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Mingi sighed as he looked down on the schedule and saw the free period that he had.

His biology teacher had called in sick shortly, now his class was left without a substitute. Instead, they were given a free period, which he didn't know how to use. He wasn't allowed to leave school grounds, nor did he know where he would go if he could.

The boy watched the small groups in his class form and leave the room together, probably going to the cafeteria or outside. It wasn't that he didn't have friends, he did, but he preferred to be alone more. He found a specific peace when he was alone, being with too many people just exhausted him sometimes.

Mingi packed his stuff in his bag and turned to leave the already empty classroom too. He strolled around with no destination, until his feet brought him to the small library. It was usually empty, kids his age rarely read in the school's library. And today was no different from any other time he had been there. The boy found a place to sit, hidden behind several shelves filled with all kinds of books. It was his usual place to go to; the small lounge in the farthest corner of the space. It was quiet, and hidden from the elderly lady that organized the books here. That was important because Mingi would always snuck his phone and headphones in to listen to music.

The moment Mingi plugged in his headphones and the music started to play, it felt like he was entering a new world.

With a sigh the boy pulled out his homework for the next class and started to revision, not that he was concentrated on it though. His thoughts soon wandered around and clinged on random topics.

Being the middle child was boring, he was boring, in comparison to his siblings.

There was Yunho, the eldest and handsome, tall brother that was so brave. He was great at dancing and had good grades. Yunho got complimented often on their father's gatherings for being mature and smart. He envied him so much, for everything he was. Yunho was cool, he was one of these students that everyone just knew. Be it because he was a great student or because he had pushed a bully in a trash can 'accidentally'.

Or his older twin brothers. One was a natural talent at playing any instrument he picked up, the other had become an ace in his sport. Other than that, San also sang in the school's choir while Yeosang was the cellist in the small orchestra their school had. They were preparing for a show at that moment and their parents were already excited about it, though it was over a month away.

Or of course, Wooyoung the sunshine of the household. Oh how aware he was that his younger often behaved like a brat and made him jealous with his behavior. Mingi would have never have the courage to even dare be as loud as the younger. Wooyoung was so confident and not afraid of anything. It surprised him sometimes how easy it was for him to get close to people. An ability he would have loved to have.

And there was little baby Jongho. Though, he was not a baby anymore. Jongho, just like San and Yunho, was very sportive, but just as smart as Yeosang and Wooyoung. He knew that Jongho was somehow the king in their household, had everyone around his finger with his shockingly mature talks and manners. He was like a mini-Papa, charming and maybe a little evil.

And in-between them there he was; no specific hobbies, no outstanding talents. He was Mingi. Just Mingi.

The boy wasn't sure if it made him sad, or angry. Maybe he was rater disappointed in himself. There were so many talents in his family, and sometimes it felt like he just didn't fit in.


"Yunho?" Mingi shyly asked as he looked into their shared room. Test season was about to start again, he didn't want to interrupt him studying.

The elder lifted his head from the desk, a lose paper sticking to the side of his face. Not that Yunho had been studying. Mingi had just woken him up from a power nap of two hours. "Mhm?" the elder hummed and tried to locate himself. When his eyes fell on the thick math book, he whind quietly and cried internally.

"Can we go out later?" the younger asked and sat on his bed. He laid on his stomach and looked at his brother who's face was drenched with sleep. "I need to buy something and I don't want Papa and Dad to know"

"What do you need?" Yunho asked concerned and turned in his desk seat, eyes about to fall closed again.

Mingi pursed his lips. "It's a surprise... I swear it's nothing bad! It's a present!"

"Present? For who?" the elder questioned, eager to know what and why. "uhhh~ Minki has a crush?"

The younger's face lit up bright red. "No!... Uhg... I just need to by something... Not for anyone!"

"If you say so..." Yunho shrugged his shoulders and tuned back to his notes. "I'll finish this and then we can go, okay?"

"Mhm!" Mingi jumped up from his bed and gave his brother a quick hug before going back to the door. He looked back for a second and smirked devilishly. "... I'll tell Papa that you don't study but sleep!" he giggled before disappearing behind the door.



Night came upon the Kim household and a peaceful silence spread.

Mostly, that is. Here and there one could hear pillows shift downstairs or someone emptying the dishwasher. Seonghwa's day wouldn't end until the last chores were done and his husband was home. Today was another of these nights the younger had decided to spent in Yonghwan's studio. He was planning another album to release around the end of the year, yet as the workaholic he was, Hongjoong had already started the preparations.

And Seonghwa being the husband he was, was waiting for him to finally come home, warm him his food and sleep. He couldn't sit still with the thought that Hongjoong probably hadn't ate anything since the dry toast in the morning.

The elder laid down on the couch and let go of a long sigh. Usually he would appreciate a moment of silence but it did made him feel quite anxious. They had three analogue clocks in their house and he could hear every single one of them tick seperatly. For his perfectionism it was triggering as the ticks were so little apart from each other. And while having a long thought about if he should throw them out, he didn't hear the little feet quietly coming down the stairs.

Before Seonghwa could act, Mingi had laid next to him and was snuggling in his chest. The parent didn't ask any questions for the moment and just held his boy close to him. "Bad dream?"

Mingi nodded slightly and tightened his grip around his Papa's torso. "I want to cuddle a little..." he muffled and curled into his father's arms. It was warm an secure, all he needed at the moment.


Hey, how are you today?

Oh I'm so tired.
I just had my fist day of full school and I'm done. With it all. I can't.

In too tired do to anything, so this will be it for today.

Stay healthy and safe


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