head spinned. Breathing became hard as his thoughts became louder.

Now she was gone, reunited with his oldest sister. Both now somewhere where pain doesn't exist. Hyerin was taking the rest she needed, somewhere far, far away.

He had failed, failed to protect his sister. Hongjoong had never noticed anything, how could he? Selfishly he had distanced himself from his family for his own happiness, had left her behind. He had never made the effort to understand, he hadn't been there. And until the last moment, Hyerin had been thankful for him. A brother who had failed to be a brother.

Again, the buzzing of his phone brought Hongjoong back from his train of thoughts. He wasn't in the state to answer any type of call, but the unknown number caught his eye.

"Kim Hongjoong"

"Sorry to disturb your night Mr. Kim, but we need you to come to the police station"


Knees trembling, the man entered the office building in front of him. The clock showed an ungodly hour, he was just tired. Tired of everything. He was too drenched to think, to act. His thoughts were spinning, he didn't know how he would ever sleep peacefully again, didn't know how he could go home. Hongjoong felt so empty, he was feeling so much but nothing at the same time. All he wanted to do is just forget what had happened the past 24 hours. It was as selfish as it sounded.

"Kim Hongjoong. I got called here" he said at the reception to the man on the other side.

"Mhm.. Yes. Uhm please wait there, officer Oh will be back in a second" he said and pointed to the seats on the side.

Nodding, Hongjoong took seat and leaned his head against the wall. He closed his eyes for a second and juts breathed. It felt like it was the first time in the past hours. Now it was around 4am, two hours had passed after the call. Everything felt so unreal. So much had happened in the mere moment of two hours. He had lost so much in just two hours.

"Mr. Kim?" an officer called. Hongjoong opened his tired eyes and looked up in the face of an middle-aged man with a coffee in his hand. "please follow me"

They walked deeper into the office, the longer they walked, the more memories came back. Hongjoong started to compare the moment with his memories from Hyeja's death. How they were led into a cold room on the underground floor. How they had boldy lifted the cloth covering pale dead face. Even in her death Hyeja had been beautiful. It was no lie, his sister had been quite heartless and cold but Hongjoong knew that this was her way of dealing with their home. That's how she coped; detaching. But his sister had been a quite beautiful woman. Long, silky black hair, a V-shaped face and big eyes, full lips and a strong body. That was the picture Hongjoong wanted to keep of her. The beautiful Hyeja. But at the moment her corpse hunted his mind. He could but remember the lifeless eyes, the deadly pale skin, the blood sticking in her hair. The blue lips and broken limbs.

The officer opened a door and lead them into the room. "Uhg, I'm really sorry to disturb your night, Mr Kim, but she said that you're her only contact and then refused to talk after that... She claims to be your sister. It was reported that she- uhm... Beat a thirty-five year old man to save a girl... The man turned to be wanted, we have him locked up... It's quite late, I don't think neither you or I want to deal with further paperwork, so uhm... You can just leave. Thank you for your service" officer Oh said and lead Hongjoong behind to the back of the room, behind a separate wall.

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