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"If you ask me, you two have to make an dramatic entrance" Jeonghan said, leaning back in his seat. "And make its fashionable fifteen minutes late"

"Ahh... I don't know. On the one hand, I think I should, on the other, I'm uncertain. I mean, nowadays you can't even raise your children the way you want to, don't want to imagine what kind of comments it will bring from left and right" Seonghwa replied, sipping his coffee. "I can see it coming, all these articles. Ah. Exhausting" the parents had spent the afternoon talking while their children were more or less peacefully playing. It was quite loud and sometimes you could hear concerning shouts, but after having the older Choi kids checking what was wrong, it came they were just playing. Seonghwa was happy how even his younger got along with them. It surprised him how Wooyoung and Seungkwan got along so well already.

At the stairs Jihoon waited with his twin just behind him. He was scared to walk out of his hideout. He wanted to go to the kitchen to grab some snacks an a bottle of cola, but for that he had to cross the living room. And no-one could bring him to do that. "Come on! Why are you even scared tho? We just have to walk past them!"

The smaller shook his head rapidly. "No, go alone" he said, was about to turn around and head back to their room but Wonwoo hold him back. He unfazed pushed him out of their hiding spot into the corridor, the sound of him stumbling catching the attention of the two fathers in the living room.

Seonghwa's eyes shifted over to the corridor, meeting with Jihoon's wide ones. The younger got himself together fast, inwardly cussing his twin out. With him following close behind, they made it to the living room. "We-we were just about to get some snacks-" Jihoon informed slightly nervous as he walked past fast.

"And we wanted to ask you something, Mr. Kim!" Wonwoo said, making his twin stop in his tracks. "We wanted to ask you if you could pass this CD to-"

"No we didn't!"

Jeonghan looked between his twins, stifling his laugh. Seonghwa rose his brows as his eyes caught the black CD case in the hands of the one with glasses. He looked over to the smaller twin, giving him a warm smile. "If I could pass the CD to my husband?" Seonghwa concluded. "If the owner of this CD wants me to" he said, not breaking his warm smile.

Jihoon nervously looked over to his father, fidgeting his fingers. His father winked back at him, nodding his head. "uhm... If-if it's not inconvenience for you..."

"Ah, of course it's not! I would love to help you out a little. I will give it to him first thing tonight" Seonghwa replied, extending his hand at the black cover.

Wonwoo gave the CD back to his twin, so that he could hand it over to Seonghwa by himself. It would be an underestimation to say he was just a little nervous. Not many people had heard what the young teenager did in his free time, now someone so experienced and talented would take his time to listen to it. With a red face he gave his CD to Mr. Kim, bowing down in full 90 degree to show his gratitude. "Oh no! No bowing, I would love to help you, Jihoon!" Seonghwa reacted, stopping the twin from bowing by holding his hand after taking the CD.

Jeonghan, seeing his son showing the respect he taught them, hid his pride. He did do a good job, he wasn't going to hide that tonight at dinner when his husband was back.
When the twins more or less run up the stairs again, their father's lips slipped a amused laugh. "Ah... It's been a while now, since he was a little kid he had been so interested in music. I'm proud of him that he found the courage to finally let someone else than his brothers and his parents listen to what he produces"

"I'm amazed that you support his interests so much, Jeonghan" Seonghwa replied as he packed away the black cover in his purse. "It's beautiful to see parents support children with dreams in the entertainment world. It's rare, concluding in so many talents never getting noticed..." he sighed with a slightly sad expression. "So, I will do my best to get at least one person to listen to Jihoon"

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